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NSX Crash in San Diego

donations? did he not have insurance or something?:eek:

In the past there have been donations made to help NSX owners to repair thier damaged/vandalized cars. I'm sure a few hundred bucks can help to buff out some of the scratches on this NSX.
Re: Street Racing accident rips NSX in Half (Photos and Video)

So he drove an NSX, BFD! So if some idiot pulls a wheelie on a motorcycle down the freeway and crashes, I can't think of him being stupid? A guy does some reckless driving and crashes, I have to shut my mouth just because he drives an NSX? No, I don't have to identify with anyone who drives an NSX. Afterall NSXers come all walks of life with vast differences in values and life styles. Some are even criminals as far as I know. There are many upstanding fellow NSXers who I have befriended for many years because of similar values. But there are also many reckless and immature NSXers that I don't care for. It's about time that you grow up and realize that one needs to be responsible for one's action and one does not always get a sympathizer for one's mistake.

No Steve, It's about time YOU grow up. The problem is that someones life hangs in the balance... and whether it was an NSX or a motorcycle or whatever... who the f are you to think it's more important to bitch on an INTERNET forum and gloss someones mistakes than to just send wishes of recovery? God, I'm actually embarrassed FOR you.
How many of you would be acting all indignant about the negative comments towards the likely street racing if, all other things being identical, the wreckage of his car had also smeared a mother and her baby across a hundred yards of pavement? Would you even dare to defend it?

The only difference between the actual and the hypothetical is luck.

Like I said, I don't want the guy to die or anything, but sympathy for him went out the door when even the minimal circumstances of the accident became apparent. The likely circumstances of the accident make things considerably worse.

(Note that I say, "sympathy for him." His family, assuming they don't condone his behavior, is another thing entirely.)
This thread gets longer and longer. It seems there are those who are extending compassion to the driver and his family, and those who are are not sympathetic to his situation.
It seems to be getting personal, and perhaps even foul.
Aiken, do your argument aplly also if he simple run over a puddle of oil and lost it??? if that was the case, who is responsable? who have the duty to keep the streets safe for drivers?

with this i want to show that assumptions is the mother of all mistakes...odds that the reason is street racing are good enough, but there is no certains..
Guys chill out, we're all NSX owners here.

More importantly, we're all human beings.

Viking, my thoughts are with your cousin. I hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.

If spinal/neck surgery is necessary, I strongly suggest you look up Dr. Barth Green. One of my good friends recently had broken bones in his neck fixed by Dr. Greene and is making a full recovery.

I realize he is in California and Dr. Green is in Florida but it might be worth the trip. Because of Dr. Green, Marc Buoniconti can now walk after being a quadraplegic for 20 years.
Aiken, do your argument aplly also if he simple run over a puddle of oil and lost it???
If he did it while going double the speed limit, then yeah, it does.

By the way, if you're going to complain about assumptions, don't suddenly make up magic puddles of oil that ignore all other cars and only cut NSXes in half.
Guys chill out, we're all NSX owners here.

Hopefully we get some more good updates from the cousin.

+1 please guys you're making us out to be a bunch of inconsiderate jerks... give it a rest already!
If he did it while going double the speed limit, then yeah, it does.

After doing business with Mark Johnson/Dali Racing for more than 4 years now I fully understand why you are experiencing problems with him. You are such a miserable person, you'd piss off a puppy. :biggrin:
You are such a miserable person, you'd piss off a puppy. :biggrin:
Dogged awareness of obvious reality, and overtly expecting others to take responsibility for their part in that reality, is often mistaken for being a miserable person. However, having been both kinds of person at various times in my life, I can tell you that it's only a passing resemblance. The way I am now is due to an unfortunate inability to pretend everyone is a good person. Being a miserable person is due to a desire to see others suffer, which I do not possess.

Regardless, knowing how I'm often perceived, I put up a rather ebullient front when dealing with Mark/Dali. He dicked me over because of who he is, not who I am or who I appear to be. In fact, given how ridiculously cheerful I was, you might say he metaphorically kicked a puppy.

