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Slow drivers, get out of our way

26 February 2007
37°22′17″N 122°8′15″W

There is a place for people who enjoy soaking in the beautiful colors of fall and all the other amazing scenes of nature as they drive down the open highway.

It's called the right lane.

If you're sightseeing or rubbernecking in the left, get your butt over.
Why is that rule so freakin' hard to follow?

As drivers, we do a lot of things that irritate each other.

We signal but never turn.

We turn but don't signal.

We forget who is supposed to go next at a four-way stop sign.

But nothing comes close to the level of irritation that comes from being stuck behind someone doing 55 in a 65 in the far left lane. Drive the speed you want, but why infringe on the rights of those in a hurry? To me, that's giving the rest of us on the road the finger in the most passive aggressive -- "Who me?"-- way possible. In fact, I would much rather have someone pull up beside me, roll down their window and flip me the bird as they go driving by than be trapped behind this vehicular anarchist.

And you know they see you.

They see all of us -- bobbing and weaving in their rearview mirror, trying to find a gap between the lanes big enough so we may be able to slip through and go on with our lives. But nooooooooo -- these offenders don't feel obligated to go any faster and they refuse to move over to the right because in their sanctimonious minds, they're going fast enough for all of us.

That's why they go through great lengths to ignore the high beams glaring in their eyes. And they don't look over at you when you do eventually pass because they can't stop being prickly, not even for the three seconds it takes for us to look at them with our signature, highway glare that says:


The thing is there are about 312 million people in the United States and roughly 250 million registered vehicles. There will always be somebody somewhere driving faster ... it's easier for everyone to just let them.
Besides, think of all the harm caused by slowpokes?

For example, how are cops going to hand out speeding tickets if no one can speed?

And what about all the coffee shops that are losing money from the customers who don't have time to pull into the drive-thru before work because they've been trapped behind "Speedy" for five miles.

Essentially, slow drivers in the left lane are like job killers, and if elected president I would seek a constitutional amendment making lane hoarding illegal.

And not just on the highway, but in every facet of life.

The folks who like to walk side-by-side chatting on the track at the gym. You know who you are -- move it.

The people who stand on an escalator in such a way as to take up the entire step should be assessed a property tax, especially in airports where they know everybody around them is trying to get somewhere else.
Really, is it so hard to stand to the right so those people who need to run up the stairs to make their flight, likely because they were trapped behind a slow driver in the left lane on the way to the airport, have a better chance of doing so?

If you're visiting a new city, don't stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk to look up or read a map. Step off to the side so those who live there can get to where they are going. This is especially true for the too cute newlyweds who like take up 75% of the sidewalk holding hands and staring into each other's eyes.

You don't have to get a room, but you do need to get the hell out of the way.

This week we celebrated the 7 billionth person being born, and the first thing I thought about was who is going to teach that person how to drive?
How to share the global common space that is slowly becoming more crowded, requiring us to be more aware of the needs of the people all around us? Because at the end of the day, that's what the left lane is really all about. It's not about how fast someone is going. It's about having an agreed upon space where we let each other pass on by.

A space we agree upon to let each other be.
+1 on that.

This frustrates me to no end.

Whenever traffic is moving really slow, I'll be on the lookout for the "slow guy". This is the idiot where when you finally reach up to him is sitting in the middle lane, going well below the speed limit, with 20-30 or more car lengths in front of him with NO TRAFFIC. Meanwhile behind him, it's a complete traffic jam. WTF? Are these people so fricking oblivious? Do they never check their rear view mirrors?

EVERY time there is a slowdown in traffic, you will find one of these morons going much slower than the rest of the flow causing the bottleneck. Big trucks, people towing trailers, cars with mechanical problems with blinkers on, etc. I can understand. It's the idiots who are in their own little world... often yapping on the phone, or fiddling around with something in the car or just plain scared to be driving behind the wheel. They should have their damn licenses revoked!
Its called common courtesy to fellow human beings. I always pass in the left lane and move back over afterwards to the #2 if possible. I think the state of Oregon has is right. The left lane is for passing only...not for sightseeing!

I get irritated with people that stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk to do something without thinking about the masses behind them that are trying to get around. It makes you want to say something...but I bite my tongue instead.

Do you have any original thoughts or do you simply want to plagiarize lz granderson........


