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Racist guy spray paints on Asian's car on Pearl Harbor Day....gets his A$$ Whooped!

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Totally agree.

Here's a simple thought:

If the vet didn't spray the kid's car, NONE of this would happened.

Hmmmm, new concept.
You leave me alone, I leave you alone:biggrin:

This reminds me of the case back in the 80s where a criminal broke into someones house and when the homeowner beat his a$$ as he said he was leaving their home (didn't know anyone was home) he criminal was able to sue the homeowners (insurance) and WON!!!

This is the problem with our legal system....most of us on here are looking at the fact that the car owners' degree of violence exceeded the level of the initial crime...this is how criminals are finding legal loopholes in order to exploit our legal system. (Not saying this is what will happen)

I think we are all getting caught up with the fact that this guy is a "vet" and not a person who committed a crime. I am not justifying the car owners behavior.

We need to look at this guy as a criminal....same as if he was wearing baggy pants or a hoodie.
Are any of you a Saint? What would Jesus do? Slap me on one side and let him slap me on the other side too?

jesus is believes in redistribution of wealth.

I dun.

I choose pagan instead. It's funner to reign in hell than play harp and drink the same nectar for all of eternity.
jesus is believes in redistribution of wealth.

I dun.

I choose pagan instead. It's funner to reign in hell than play harp and drink the same nectar for all of eternity.

That is exactly what I would do. I am not a saint.
That is exactly what I would do. I am not a saint.

I can't wait for an uneventful (aside from election results and the London Olympics) 2012 to pass so that i can thumb noses at my bible thumping friends.
better yet, if Aliens paid official visit to proclaim that they were really the deities in the old and new testament.

But that's another thread.

carry on....
He is making reference to the words, "faggot" this and that emitting from his oral orifice and after being washed through his vocal cords.

I can understand that at the heat of the moment these were choice words from his social upbringing.
Exactly, that's all it is. I don't see how he, the victim, is an asshole.
If I vandalize a car owned by a woman right in front of her...call her every racist/derogatory name in the book...spit huge loogies in her face and put my filthy hands on her to try to intimidate....would people feel sorry for me afterwards if she beat my ass for doing so?
If I vandalize a car owned by a woman right in front of her...call her every racist/derogatory name in the book...spit huge loogies in her face and put my filthy hands on her to try to intimidate....would people feel sorry for me afterwards if she beat my ass for doing so?

Some of these guys in here feel sorry for the old man, so they should have no problem feeling sorry for you & respecting you too.
There should be no sympathy or respect for the grown man that looks almost old enough to be the kid's grandfather. He should know better than that, pulling some teenager prank. He sounded like one too with his fake apology like a kid does when he gets caught red handed to lessen his punishment. He is lucky he did not run across a heat-packing azn wangsta that would have popped him on the spot. :wink: That's when it would have gotten out of hand.

Anyone that is calling assault on behalf of the vet is silly. You should be ashamed of yourself for being distracted from reality. What if someone runs in front of your car while you going 40 mph in a 35 mph business zone to commit suicide and you are charged with man slaughter because the "victim" dove head first in your car? Would you take the charge like the self-righteous person you are? The robber that won the assault case is another prime example of how fallible and malleable people can be.

The kid should have exhaled some testosterone before he started recording. A little cooler demeanor and fewer viewers would not be distracted by his "arrogance/cockiness" or stereotyped young ricer image.
Which state did this event occur?

Here in Cali spitting is a form of assault that falls under "Application of force"

"Application of force" means any touch…no matter how slight…if the touch is done in an angry, harmful, or even offensive manner.

The contact can be through one’s clothing or even indirectly through an object or another person. The physical contact doesn’t have to result in any pain or injury. Simply "spitting" on another would suffice.

It bears repeating that California assault law does not require that you actually make physical contact with another person. All that is necessary is that you have the intent and ability to injure that individual.