Funny, how it's gone from defending one person's likely-negligent actions to defending another's absolutely-wrong actions. I have to ask: What color is the sky in your world? Is it as rose-colored as everything else you see? People do do bad things, you know... no amount of rationalizing can change that. For that matter, no amount of shooting the messenger will change it. You may fool yourself, but it doesn't change what's really there.
If he did it while going double the speed limit, then yeah, it does.

By the way, if you're going to complain about assumptions, don't suddenly make up magic puddles of oil that ignore all other cars and only cut NSXes in half.

what i find disturbing is people judging others based on NOTHING...the only guy that knows WHAT happened and HOW did it happen just woke up...

none of us have 100% legal actions all the time...so, as we are not perfect, we can't point fingers to others...

don't forget that when you point your finger to someone, your other 4 fingers are pointing back at you :wink:

EDIT: the sentence didn't have the meaning i wanted to, so i removed it
don't forget that when you point your finger to someone, your other 4 fingers are pointing back at you :wink:
Please, move beyond what your teacher told you in third grade and think for yourself. Old sayings like this are catchy, and seem so obviously right when you're that age, but they're oversimplifications, and they're wrong.

Human beings do point fingers, and often accurately. We certainly point them at people who commit very heinous crimes. For instance, if I were to come to your house, tie you up, and peel all of your skin off of you while you screamed, not many people would have any problem with pointing their fingers at me and suggesting that something similarly horrible be done to me. Even a career car thief could reasonably point at me and say, "That's a really bad guy." That's an easy judgement call, isn't it?

It gets a little more difficult to judge, when you're looking at someone who is somewhere between a skin-peeling monster and Mother Teresa. However, it's still fair to point your finger at many of the people between the two extremes. In my case, I believe that people who put other people's lives in danger, for the sake of an adrenaline rush, are fair to point my finger at.

Sure, I'm not perfect, but since no human is perfect, what's the alternative? If no imperfect human may judge another imperfect human, we would have to allow anarchy. That's silly, and we obviously don't do it. We try instead to use logic, common sense, and objectivity when pointing fingers, which is what I'm doing.

By the way, I want to remind everyone who's on my case that I have said I believe these things IF he was street racing, or otherwise using excessive speed. There's no reason to defend him if he wasn't, because I'm not speaking against his actions if he wasn't.
Judging by the responses one could think that there are a lot of NSX drivers who never go above the speed limit.
Human beings do point fingers, and often accurately.
Yeah, and some keep pointing that finger over and over and over, way past when they've made their point, and regardless of any sense or sensitivity. They point and shout and refuse to consider that there's a time and place for everything. They point and pontificate and totally miss the fact that they might ought to STFU and move on. They're so busy pointing that they don't realize they're injecting poison into a conversation that is struggling to go in a different direction.

So yeah, human beings do point fingers, accurately even, but most of time they shouldn't.
Yeah, and some keep pointing that finger over and over and over, way past when they've made their point, and regardless of any sense or sensitivity. They point and shout and refuse to consider that there's a time and place for everything. They point and pontificate and totally miss the fact that they might ought to STFU and move on. They're so busy pointing that they don't realize they're injecting poison into a conversation that is struggling to go in a different direction.

So yeah, human beings do point fingers, accurately even, but most of time they shouldn't.

Guys, there's a time and a place for everything. Even if it was due to street racing (which we don't know for sure but seems likely given the anedotal evidence), a person's life is hanging in the balance. All we can do is hope and pray for him to survive this terrible accident. Believe me, if he is fortunate to survive this wreck then whatever lesson should be learned from it, the driver will have learned regardless of what is posted from the On-High Altar of the Internet Message Board.

Comments like "I'll take the wheels" or "It'll buff right out" or "He got what he deserved" (not pointing anyone out in particular) shock and disgust me at the callousness and self-righteousness of a section of the NSX community.

