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Space Shuttle Arrives in Manhattan (NYC) Photos

28 March 2002
After getting shafted by every media outlet announcing that the shuttle would stop at Ground Zero at 11:40 today, and being in position at 11:05 only to be informed it went by at 10:40, I raced across the tunnel back into Manhattan and caught up with it as it docked at the Intrepid.








Thank you for sharing your incredible photos.
Those are great pictures of the space shuttle. This may give me a reason to come visit NYC to see it and the new World Trade Center.

With your permission can I use one for my wallpaper?
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Those are great pictures of the space shuttle. This may give me a reason to come visit NYC to see it and the new World Trade Center.

With your permission can I use one for my wallpaper?

You know you always have my permission Doc.

I initially was furious that I had prime viewing at Exchange Place in Jersey City for its pause to pay respects at Ground Zero. But at least I caught up with it as it was being positioned to dock with the Intrepid.

Here is where I was supposed to get my Ground Zero shot:

glad to see someone else got to see it too.

this was a pic from sunday on my boat. notice the damage to the wing, it just got that going through the trestle bridge about two min before the pic


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notice the damage to the wing, it just got that going through the trestle bridge about two min before the pic

That's a shame. Why can't these workers be a little more careful with these museum piece aircraft. These aren't the usual containers. I remember back a few years ago when Concorde was being temporarily stored at Floyd Bennett Field prior to its home at Intrepid. Some jerk backed a truck into it and damaged the beautiful nose of that gorgeous airplane. You can still see where it had to be repaired for display. If I were the Brits, I would have asked for it back at that time. :mad:
Very cool. I was in Florida in the mid-2000s for work, and went to Kennedy Space Center (in a rented Cadillac XLR, woot) where they had one of the shuttles prepped for lunch, but I didn't get to see it lift off. Very sad that they are no longer flying.
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AMAZING PICS BOB!!! Thanks as usual for your quality pics!
Here are some of my photos taken from the deck of the Intrepid on the day Enterprise flew up and then down over the Hudson river.





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I'm fascinated by this piece of machinery. I am sad I never saw one launch live.