Outrageous Oil/Filter Service Pricing

6 October 2018
Hello everyone,

I'm about to have my first oil and filter service completed and was quoted $700+ from my preferred dealer in the midwest :eek:. This seems quite excessive for what I would think is about $100 in materials and maybe 2.5 hours in service.

What is everyone else paying? Even pricing for 911TTs/R8s/etc is less than half of that at dealers.

First I suggest you join the Second Gen Owners Group on Facebook. There are a lot of owners who can give you a better idea of what the going rate is. This form is a little underutilized. You also don't provide a specific location where you live, just the "midwest". There is difference between cities we have found. My first oil change was just done and was complimentary by the dealership.
Quoted $305 for the oil change by my NJ dealer. Oil change service to be done along with the recall items.
DIY. Took me about 5 hours to do, but that is with taking it slow and documenting everything. It is straightforward as any normal oil change.
I would imagine that this would be very similar to any car that has full ground effects and requires more than the average OC - most of the cost is in taking all of that good aero and cover parts off and on, not to mention a higher very specialized oil so anything in line with what I pay on a 360 would seem about right... she's no gen 1 for sure but you don't get all that aero and close to double the HP for Accord labour..:( I fully expect my service fees to be more in line with what I pay now on my 360 when I get one next year, just a lot fewer and farther between! Shop rates are in excess of $150 an hour now and it sure as heck won't be going to a quicky oil change place,,, What happens to a warranty when you DIY right at the beginning? I know that technically it shouldnt be an issue but some manufacturers lawyer up if something ever went wrong in the drivetrain if you DIY stuff like this within the warrantee period...
Dealer will do mine too. I used to do all fluids on my 360C when I had it. Oil, gearbox, brakes, and coolant. I enjoyed doing it too. But with the Acura dealer 15 min away with a loaner available they can deal with it. Price isn’t too crazy either. I’ll do something else with my 3-4 hours.
My father, in his 70's had changed his own oil, and Acura discovered that an O ring had been stuck to the block, and there were 2 O rings, thus causing a catastrophic leak....... Acura then notified him that they VOIDED his warranty........ His attorney friend told him to take the car to a dealer somewhere tomorrow and trade it in on a new car (not Acura), and he did just that and washed his hands of the whole thing.

That's why I won't buy a used car from a dealer or auction. Not necessarily because the dealer might be trying to pull something like that, it's because of people like your father and his friend. Very sad....
Acura changed the oil, inspected the car, drove it 20 miles and said it was fine. The car ran fine, and in my opinion Acura had no proof to void the warranty. They decided it was important to cover their own ass, and we did similar. Please don't assassinate the character of people you don"t know.

Sure they had proof to void the warranty. If you operate an engine without oil up to the low point on the dipstick then you are outside the design bounds. It's in every owners' manual I've ever seen.

If you don't want personal characters to be critiqued then don't post on the internet for all to see.
Mac Attack;19812 If you don't want personal characters to be critiqued then don't post on the internet for all to see.[/QUOTE said:
I agree 100%. My bad..... I will delete the post. It's also sad that the internet and these forums are filled with holier than thou, condescending assholes, who, rather than just making a point in a post, feel the need to make unnecessary personal attacks on people whenever the opportunity arises. Lesson learned.
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That's why I won't buy a used car from a dealer or auction. Not necessarily because the dealer might be trying to pull something like that, it's because of people like your father and his friend. Very sad....
but at least you might have some back up with the dealer, assuming its a corporate store and not a random mom and pop lot. if you buy private party, you're SOL.
$4-500 sounds decent and good for Oil/yearly service, which is similar to 911, but way less than Ferrari or Maclaren, $700 sounds a bit high, may be include other service? (Like extra 2 hour to check tires, brake, lube, alignment etc?)

i am curious too, after half year, still showing Oil life 100% .... So, is it minium every two year for oil change with extra low km driving?
$4-500 sounds decent and good for Oil/yearly service, which is similar to 911, but way less than Ferrari or Maclaren, $700 sounds a bit high, may be include other service? (Like extra 2 hour to check tires, brake, lube, alignment etc?)

i am curious too, after half year, still showing Oil life 100% .... So, is it minium every two year for oil change with extra low km driving?

Owners manual will tell you to change it when the maintenance minder tells you to do so OR once every 12 months. How many miles did you drive in that 6 months? I'm guessing less than 1,000?

We charge $400 for the service. I would say most dealers should be between $400 to $500 depending on the labor rate.
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My dealer only charged about $80 for the labor. The majority of the cost on my invoice was associated with the oil.
I agree 100%. My bad..... I will delete the post. It's also sad that the internet and these forums are filled with holier than thou, condescending assholes, who, rather than just making a point in a post, feel the need to make unnecessary personal attacks on people whenever the opportunity arises. Lesson learned.

If you do the somewhat-involved oil change service yourself and make a mistake, you have no one to blame but yourself.

That's why it's nice to have the dealerships do this type of service. It's on record that you performed the correct maintenance at the right interval and there is some recourse if they screw it up.

I'm teaching my little kids that mistakes often happen and that if you make one, own up to it, try to make it right, and learn from it. Don't blame others or dump it in someone else's lap. You as a 50 YO don't know that, your old man didn't know that, and now you're resorting to name calling. I've said my $0.02 and you've displayed your true nature so I'll stop the "unnecessary attack" now. Good day.

Oh - My Acura dealer near Pittsburgh quoted me about $350 for the oil change. With 8 liters of dealer synthetic, a filter, about 8 crush washers, and some consumables, you're looking at about $150 for just the materials alone. Then they vacuum and wash the car. Not bad at all.
Your comment "people like you"..... was personally offensive and I reacted appropriately. You do not know me or my father's character and integrity or what we've contributed to others in this world throughout our lives, nor do you know our true natures. Trading a car in to a dealer is not a crime against nature. You could have made your point without making it a personal attack. I make it a point to not personally offend people on this site regardless of what they post, and I do not appreciate it when others do it to me. Anyway, I've expressed the reason for my heated response. Take from it what you will.....
And BTW, I'm 60 with 2 grand kids. You mention your "little kids", and, in the end, these are the things that are really important in life....... so even after an internet squabble all the best to you and the kids..... Good day
Oil changes are one of those odd services that will vary greatly by dealer. Some dealers view it as a relationship tool to keep you close, so their prices are near cost, others find it a nuisance and overcharge so they don't have to do them. It's pretty easy to DIY if you have a lift. It took me a couple of hours, but I like to let it drain until it stops dripping and I used the time to clean out all the gravel that had accumulated in the undertrays.
My dealer only charged about $80 for the labor. The majority of the cost on my invoice was associated with the oil.

An absolute steal. Unless the technician that did it is getting paid minimum wage (highly unlikely since only Master Acura Technicians get to be NSX Technicians), that dealer probably had to pay most of that $80 they collected all to the technician.