Edit: +1 to heyskippy, sorry I didn't see your post prior to posting mine.
Judging by the responses one could think that there are a lot of NSX drivers who never go above the speed limit.

My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of NSX owners who are just too busy blaming someone else for their faults, that they miss their own. It is really quite sad to watch. :(
Yeah, and some keep pointing that finger over and over and over, way past when they've made their point, and regardless of any sense or sensitivity. They point and shout and refuse to consider that there's a time and place for everything. They point and pontificate and totally miss the fact that they might ought to STFU and move on. They're so busy pointing that they don't realize they're injecting poison into a conversation that is struggling to go in a different direction.

So yeah, human beings do point fingers, accurately even, but most of time they shouldn't.

There is only one way to solve this....a cage match broadcast on cable TV. The loudmouths who actually have the guts to spout off to the faces of the victim, their family, or others on this forum, will be thrown in with their counterparts and fight to the point of near death, at which point their posts from Prime will be read outloud and they must defend their actions. That is the only way. :cool:
Wow...I never seen a thread grow this fast in this short of a time on this board....

Touchy matter obviously...

Speeding vs Spirited Driving(WTH is this...a joke) vs Street Racing etc.....All can lead to a wreck, ticket, jail, hospital, funeral, etc....
(Not Implying this was the cause of this mis-fortunate accident)

My ego and boredom gets the best of me sometime, and I often find myself going 90 in a 70 mph zone. Just driving like I am in a hurry....for no reason at all.....

When I see this car , I am like wow this could have been me. Frankly I am more concerned about the parties involved outcome, then why it happened. Find the other driver and ask them what happen....Slim chance.... Would we care as much is this wasn't an NSX??? Probably, no, for it would have never been posted.

All in all, I hope the person pulls through this and get well.

Some comments are thoughtless, distasteful, rude, corny, inspiring, encouraging ..etc.... In an open forum like this you will get various opinions....

"Life is simple, we make it complicated...."

At times I wonder why did I have to have an SC car? I don't track it, drag strip.........MY EGO and Mid Life...Only Guess -- Off topic--Sorry....

Get Well Soon
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Based on the reports...who knows what kind of a car it was....If the car that was wrecked in front of them(NSX) was identified as the wrong car.....How are they sure what the other car was?
Unfortunately, there are a bunch of NSX owners who are just too busy blaming someone else for their faults, that they miss their own.

I have been following this thread and tried to stay out of it but just feel compelled to throw in my .02. First of all, I do hope the driver recovers and has a long life to reflect back on this incident and hopefully contribute his thoughts to try to dissuade the segment of Prime who believe that "street racing" is a valid form of entertainment. And, yes, for the sake of argument I will presume this was some form of "street racing" in light of the circumstantial evidence.

However, if this involved two civics racing each other and someone linked a thread to such an accident from the civic forums would anyone be talking about collecting donations for the civic driver? Once again, I do hope the driver recovers but if it turns out he was "racing" another car then I cannot condone the activity simply because he owns an NSX and start contributing money for an incident caused by reckless behavior.

And I disagree that people are looking to "blame someone else for their faults". Although the tone of some of the posts lacks the human compassion I would have hoped to see from our community, the bottom line is blame is being placed with the driver for reckless behavior based upon the circumstantial evidence of street racing combined with the comments of his "cousin" who inferentially confirms that was the scenario. Of course people here have exceeded the speed limits and done "stupid" things while driving but that does not excuse or condone any activity where you are capable of cutting your car in half on a public street.

I have seen many comments in other threads denigrating persons such as myself as being the "old timers" who are somehow out of touch with the real world and who are incapable of accepting reckless behavior exhibited by the "younger members" of Prime. Maturity is not limited to the chronologically advanced just like stupidity is not limited to our younger members.

However, common sense should come into play regardless of age and every now and then a thread like this should be a wake up call to all those driving with their blinders on and acting like these types of incidents only happen to others.