Finally done. Not the ultra multiple tube cage but a big plus for my safety during track days.
Car forum rule number 1.
People will ALWAYS have something to say about any roll cage posted.
Guess thats the point of a forum though.
How tall are you asylum? and what brackets are those for the seats? They look pretty high up and far forward, I sit all the way down to the floor and im almost still too tall. :/ Doorbars :
One or more longitudinal members must be fitted at each side of
the vehicle according to Drawings 253-8, 253-9, 253-10 and 253-
11 (Drawings 253-9, 253-10 and 253-11 for cars homologated as
from 01/01/2007).
They may be removable.
The side protection must be as high as possible, but its upper
attachment point must not be higher than half the height of the
door opening measured from its base.
If these upper attachment points are located in front of or behind
the door opening, this height limitation is also valid for the
corresponding intersection of the strut and the door opening.
In the case of doorbars in the form of an "X" (Drawing 253-9), it is
recommended that the lower attachment points of the cross-struts
be fixed directly onto the longitudinal member of the
bodyshell/chassis and that at least one part of the "X" be a singlepiece
The connection of the doorbars to the windscreen pillar
reinforcement (Drawing 253-15) is authorised.
For competitions without co-driver, members may be fitted on the
driver's side only.
Don't know for US norms. But, for example, FIA homologation is not a matter of bolt vs weld as lots of FIA approved cages have bolted points. Now if you are able by looking to a picture that a crapy welded side bar will be safer than my bolted one, I thank you for advice. I prefer to rely on the experience of someone making FIA approved cages for years. Anyway, I ask this cage to do the job hopping it will never have to.