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Spelling "truely atrosious," says academic

I wood like to have them for my teacher cuz if I did, I wood be a gooder person.
Re: Knowing better: a curse?

Spelling is only one small part of the mess. Have you looked at an instruction booklet for an electronic piece of equipment lately? They look like they're written by a 3rd grader with English as a 5th language. :mad: When everything is getting more complicated, precise communication becomes more important and text level spelling and sentence structure is simply bad news.

This post belongs in the Old Age thread. The good news is I'm old. The bad news is I'll likely live to a ripe old age and the frustration level is rising daily. Time for that lobotomy?
If you are too stupid or lazy to learn and spell, thats not my problem. Giving these people breaks shouldn't be done, period. Thats like saying "you know, we have been making crappy cars for decades, but instead of learning to do better and build better cars, we will wait for society to accept our failure as the norm."

Ummm NO!
Re: A time and place

I have the Slang and Urban Dictionaries in my favorites and use words like "Fo shizzle". They work into my race reports quite nicely, :tongue: but not in my Staff Reports to City Council. :redface:
United States of Amerikkka here we come. I expected more from the Brits. After all, it is their language. You would think they would try to protect it, not bastardize it.


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I dug up my high school English teacher and wrapped him in copper wire. Then, I replaced his tombstone with a giant magnet. Now, as he spins in his grave, he supplies me with electricity.
I dug up my high school English teacher and wrapped him in copper wire. Then, I replaced his tombstone with a giant magnet. Now, as he spins in his grave, he supplies me with electricity.

That's is very funny.:biggrin:

I think that their is no way they're idea would work the way there thinking it would. If it did though, than the world would be a better place then it is now.
I agree 100% and I'm sure you meant to say "that's". :wink: (My wife assured me that you wouldn't be pissed if I wrote this.) Ron

HAHA!! Fo' Sho!! :wink::biggrin:

My mistake. I blame my problem on lousy typing though. :wink::tongue::biggrin: