Rear end steps out while launching

3 February 2009
Wichita/Portland/SW WA
Curious if ílm doing something wrong?
This happens in the 3-5k range and has happened oem clutch slipping and not slipping and happens with my RPS clutch. Im going to put on NT05´s soon currently have 275/40/17 potenza re760 sports.

Im asuming its either me , the diff, or tires not sure

Clutch is pretty new rps so i dont think its slipping

Basicaly launching makes the rear go right and and front goes left while going forward and then it straitens out after a second or two.

If my english isnt good enough i can draw it out, sorry i was born in america and went to public school
happens at less than 5k also, ill try like 1500 to see if that works

The diff makes since, seems like the right rear gets better traction until the diff locks
that somehow sounds normal to me as where ever you doing it, it's not perfectly flat nor you have same exact grip from left to right wheels.

My car does that as well.... I drove on icy roads before and that exactly how nsx takes off

not my car and I don't think this is any good, but I only use 2 minutes searching youtube, watch from 1:09
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Why is this thread at track talk though? :)
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What is your rear toe setting?

You might have too little rear toe. When was the last time you changed trans fluid? Might want to check the breakaway measurement on that diff...

This is more a long shot but it could be your TCS acting funny too. Try it with TCS off.
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ill try and find my alignment settings im guessing the toe is probaly around the 93 spec or what ever firestone's computer brings up.

Ill have to double check but I think the tranny fluid was changed with the clutch in NOV 11.

I removed the TCM computer so unless theres a ghost in the system it isn't that

Ryu is checking the breakaway diff measurment something that can be done at home?

I decided to post in track talk, since you can launch on the track and the strip is kinda a track and I didn't want the admin thinking im street racing or something by posting in a different section and get a time out.

only rear suspension mods are NA2 NSX-R shocks/springs and STMPO 4 point RSTB I still have stock compliance rear.
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My rear end kicks out a little when I launch it. Seems pretty normal..
What is your rear toe setting?

You might have too little rear toe. When was the last time you changed trans fluid? Might want to check the breakaway measurement on that diff...

This is more a long shot but it could be your TCS acting funny too. Try it with TCS off.

TCS will cut throttle not make the back end step out.
You cant launch with tcs and I sold mine anyways

I'm saying this happens on dry pavement, I don't drive in the rain if I can help it sicne the car has no wipers

Keep TCS on, problem solved. My car does the same thing with TCS off and on a slippery road.
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You can upgrade your sway bars to something thicker, change out all rubber bushings for poly, adjust the tire pressure in the rear tires to maximize the traction patch. Just don't break anything.
Don't launch. Problem solved. It's an NSX not a Mustang.
What a stupid statement!!!!!!! The OP asked a reasonable question and that is your answer. Almost all cars are rated by there ability to accelerate. 1)0-60 times 2) 1/4 mile times. Guess what if you cant launch you cant have fast times. Holy crap get outta the nineties and get real. With todays tire technology and aftermarket ECMs you can launch the NSX better than in the nineties, and not do that much damage to it.Obviously you are putting more strain on the drive train but it can handle it. To answer your question of the car sliding on the launch it is probably tires ,as I have run all kinds of tires and not changed anything else ,but the car changes dramatically. When I run drag radials or slicks the car launches straight 95% of the time,with my best 60 foot time so far of 1.58 seconds. I guess there shouldnt be Mustangs at the road courses either?
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What a stupid statement!!!!!!! The OP asked a reasonable question and that is your answer. Almost all cars are rated by there ability to accelerate. 1)0-60 times 2) 1/4 mile times. Guess what if you cant launch you cant have fast times. Holy crap get outta the nineties and get real. With todays tire technology and aftermarket ECMs you can launch the NSX better than in the nineties, and not do that much damage to it.Obviously you are putting more strain on the drive train but it can handle it. To answer your question of the car sliding on the launch it is probably tires ,as I have run all kinds of tires and not changed anything else ,but the car changes dramatically. When I run drag radials or slicks the car launches straight 95% of the time,with my best 60 foot time so far of 1.58 seconds. I guess there shouldnt be Mustangs at the road courses either?

I hope the tires work, ill switch in the next few weeks to NT05 which is significantly better than the RE760