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Someone threw a rock

28 December 2001
Berwyn, PA
While my wife was driving on Storrow Drive, this guy who was standing on the side of the road started throwing rocks at cars passing by. Two rocks, size of a baseball, hit my wife's car and created significant body damages. A lot of people / cars on the road started freaking out with this person throwing rocks at them, braking abruptly or maneuvering dangerously to avoid rocks hitting their cars.

We feel lucky that my wife was not hurt from the incident and that our daughter was not in the car.

We made a police report and so did many others who were harmed.

What was he thinking?? :confused:
Sounds like he wanted to play baseball, i would have went back up there with a bat
in washington a year or so ago something like this happend, 1 or two people on the side of a highway throwing rocks/concrete chunks into traffic, some guy whos car got the bumper ripped off or something hopped out and emptied a full clip into the bushes where the rocks where thrown from.

thats a sensless crime that will kill innocent people
Technically a rock can be considered a deadly weapon so u can defend yourself accordingly, even if that means taking his life in self defense.

Self-defense, lethal force:

The standard for use of deadly force is, predictably, higher. The general criminal law allows for the use of deadly force anytime a faultless victim reasonably believes that unlawful force which will cause death or grievous bodily harm is about to be used on him.

One of the circumstances which helps to determine the level of threat encountered by the victim is the nature of the assailant’s weapon (if any). As a general rule, anything which might be used to kill a person, no matter how odd, is considered a deadly weapon. Thus, a chair, a lamp or a screwdriver may all be considered deadly weapons. In some instances, the law will treat a trained fighters hands as a deadly weapon, but in order to trigger the right to self-defense using lethal force against such a person, the victim must, of course, know of the attacker’s special training.
Yong, glad the boss is safe and that your child was not in the car at the time. A year or so ago, some kids were on the highway and threw a frozen turkey out of their car, went through the windshied of another car and did significant damage to the driver. There were also a number of incidents where kids were throwing rocks off a pedestrian bridge over the highway a few towns from where I live. They now have fencing that curves up and over the bridge to protect from similar incidents. It's unbelievable how many "sick" people there are out there. Stay safe!!
I was hit by rocks thrown by kids hiding in bushes by my house about a year ago. They hit about 4 cars in a row, we all stopped and called the police. The police said that they were throwing chairs in the middle of the road a few days prior to that. Nice kids. Needless to say, I don't drive on that road anymore.

When it happened, I was driving my Defender90 which I was trading in for my NSX the next day. If they damaged it, I REALLY would've been pissed.
While my wife was driving on Storrow Drive, this guy who was standing on the side of the road started throwing rocks at cars passing by. Two rocks, size of a baseball, hit my wife's car and created significant body damages. A lot of people / cars on the road started freaking out with this person throwing rocks at them, braking abruptly or maneuvering dangerously to avoid rocks hitting their cars.

We feel lucky that my wife was not hurt from the incident and that our daughter was not in the car.

We made a police report and so did many others who were harmed.

What was he thinking?? :confused:

I am glad no one was injured, perhaps the voices were telling him to throw rocks at the demons(cars).:confused:

Reminds me of a story's you hear about kids throwing rocks over bridges, some were fatal.
This happened about 10 years ago in my town. There's a building right on the highway where they hold auctions; and one night while the parents were in there a couple of their kids were out throwing handfuls of rocks at cars passing on the feeder road. Well, they chucked at the wrong car. Some guy in an old blue Nova or similar did a smoking u-turn and ran them down dead.
There was a massive manhunt for a year or so until the car turned up under a tarp at an apt. complex and they caught the guy.
Moral judgements about the players I leave for you.
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When I lived in Andover, MA, I recall someone throwing a brick off an overpass in Andover and it went through a windshield and killed the woman who was driving. I'm not sure if they ever caught the person.

On another note, when I was a kid, I remember sleeping over my friend Sam's house. Back then, those "cylume glow sticks" were relatively new. I came up with the brilliant idea of tying fishing line to one, hiding it under some leaves along the road, then crossing the road and hiding in the bushes. When a car came down the road, we'd slowly start to pull it across the road (back road in the middle of nowhere Andover, we spent a long time waiting in between cars). The results were hysterical as a kid.... people slamming on brakes, one guy throwing it in reverse, then running the thing over several times before taking off. The guy who stopped the car and jumped out and chased us pretty much ended that fun.... at least he left the glow stick.

