One of my tenants :(

Wow, that's horrible. It's even worse when it's someone you know.

A startling reminder to be careful out there. Rapheal Gonzalez is not the only unlicensed drunk out there, sadly there seem to be swarms of them in South Carolina.
Steve, that's just horrible, way too many of this type of accident/incident happening, there's no excuse for drinking and driving. The sad thing is this a** hole will be out of the hospital and back out on the road, with no license, no insurance and the next time, it could be someone that you know and love. There needs to be zero tolerance, and no forgiveness on these "events". Have one drink, eat and after an hour of so OK, more than that, let someone else drive. I know way too many people who tell me that they can drive after a few drinks and I tell them great, I'll take my own car. Be smart, the life you save could be your own!!
We too need to hold those around us accountable. It's all too often we condemn a drunk driver's actions but decide it's not worth the hassle to get a stubborn friend who's had a couple drinks too many a cab.

I know there have been several times when I just said "ok fine **** it, suit yourself" to a friend who isn't thinking straight.

Have to be careful out there and have lady luck on your side these days.
Throw his butt in jail and charge him tothe fullest extent of the law and send that butt to prison for the most time permitted by law. I am sick and tired of seeing good, honest, hard-working family types killed and crippled by these POS alcoholics whom never seem to get injured themselves. Take the POS out back and beat him with a steal rod and then put him on trial! Sorry in advance.
He didn't exactly walk away from the accident. The article states he was critically injured. I'm all for leaving him in a ditch with no medical attention and taking bets on how long it takes for him to bleed out though.
He didn't exactly walk away from the accident. The article states he was critically injured. I'm all for leaving him in a ditch with no medical attention and taking bets on how long it takes for him to bleed out though.

+1 Seems only fair for his ignorance an in this case murder. Let him bleed and dont waste medical resources on him. :mad:

RIP for your tenants family member. :frown:
I'll be praying for that family. We had a similar accident with an employee here at work but one of his kids died, another kid lost a leg, and another had her neck/spine broken.

He beat the guy up on the scene of the accident (drunk driver, of course). This happened right before Christmas.