Busted...LOL :smile:

If you're visiting a new city, don't stand in the middle of a busy sidewalk to look up or read a map. Step off to the side so those who live there can get to where they are going. This is especially true for the too cute newlyweds who like take up 75% of the sidewalk holding hands and staring into each other's eyes.

LOL great rant. I experience this every day, and it's especially evident on NYC sidewalks and escalators. There are some people who are aware and are generally obstinate, but mostly I have to say people are just clueless. People driving in the left lane often are just either clueless-in-their-own-world drivers who think any lane is fine, or bad/scared drivers who get stuck in a lane and are afraid to move (especially if people are passing them on the right).

Driving is a privilege not a right - people need to be trained better before getting their licenses. If I were president I would do it like the Germans.
LOL great rant. I experience this every day, and it's especially evident on NYC sidewalks and escalators. There are some people who are aware and are generally obstinate, but mostly I have to say people are just clueless. People driving in the left lane often are just either clueless-in-their-own-world drivers who think any lane is fine, or bad/scared drivers who get stuck in a lane and are afraid to move (especially if people are passing them on the right).

Driving is a privilege not a right - people need to be trained better before getting their licenses. If I were president I would do it like the Germans.

The drivers in Germany are truely amazing. I miss driving there.
List I made up a while back.

The afraid to use the gas pedalers:
Characterized by inability to make their car accelerate. Light turns green, a few long seconds later their car does something resembling acceleration, but don't let that fool you. Might reach the speed limit in a mile or so if you're lucky.

The can't merger:
Much like the afraid to use the gas pedalers, they are afraid to make their car's engines rev any higher than idle speed. Characterized by their amazing velocities of 35mph or less when merging on to the interstate.

The middle lane merger:
Similar to the can't merger, but will go straight to the middle lane (or often the left lane) at the earliest opportuniy, regardless of traffic or how long the acceleration/merge lane may be, all at their snail pace of 35mph.

Can't hold a speeder:
Get on the interstate, set your cruise, you pass them, a few miles later they pass you, only to slow back down and have you pass them again. Rinse, repeat. This can go on for MILES.

Random braker:
Random braking with no ryhme or reason. Striaght road? brakes. Uphill? brakes. Slight almost inperceptible turn in the road? brakes. Green light? brakes. Similar to the can't hold a speeder but uses brakes instead.

Phantom braker:
Apparenty has a really weak left foot that can't hold itself up, so they use the brake pedal as a footrest. Can be seen going all manners of speed with their brake lights on, including accelerating. Not to be confused with the random braker as no slowing down is acctually occuring.

Passing lane cruiser:
It's America, they pay taxes, it's their god given right to drive in whatever lane they want.

No G's feeler:
Seemingly scared of doing anything that might cause any kind of G force. Turns on the interstate engineered to be safely taken at the speedlimit? They'll slow down to at least 10 under (often in the passing lane). Something that requires a burst of acceleration? They'll crawl. Light turned red a half mile down the road? They'll start slowing down already.

Middle lane cruiser:
Normally seen cruising in the middle lane well under the speed limit as traffic is fighting to get around them on both sides. They can't be bothered to be in the proper right lane because they would have to merge with any traffic that happens to be coming on the highway, and that's just too complicated. Hilarious to get by and watch in your mirrors as people fight to get around them.

Night vision gogglers:
Clearly driving with night vision goggles on as there are no bright lights around that might make them not realize they forgot to turn the lights on. Also seen at really late hours of the night when it is unquestionably dark.

Opposite of the Night vision gogglers, they drive around with their brights on in well lit areas with loads of oncoming traffic blinding everybody.

Crawl passer:
Generally seen passing cars that are going 5mph or more under the speed limit by going 1mph faster than the vehicle being passed.

No signalers:
Treats turn signals as optional, are especially annoying when they are in a lane that is ending and show no intentions of getting out of said lane. Then wonder why you didn't let them over.

You can give them ample room to get over from their lane, but instead they will just sit there with their signal on waiting for the second coming. Will almost always start to move over as soon as you get tired of waiting for them and close the gap.

While waiting for traffic to start moving after a light has turned green they will just sit there holding up dozens of cars to let one car complete a left turn in front of them. The car turning left is also generally a non-commiter and takes entirely too long to complete their turn.