Back then, it seemed fun and didn't seem dangerous. Today, it might get you killed.
When I lived in Andover, MA, I recall someone throwing a brick off an overpass in Andover and it went through a windshield and killed the woman who was driving. I'm not sure if they ever caught the person.

On another note, when I was a kid, I remember sleeping over my friend Sam's house. Back then, those "cylume glow sticks" were relatively new. I came up with the brilliant idea of tying fishing line to one, hiding it under some leaves along the road, then crossing the road and hiding in the bushes. When a car came down the road, we'd slowly start to pull it across the road (back road in the middle of nowhere Andover, we spent a long time waiting in between cars). The results were hysterical as a kid.... people slamming on brakes, one guy throwing it in reverse, then running the thing over several times before taking off. The guy who stopped the car and jumped out and chased us pretty much ended that fun.... at least he left the glow stick.

Back then, it seemed fun and didn't seem dangerous. Today, it might get you killed.

When I was a kid (freshman in high school) we all got this bright idea to moon cars as they passed. One car slammed on the brakes and it seemed like the entire Senior football team from my high school was in the car. We all ran but my friend Scott did not get his pants buttoned and after he ran about ten feet his pants feel down and tripped him up. They beat the crap out of him. I am laughing my ass off typing this right now. Scott had the worse luck. HE was a well protected rich kid who never got to do anything that was fun.

I Rode over to his house one day on my minibike. He had never been on a minibike before. I gave him a ride around his yard then put him on the bike by himself. He refused to wear the helmet.

He is on the pad around his pool twisting the throttle revving the bike up with the biggest smile on his face. I am trying to give him instructions on how to operate the bike but the motor is so loud he can't hear me. He just lets the clutch lever out while the throttle is twisted all the way and the bike just slams into the side of his dads house. I spent the next two hours giving him a lesson on how to straighten out aluminum siding. :biggrin:
Glad to hear that no one was hurt in this incident. Whenever I drive on the highway I always look at any overpass to see if people are standing around watching the cars below.

The only thing that I used to throw at trucks when I was a kid was snowballs. We never saw it as harmful, but looking back it sure was stupid. Fortunately I never graduated to throwing anything else at cars.
Thank God your wife is ok.

Cars can be fixed easily, people are a much more difficult proposition.

Who knows what was wrong with this idiot? Maybe he's mentally unstable. Maybe he's a complete moron. Either way, I hope the police catch him before someone really get hurt.
Thanks for your kind words.

We filed the report and found out from the police that a lot of cars were damaged by this person (who is not been captured, yet).

The insurance company does not know what to do about the situation, whether to make a pay the deductible or claim as a hit-and-run accident for us to aviod paying the deductible.

The saddest part was that my wife was still shaken up by the incident and scared of going to her office (the only road to her office). So, I drove with her this morning. There were still remnants of rocks all over the road.
heh, nowadays he's lucky nobody shot his ass. :tongue:
what a punk :mad:

Yes, he is lucky nobody shot him. I am not afraid to say that I would have wigged out if that happened to the NSX and probably beaten the guy to within an inch of his life. :mad:

How did nobody catch him in broad daylight? :confused:
This happened about 10 years ago in my town. There's a building right on the highway where they hold auctions; and one night while the parents were in there a couple of their kids were out throwing handfuls of rocks at cars passing on the feeder road. Well, they chucked at the wrong car. Some guy in an old blue Nova or similar did a smoking u-turn and ran them down dead.
There was a massive manhunt for a year or so until the car turned up under a tarp at an apt. complex and they caught the guy.
Moral judgements about the players I leave for you.

What people do not understand is that doing crap like throwing rocks can end badly if you get the wrong person on the wrong day of their life. I firmly believe that most people are only a few tweeks away from crazy. Under the right (or wrong) circumstances anyone can go nuts.
What people do not understand is that doing crap like throwing rocks can end badly if you get the wrong person on the wrong day of their life. I firmly believe that most people are only a few tweeks away from crazy. Under the right (or wrong) circumstances anyone can go nuts.
Yes human behavior is very complex, strange, unpredictable, and volatile.

It's amazing we've made it thus far as a civilization.