Original Grom adapter and new iPhone 5 help.

17 May 2007
Ok, so I have the first grom adapter with the 30 pin plug for my old iPhone 4. I've looked on the Grom website to see if I can just replace the cord to the apple lightening type that just connect to the old grom unit. Does anyone know or done this already. Do I have to buy a whole new grom unit? I know about the apple 30 pin adapter but I don't want another adapter to connect to another adapter. Sounds silly. DAMN you Apple. I have no tunes from my new iPhone!!!
Contact Grom and ask them if they are supplying new cables.. Their customer support is pretty good. If there are plans to support iPHONE 5 they will need to provide a solution...
Do what I do... I have an old iPod nano with a bad battery. It never leaves the car, except to update/sync my music. All my vehicles have an iPod in them full time. They are easy to come by as you do not need one with a functioning battery to work 100% with Grom.
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I bought the 30pin-lightning adapter cable and it's working great with my iPod/iPhone interface in my ridgeline. I opted for the cable over just the adapter.

Just saw this on kickstarter. BT connectivity using the 30 pin connector on just about any dock or cable. Of course you lose charging.


They will retail for around $40 I think.



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I bought the 30pin-lightning adapter cable and it's working great with my iPod/iPhone interface in my ridgeline. I opted for the cable over just the adapter.

Just saw this on kickstarter. BT connectivity using the 30 pin connector on just about any dock or cable. Of course you lose charging.


They will retail for around $40 I think.


That's really cool. Is the quality over bt as good as a direct connection?