Example: You took a swing at BATMANs, but missed because BATMANs"ducked". Even though there was no contact, prosecutors could still charge You with Penal Code 240 PC assault. If BATMANs hadn’t ducked, Your act of "swinging" would have likely resulted in an injury.


Now define "self defense". Defending oneself with an over application of force is actually assault. You can only respond with the adequate amount of force to be "safe" from the assault.


A. Guy spits on me. I shoot a double leg on him and take him to the ground accidentally breaking his arm in the process- I can be prosecuted even though what he did is technically assault- what i did is DEFINITELY assault, and I'll have a real hard time proving it was justified in court.

B. Guy shoots at me, I manage to disarm him, and shoot him in the face with his gun- I'm guilty. Even though He shot a gun at me, after I disarmed him I was technically out of harms way. If I shoot an unarmed man, then I am exposed to being prosecuted for murder.

C. Guy takes shots at me- hits me with one of the shots, and then I pull out my own gun and fatally shoot him as he is running away- I am liable and could be found guilty at trial since even though he has shot me, he was retreating, and I was out of danger (other than my wound) when i shot and killed him.

The thing here is self defense isn't about retribution, it is about restoring your safety Lots of people don't understand that.
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Personally I can't judge the kid's action harshly. Of course this takes into account that his recollection of what actually transpired had occurred. The last "fight" I got into involved my car, that's why I understand the rage. Put shortly, I had a disagreement with a bicyclist as to his use of the crosswalk (riding through it from the sidewalk). This was while driving my S2000. He and I exchanged non-threatening words, I get in my car to drive away, top down, don't immediately leave, look in my rear view, he throws a full bottle of soda at me. It shatters behind my head, soda everywhere. I jump out my car, full of rage I chase him down on foot, he's on bike. I caught him, beat his A$$. He apologized, I walked away. The real issue with this kid is this seemingly self indulgent video documentary of the aftermath, posting it on YouTube. Dumb. This could be used against him. Highly risky but indicative of his immaturity.

As for the racist comments? They're words. He let them affect him in a way that fueled his reaction. I grew up in Georgia, New Jersey and mostly in Kansas. I heard it all. Chink this, gook that, hey Jap, yo Charlie, blah, blah. I'm none of what these slurs are supposed to reference, by the way. They're words of the ignorant. These types of things will never go away. Our society isn't immune to them, never will be. In the end, they're just words.
There should be no sympathy or respect for the grown man that looks almost old enough to be the kid's grandfather. He should know better than that, pulling some teenager prank. He sounded like one too with his fake apology like a kid does when he gets caught red handed to lessen his punishment. He is lucky he did not run across a heat-packing azn wangsta that would have popped him on the spot. :wink: That's when it would have gotten out of hand.

Anyone that is calling assault on behalf of the vet is silly. You should be ashamed of yourself for being distracted from reality. What if someone runs in front of your car while you going 40 mph in a 35 mph business zone to commit suicide and you are charged with man slaughter because the "victim" dove head first in your car? Would you take the charge like the self-righteous person you are? The robber that won the assault case is another prime example of how fallible and malleable people can be.

The kid should have exhaled some testosterone before he started recording. A little cooler demeanor and fewer viewers would not be distracted by his "arrogance/cockiness" or stereotyped young ricer image.

LOL @ "fake apology like a kid does when caught red handed." That was TOO funny...But all true. I agree with you. Everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinions. And I do understand the need for some who may have the need to appear politically correct. However, many here seem to be so genius that they cannot distinguish fact from opinion. To each his/her own. I honestly cannot say how I would have responded, but I'm going to weight more toward the fact that if I had walked outside and saw someone doing this to my car that I would have lost it. Some here say its materialistic and not worth it. Cool. Maybe, maybe not. I do know I put A LOT of countless hours into my passion for this "car". A lot of energy and time, meticulous planning and executing, and then I walk outside and see you painting over it. It's not JUST about the car then, although that is part of it. No, it isn't worth beating the guy to within an inch of his life and receiving a felony assault case. Not at all. But this isn't that kind of beating. Just a mild misdemeanor a$$ whooping. As far as insurance like someone on here mentioned (I don't remember who), who's to say the guy has any. That's probably why he is apologetic and doesn't want the cops involved. And I wouldn't want to put it on MY insurance. Why should I have to? :cool:

