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Personal Website and Domain

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA

I have some questions regarding building a personal "website".

1) How do I get my domain name and internet space where I can build my own webpage without any pop-ups?
2) Could you recommend a good website building tool for a newbie like me?

Thanks so much!
1. Use one of the lookup tools to find a domain name you like that isn't already taken. For example, use GoDaddy to find your name and then if you want it, you can register it with them. a dot com name costs ~$9 a year I think.

1a. Now you need someone to host your domain. Godaddy can do this but there are hundreds of other choices. I have a half dozen domains hosted and I use Surpass Hosting for some (very cheap and fairly reliable) and HostGator for others (not as cheap but extremely reliable). Most personal sites will fit very comfortably on a $5 - $10 a month plan.

1b. Site building software. I don't know a lot about this area. I use Macromedia Dreamweaver but that's probably overkill for nearly everyone (myself included) and costs like $300. There are site builders on line though - I think Yahoo has one. Maybe someone else can chime in on this.

Good luck!
Thanks so much!
TigerNSX said:

I have some questions regarding building a personal "website".

1) How do I get my domain name and internet space where I can build my own webpage without any pop-ups?
2) Could you recommend a good website building tool for a newbie like me?

Thanks so much!

Checkout http://Dreamhost.com, they're very inexpensive, have great support, and are an official registrar and so they can register your domain as well. Their plans even come with a free domain!

Disclaimer - I used to work there, went to school with the founders, and own a tiny piece of the company. But do some searching on them, they've got lots of good reviews - and they host over 100,000 domains!

Oh yeah, and they've been running a promotion that was supposed to have ended already, but you can still sign up using it - you get a full year of hosting for only 7 dollars! Just select 12 months of the cheapest plan, then enter 777 as the promo code later during signup.

Let me know if you have any problems!

Resurrecting this topic.

I did some local inquiries and I am being recommended fatcow for hosting http://www.fatcow.com/fatcow/index.bml They started in 1998 are based in Mass but tech support is in Canada. The limiting factor may be their e-mail attachment file size of 10MB.

As for domain, is it true that once you register a domain name you always have to register it through the same company? What if the company goes bankrupt/closes, do you lose your domain name with the company?

Is there a particular advantage of having the domain name and website hosting company be the same?

GoDaddy is hideous.

DO NOT USE THEM. I've only heard negative things.

I use Bluehost.com for my hosting and domain. It's $99 a year for me and more space than I could ever use, more bandwidth than I could ever use, up to 2500 email accounts, PHP/MySQL, etc etc.

When I signed up online... I paid with my credit card and whatnot... about 15minutes later a representative called me and gave me a personal phone number where I could reach him if I had any questions. I've never experienced such good customer service.

What I have is kind of heavy duty, and probably overkill for you. There are tons of hosting/domain sites out there. If you can - buy em at the same time/same site. Just more convenient.

I've been rebuilding my website (http://rickyaustin.com/) and just love my host.