Multilane Overpoliter:
Seen on multilane roads with a turning lane. Will sit in one lane, frantically waving in their politeness to please make your left turn in front of them. Meanwhile traffic is backing up behind them and blasting past them in the other lane, making completing your left turn impossible.

Right of way handoffers:
4 way stop, they get there before you, yet insist with frantic waving that you please go ahead of them. Similar to the Overpoliters.

Car length mis-judger:
Doesn't happen too often, but is brazenly douche baggy when it does. If there is heavy enough traffic to the point of having to be stopped at a green light so as not to block the intersection, the Car size mis-judger doesn't give any fucks and just pulls across anyways, and proceeeds to block traffic on the crossing road when the light changes.
Here a great story so read on this happened to me the other day (wed )last week.

I was driving on the expressway( crosstown tampa )

and there was a ton of traffic same scene people weaving in and out of traffic tring in vein to pass this College Hunks Haul Junk truck they were side by side with a 99 year old lady that couldnt even see over the steering wheel. I was 1 car behind this truck,
as we all weaved in and out flashing high beams you could see in both side view mirrors laughing it up at the mile long traffic they are causing

its gets better...

well the old lady turned off and that was my insane driving chance to get in front of these clowns laughing it up at the chaos they created.

so I change lanes right in front of them with-in inches of their truck and I appled my brakes very aggresive to show them get the f-out of the way.
well I didnt stop there I continued to press my brakes intill everyone on the crosstown had to come to a complete stop that were in the fast lane.( 2 lane )

As my NSX was stopped I pulled the e-brake as I was at a complete 0mph
I opened my door and stuck my head out and held my middlefinger at the driver for atleast or it seemed 3 minutes. as the mile long traffic passed me and this huge truck stopped, people that saw what i did were honking and giving me the thumbs up. it was glorious, when the kid driving this junk hauling truck tried to reverse to pass me thats when it was time for me start drving again.

he def could not pass me in ANY lane for about a mile (20mph) I would tap my brakes and he held the horn down this whole time I didnt mind as I was so happy to be making this guys day suck. after i was satisfied I had pissed this guy off I bolted up to a high rate of speed and was gone.

I was happy all day from that. but thought I should have walked up to the truck and had a few words.

this is a true story guys
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One time I was in a crowded parking garage, crowded enough that there were people directing traffic. Anyways they were keeping the traffic flow organized by having the people who were exiting turn on their hazards so they could tell them apart from the people looking for spaces. I happened to be walking by just in time to hear the exchange between this lady in a minivan that was lost in this "complicated" mess and one of the lot attendents. He had told her to turn on her hazards so she would be directed out. She said do what now? He replied you know, hazards, flashers, there is a button to turn them on. She blankly looked at him...she seriosuly didn't know how to turn on her hazards.

These are the people you share the road with every day.
You all should come drive here in NYC some day (I wouldn't suggest bringing your NSX's). There aren't really lanes here - more of just lines painted on the road as a loose suggestion of where to point your car. In many cases at a light the aggressive NYC drivers/cabbies will fill in any 'gaps' at the front where a car can (barely) fit. And signal to change lanes? Hell no, it gives away the plan. It's everybody for themselves here - strangely though I don't see as many accidents here as I did when I lived in Atlanta. My theory is survival of the fittest - those who can drive do in NYC, those who can't drive wouldn't dream of it, and everyone who does is hyper aware (there are always exceptions of course).
You all should come drive here in NYC some day (I wouldn't suggest bringing your NSX's). There aren't really lanes here - more of just lines painted on the road as a loose suggestion of where to point your car. In many cases at a light the aggressive NYC drivers/cabbies will fill in any 'gaps' at the front where a car can (barely) fit. And signal to change lanes? Hell no, it gives away the plan. It's everybody for themselves here - strangely though I don't see as many accidents here as I did when I lived in Atlanta. My theory is survival of the fittest - those who can drive do in NYC, those who can't drive wouldn't dream of it, and everyone who does is hyper aware (there are always exceptions of course).

I've read that the more inherently dangerous you make driving, the more careful people are when they drive. Some European cities are ridding themselves of traffic signs with good results. Makes me wish that they'd do some of the same out here in California

What's up with those at traffic lights who stop 2 car lengths prior to the line at a red light or behind another car, enough for a bus to fit in. I know we have some in the forums. Raise your hand!