Personally though, I wouldn't have recorded any of it. Now THAT was stupid. SMH
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Now define "self defense". Defending oneself with an over application of force is actually assault. You can only respond with the adequate amount of force to be "safe" from the assault.


A. Guy spits on me. I shoot a double leg on him and take him to the ground accidentally breaking his arm in the process- I can be prosecuted even though what he did is technically assault- what i did is DEFINITELY assault, and I'll have a real hard time proving it was justified in court.

B. Guy shoots at me, I manage to disarm him, and shoot him in the face with his gun- I'm guilty. Even though He shot a gun at me, after I disarmed him I was technically out of harms way. If I shoot an unarmed man, then I am exposed to being prosecuted for murder.

C. Guy takes shots at me- hits me with one of the shots, and then I pull out my own gun and fatally shoot him as he is running away- I am liable and could be found guilty at trial since even though he has shot me, he was retreating, and I was out of danger (other than my wound) when i shot and killed him.

The thing here is self defense isn't about retribution, it is about restoring your safety Lots of people don't understand that.

I'm well aware of the difference and fine line between self defense and retribution.

And I'm well aware of the fact that no one on this thread witnessed all of the said and alleged events.

Explain to me how, based on what you saw in the video that the kid is going to do time as oppose to the skin head.
"Retired navy guy spray painted my evo (caught during the act) pics & vids
Well I caught this guy painting me evo today, and it didnt end too well for him. He got sent to jail with a broken leg, broken nose, and other cuts and bruises."

the evo owner's profile lists his interest as MMA and the thread was closed by the forum moderator after 300+ posts. it'll be interesting to see what happens when the dust settles on this.

some people's kids.
I'm well aware of the difference and fine line between self defense and retribution.

And I'm well aware of the fact that no one on this thread witnessed all of the said and alleged events.

Explain to me how, based on what you saw in the video that the kid is going to do time as oppose to the skin head.

"Skin head" Vet damaged the kids property

Kid damaged another human being- broke his bones. The only damage the kid has on him is to his hands because he was striking the other man.

There were 2 or more of them, against one guy

Are you going to suggest that breaking the mans arm, and leg was "reasonable"?

And then of course there is the video where they taunt the man while he is contrite. Police were called to the scene so there will be character witnesses. I'm sure the kid feels totally justified in his response- will he be able to convince a jury two months from now?

The Vet goes down for damaging property, gets a fine, and restitution- he was stupid, and he is a racist asshole but he only broke one law, which was vandalizing the kids property.

The kid is guilty of assault and battery- if charges are pressed he could get jail time. I have a cousin who did 2 years in Arizona after a bar brawl- it happens.

If this gets in front of a Jury you have to realize that the kids response is WAY lopsided to the offense. A Jury will see a distraught Vet who recently lost his job, and now has 2 broken limbs vs. A mindless, arrogant kid who beat another man with intent to maim or harm.

If the vet did spit on the kid, or even lay hands on him it can't be proven beyond reasonable doubt, whereas the crimes the kid committed are indisputable.
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I think the Racist deserved what he got--and probably deserves worse. The guy committed a hate crime, and even though he was only vandalizing property this time, rest assured that these types of people would kill if they thought they could get away with it.

That being said, the sad reality is that the real victim here, the Asian kid (and possibly his friend) will face charges for battery whereas the Racist will only face charges for vandalism. They videotaped the wrong part of this whole confrontation, and to make things worse, posted it on youtube to brag about it. So yes, others are right that these kids are immature.

