RM NOS Removal

14 February 2000
Eugene, OR., USA
I am going to be removing my RM Racing 70 shot NOS from my car.I had Randy install it and only have the installation instructions. Has anyone done one of these removals or should I have a qualified tech do the work.
Its extremely easy, the NoS system only connects to the engine area in about 3-4 places. Nothing a set of dykes, a few sockets and some pliers can't fix.

Just look at the pictures/directions and reverse it.

If you are planning on re-selling it, then try and keep your switches in tact with decent cable lengths so that a new owner can at least extend them and utilize them again.

Amazingly enough after spending 16 hours working on my car the last 2 days, Ive gained a whole new respect for how easy it is to work on compared to some other import sports cars Ive owned.

I think you'll be surprised
just don't jump into it, if you are not totally comfortable making changes.

"Its extremely easy, the NoS system only connects to the engine area in about 3-4 places. Nothing a set of dykes, a few sockets and some pliers can't fix."

I understand what the pliers and sockets are for but what are the two gay girls for and exactly where do you find these girls, do they have to be a matched pair or will any two do.

Sorry, I could not pass it up!

I usually use a blonde dyke and a brunette dyke...to keep it interesting. Are you selling the NOS? If so let me know I may be interested unless your removing it for a specific reason and you would not recommend putting it on a NSX...Also I will use the same dykes incase I have trouble find some on such short notice. THanks

[This message has been edited by nsx_in_lighthouse_pt (edited 20 March 2002).]