I don't know about bus space, but I usually give myself some room behind the car in front, just in case I need to get out. I've been in situations where the person in front stalls or otherwise doesn't move, and I don't have enough room to change lanes, plus the car behind me is now on my ass so I can't back up.

Leaving some space gives me options.
Right of way handoffers:
4 way stop, they get there before you, yet insist with frantic waving that you please go ahead of them.

I've seen this behavior almost cause accidents. Three cars arrive at a four-way in the order A, B, & C. "A" is Right-of-way-handoffer, and waves for "B" to go ahead. After several seconds on confusion, "B" goes. "C", upon seeing "B" go, thinks "OK, it's my turn now" and proceeds into the intersection -- just as "A" does as well. Short stops and near misses ensue.
Do you have any original thoughts or do you simply want to plagiarize lz granderson........


Well I don't know......I thought it was plainly obvious it was copy and pasted. The format of the wording/paragraphs made it obvious to me.......and he even pasted the pic from the article.


This frustrates me to no end.

Whenever traffic is moving really slow, I'll be on the lookout for the "slow guy". This is the idiot where when you finally reach up to him is sitting in the middle lane, going well below the speed limit, with 20-30 or more car lengths in front of him with NO TRAFFIC. Meanwhile behind him, it's a complete traffic jam. WTF? Are these people so fricking oblivious? Do they never check their rear view mirrors?

EVERY time there is a slowdown in traffic, you will find one of these morons going much slower than the rest of the flow causing the bottleneck. Big trucks, people towing trailers, cars with mechanical problems with blinkers on, etc. I can understand. It's the idiots who are in their own little world... often yapping on the phone, or fiddling around with something in the car or just plain scared to be driving behind the wheel. They should have their damn licenses revoked!

You are exactly right. I see this crap every day.

I have ZERO original thoughts. U won't find any evidence of that on this forum ever.....

LMAO......the irony is not lost on me Batman.......banned and criticized when you express you original thoughts and opinions and then criticized for not having your own thoughts..............:wink:

List I made up a while back.

The afraid to use the gas pedalers:
Characterized by inability to make their car accelerate. Light turns green, a few long seconds later their car does something resembling acceleration, but don't let that fool you. Might reach the speed limit in a mile or so if you're lucky.

The can't merger:
Much like the afraid to use the gas pedalers, they are afraid to make their car's engines rev any higher than idle speed. Characterized by their amazing velocities of 35mph or less when merging on to the interstate.

The middle lane merger:
Similar to the can't merger, but will go straight to the middle lane (or often the left lane) at the earliest opportuniy, regardless of traffic or how long the acceleration/merge lane may be, all at their snail pace of 35mph.

Can't hold a speeder:
Get on the interstate, set your cruise, you pass them, a few miles later they pass you, only to slow back down and have you pass them again. Rinse, repeat. This can go on for MILES.

Random braker:
Random braking with no ryhme or reason. Striaght road? brakes. Uphill? brakes. Slight almost inperceptible turn in the road? brakes. Green light? brakes. Similar to the can't hold a speeder but uses brakes instead.

Phantom braker:
Apparenty has a really weak left foot that can't hold itself up, so they use the brake pedal as a footrest. Can be seen going all manners of speed with their brake lights on, including accelerating. Not to be confused with the random braker as no slowing down is acctually occuring.

Passing lane cruiser:
It's America, they pay taxes, it's their god given right to drive in whatever lane they want.

No G's feeler:
Seemingly scared of doing anything that might cause any kind of G force. Turns on the interstate engineered to be safely taken at the speedlimit? They'll slow down to at least 10 under (often in the passing lane). Something that requires a burst of acceleration? They'll crawl. Light turned red a half mile down the road? They'll start slowing down already.

Middle lane cruiser:
Normally seen cruising in the middle lane well under the speed limit as traffic is fighting to get around them on both sides. They can't be bothered to be in the proper right lane because they would have to merge with any traffic that happens to be coming on the highway, and that's just too complicated. Hilarious to get by and watch in your mirrors as people fight to get around them.

Night vision gogglers:
Clearly driving with night vision goggles on as there are no bright lights around that might make them not realize they forgot to turn the lights on. Also seen at really late hours of the night when it is unquestionably dark.