BUT, let's not forget that a hate crime was committed. Hate crimes are much worse than being immature, or retaliation. If we were living in the 50s, this guy could have probably gotten off completely and these kids would have been sent to jail.

Anyone remember Vincent Chin?


Victim of a Hate Crime was bludgeoned to death by a racist laid-off Detroit auto worker, who eventually got off for his crimes because he got another racist judge.

Yes, we are that close to this situation. So you will have to excuse me for my lack of sympathy for some evil old man who got what he deserved.

I'm shocked by the number of people defending this guy saying he is "clearly not in his right mind" or excusing his actions for just being laid off.

That is a load of BULLSHIT. This guy clearly knew what he was doing. He is completely solvent. He just took out his impotence-induced anger in one of the most inappropriate ways possible--committing a hate crime.
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"Skin head" Vet damaged the kids property

Kid damaged another human being- broke his bones. The only damage the kid has on him is to his hands because he was striking the other man.

Could be part of the self-defense response when the skin head vet layed his spit and hand on him.

There were 2 or more of them, against one guy

When did the 2nd guy come in the scene? Was he alwasy present or came after the fact or right when the alleged events concluded?

Are you going to suggest that breaking the mans arm, and leg was "reasonable"?

And then of course there is the video where they taunt the man while he is contrite. Police were called to the scene so there will be character witnesses. I'm sure the kid feels totally justified in his response- will he be able to convince a jury two months from now?

The Vet goes down for damaging property, gets a fine, and restitution- he was stupid, and he is a racist asshole but he only broke one law, which was vandalizing the kids property.

The kid is guilty of assault and battery- if charges are pressed he could get jail time. I have a cousin who did 2 years in Arizona after a bar brawl- it happens.

If this gets in front of a Jury you have to realize that the kids response is WAY lopsided to the offense. A Jury will see a distraught Vet who recently lost his job, and now has 2 broken limbs vs. A mindless, arrogant kid who beat another man with intent to maim or harm.

If the vet did spit on the kid, or even lay hands on him it can't be proven beyond reasonable doubt, whereas the crimes the kid committed are indisputable.

The spit on the kid has DNA and if the kid had half a brain he would have let them collect the samples. Chances are that the vet will admit to vandalisim and spitting and laying his hands first. So based on the evidence I still think it's in the kid's favor.
LOL @ "fake apology like a kid does when caught red handed." That was TOO funny...But all true. I agree with you. Everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinions.

I am sure many of the self righteous people here are parents and if they did not catch that and honestly believed the apology, then I worry for your children. If your child hangs around the wrong crowd one day and get ideas to do terrible things like vandalism combined with bigotry, are you just going to show respect and sympathy after your child pays the consequences ie. getting an ass beating? This was probably how the old vet was raised...

I am by no means defending the recorder's actions and demeanor, but did he go around targeting and profiling random strangers to vandalize their property or beating people up because he has an affinity for MMA? A Grown Man (by the looks of things survived almost 3 generations of young adults) is going around defacing property because he has a chip on his shoulder. If anybody feels bad for him because he caught a little beating for his actions, then I suggest you check your priorities to see if you are not prejudice.
Now define "self defense". Defending oneself with an over application of force is actually assault. You can only respond with the adequate amount of force to be "safe" from the assault.


A. Guy spits on me. I shoot a double leg on him and take him to the ground accidentally breaking his arm in the process- I can be prosecuted even though what he did is technically assault- what i did is DEFINITELY assault, and I'll have a real hard time proving it was justified in court.

B. Guy shoots at me, I manage to disarm him, and shoot him in the face with his gun- I'm guilty. Even though He shot a gun at me, after I disarmed him I was technically out of harms way. If I shoot an unarmed man, then I am exposed to being prosecuted for murder.

C. Guy takes shots at me- hits me with one of the shots, and then I pull out my own gun and fatally shoot him as he is running away- I am liable and could be found guilty at trial since even though he has shot me, he was retreating, and I was out of danger (other than my wound) when i shot and killed him.