Opposite of the Night vision gogglers, they drive around with their brights on in well lit areas with loads of oncoming traffic blinding everybody.

Crawl passer:
Generally seen passing cars that are going 5mph or more under the speed limit by going 1mph faster than the vehicle being passed.

No signalers:
Treats turn signals as optional, are especially annoying when they are in a lane that is ending and show no intentions of getting out of said lane. Then wonder why you didn't let them over.

You can give them ample room to get over from their lane, but instead they will just sit there with their signal on waiting for the second coming. Will almost always start to move over as soon as you get tired of waiting for them and close the gap.

While waiting for traffic to start moving after a light has turned green they will just sit there holding up dozens of cars to let one car complete a left turn in front of them. The car turning left is also generally a non-commiter and takes entirely too long to complete their turn.

Multilane Overpoliter:
Seen on multilane roads with a turning lane. Will sit in one lane, frantically waving in their politeness to please make your left turn in front of them. Meanwhile traffic is backing up behind them and blasting past them in the other lane, making completing your left turn impossible.

Right of way handoffers:
4 way stop, they get there before you, yet insist with frantic waving that you please go ahead of them. Similar to the Overpoliters.

Car length mis-judger:
Doesn't happen too often, but is brazenly douche baggy when it does. If there is heavy enough traffic to the point of having to be stopped at a green light so as not to block the intersection, the Car size mis-judger doesn't give any fucks and just pulls across anyways, and proceeeds to block traffic on the crossing road when the light changes.

GREAT LIST! But wait......are these your original thoughts?? :tongue:

Here a great story so read on this happened to me the other day (wed )last week.

I was driving on the expressway( crosstown tampa )

and there was a ton of traffic same scene people weaving in and out of traffic tring in vein to pass this College Hunks Haul Junk truck they were side by side with a 99 year old lady that couldnt even see over the steering wheel. I was 1 car behind this truck,
as we all weaved in and out flashing high beams you could see in both side view mirrors laughing it up at the mile long traffic they are causing

its gets better...

well the old lady turned off and that was my insane driving chance to get in front of these clowns laughing it up at the chaos they created.

so I change lanes right in front of them with-in inches of their truck and I appled my brakes very aggresive to show them get the f-out of the way.
well I didnt stop there I continued to press my brakes intill everyone on the crosstown had to come to a complete stop that were in the fast lane.( 2 lane )

As my NSX was stopped I pulled the e-brake as I was at a complete 0mph
I opened my door and stuck my head out and held my middlefinger at the driver for atleast or it seemed 3 minutes. as the mile long traffic passed me and this huge truck stopped, people that saw what i did were honking and giving me the thumbs up. it was glorious, when the kid driving this junk hauling truck tried to reverse to pass me thats when it was time for me start drving again.

he def could not pass me in ANY lane for about a mile (20mph) I would tap my brakes and he held the horn down this whole time I didnt mind as I was so happy to be making this guys day suck. after i was satisfied I had pissed this guy off I bolted up to a high rate of speed and was gone.

I was happy all day from that. but thought I should have walked up to the truck and had a few words.

this is a true story guys

Your my new hero.......bravo

....LMAO......the irony is not lost on me Batman.......banned and criticized when you express you original thoughts and opinions and then criticized for not having your own thoughts..............:wink:........

Yep. Like it really mattered if this was presented as a link or cleaned up for just the content so readers can go straight to the point.

Afterall, I'm not conducting a PhD thesis.....
What's up with those at traffic lights who stop 2 car lengths prior to the line at a red light or behind another car, enough for a bus to fit in. I know we have some in the forums. Raise your hand!

*Raises hand slowly and tilts head down*

Im 17! I have a excuse none the less. I get a ticket of any sort and my father is going to murder me. (Sarcastically speaking of course)
Yep. Like it really mattered if this was presented as a link or cleaned up for just the content so readers can go straight to the point.

Yes, I see your point now. Deleting the name of the author but using every other word/thought verbatim did clean it up to enable those reading it to get straight to the point without unnecessarily delaying that point by needing to get through that annoying byline........
I hate when driver #1 is in he right lane doing 35 in a 40 and and driver #2 is in the left lane doing the same speed right next to him. :mad: either speed your ass up and get over to the right lane to let me pass or slow down and get your ass over to let me pass. I get some asshole that does this on a daily basis.