The thing here is self defense isn't about retribution, it is about restoring your safety Lots of people don't understand that.


Just because someone makes a bad decision and decides to vandalize your property doesn't give you the right to physically assault them. Its smarter to call law enforcement and not take the law into your own hands.

I think these kids just decided that they wanted to teach the old man a lesson...well I think they will learn a valuable lesson of their own.
Actually, what probably happened is that they caught the guy vandalizing his car, ran up to confront him wherein he then spit on them, called them gooks, and then "laid hands on them" (whatever that comprised); and they reacted violently. It's not like the kid scoped out this guy's house at a later time after the dust settled, and beat him up. That would fit your description of "retribution" or "retaliation." This was self-defense that got out of hand.

Defend this guy all you want. "Old man" "Vet" "Old man with problems." You are basing your judgment on a cowering fool who's attitude and bravado collapsed after being beaten by people he tried to victimize. The kid was stupid for posting the video, because it caught none of the actions wherein the BIGOT CRIMINAL battered and assaulted them.

He is a RACIST, a BIGOT, and a CRIMINAL.

As for judging the kid: you do realize that he was the one who wasn't solvent at the time right? He was just made a victim of a hate crime and he was battered and assaulted. Judging him and scrutinizing him for uttering derogatory phrases in that heightened state of confusion and emotional distress...wow.

I am in no way defending what he did. I would have just called the cops.

But to scrutinize his actions? They weren't the smartest, but let's not forget who the real victim is here.

Anyone disagree? Enjoy. But I guarantee if you were the victim of a hate crime, were spit on, called a racial epithet that actually affected your emotional state, and were battered and assaulted, you would not be as cool and condescending as you are being now on your internet car forum in your house.
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Actually, what probably happened is that they caught the guy vandalizing his car, ran up to confront him wherein he then spit on them, called them gooks, and then "laid hands on them" (whatever that comprised); and they reacted violently. It's not like the kid scoped out this guy's house at a later time after the dust settled, and beat him up. That would fit your description of "retribution" or "retaliation." This was self-defense that got out of hand.

Defend this guy all you want. "Old man" "Vet" "Old man with problems." You are basing your judgment on a cowering fool who's attitude and bravado collapsed after being beaten by people he tried to victimize. The kid was stupid for posting the video, because it caught none of the actions wherein the BIGOT CRIMINAL battered and assaulted them.

He is a RACIST, a BIGOT, and a CRIMINAL.

As for judging the kid: you do realize that he was the one who wasn't solvent at the time right? He was just made a victim of a hate crime and he was battered and assaulted. Judging him and scrutinizing him for uttering derogatory phrases in that heightened state of confusion and emotional distress...wow.

I am in no way defending what he did. I would have just called the cops.

But to scrutinize his actions? They weren't the smartest, but let's not forget who the real victim is here.

Anyone disagree? Enjoy. But I guarantee if you were the victim of a hate crime, were spit on, called a racial epithet that actually affected your emotional state, and were battered and assaulted, you would not be as cool and condescending as you are being now on your internet car forum in your house.

Good point. When the adrenaline gets flowing it gets tougher to control your actions.
Not generally.

But yes, I--appropriately--have zero tolerance for hate crimes.

Please let us know if you have a problem with that. :rolleyes:

And please let us know why you didn't highlight the BIGOT's built up hate--wherein he committed a hate crime by vandalizing a (formerly) innocent and random kid's car with implied hate speech, assaulting him, battering him, and spewing a racial slur at him.

...but you felt the need to make a comment about my "built up" hate for calling him a word that he fits by all reasonable standards and definitions.

I didn't vandalize anyone's property. I didn't assault or batter anyone.

I called out a racist and a bigot for who he is.

So please stop at your pathetic attempts to try to smear me by saying I have "built up" hate. lol. pathetic.
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