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Spring NC NSX Meet??? - Putting out feelers!

7 November 2007
Charlotte, NC
Hello All!,

I had the pleasure to meet up with John K.from Raleigh this past weekend and he was throwing around the idea of a 'Mini NC NSX Meet' this spring. We were thinking about having it in Greensboro NC which would put it in the middle of the state making it easier for all to access.

Some of the dates that we were throwing around to avoid major holidays and spring breaks would be April 25 or May 16. What do you guys think?

I have a friend that works for Foriegn Cars Italia in GRB and thought about asking if they would mind us holding court there. We could move somewhere to have lunch (or have it there) and then map out a drive around the triad for some fun.

This event would hold two purposes, 1) the pure joy of meeting other NSX owners and sharing in the passion that we have for our rides. 2) to get a feel for what kind of gathering we can put together to temp the national guys to think about having the NSXExpo in the NC in the near future.

We will take a straw poll and get back to you in a few days about the decided upon date and details.

Thanks for looking!


This sounds great! I hope I have my car back by then (which I think I will). If you are taking the votes, the May 16 date is my vote!

I will not be in NC during the April date. I look forward to seeing updates regarding this event. Looking forward to it.

Don't know about the dates yet. FCI were total pricks when I was there last year in the NSX. Spent at least 30-40min looking around & NO ONE talked to me.

I would suggest Petty Museum in Randleman, go karting in Randleman, or go karting in Greensboro. Or wineries.
Tony, those are all good alternatives! Especially since, if I remember correctly some of these venues were places we were considering as part of the 2010 Greensboro NSXPO agenda. We need to give this some serious consideration once we get some consensus on a date for this event.
Michael, you are the ultimate organizer! I vote for may too. I think in this market the FCI folks would welcome something like this.

This sounds great! I hope I have my car back by then (which I think I will). If you are taking the votes, the May 16 date is my vote!

I will not be in NC during the April date. I look forward to seeing updates regarding this event. Looking forward to it.


Darrin,- This better be one heck of a paint job, I can't imagine how stir crazy you have been without your ride for so long!

I love the alternative ideas for places to meet up, I know that Childress (sp?) winery is in the area. Also Grandover resort would love to have the attention and they are very easy to get to via I-40 and I-85. John is right I think that FCI would welcome us with open arms in this economy! We could treat it like a progressive dinner. Meet up at point A (FCI), caravan over to point B (Grandover), have lunch (Lexington BBQ) at point C and so on and so on. . . just an idea.

It looks like May 16 is a front runner. The sooner the better for Gatorhound, we have to do it before he ships his NSX off! Anyone else want to weigh in?

I would hope that we could hammer down a date by the end of this week to put it on everyone's calendar and start diving into the details.

Those of you in NC or SC that have not PM'd your information to John feel free to send your contact info to me. A name, location, email and phone if you would like to be added to the Carolina's master list and included on emails, espeically if you don't check prime like some do often. This will give us an idea on how large of a group that we should plan on.

take care,
Darrin,- This better be one heck of a paint job, I can't imagine how stir crazy you have been without your ride for so long!


Well ... I got the car back at Xmas for a little teaser and I cannot wait to get it back. I went to pick it up and they had it in the shop as they were buffing and polishing the car. The color is sick especially in the sun and my Gold Volks just adds to it!

When I got there ... he said I needed to bring it back after the holidays as when they rolled it out in the sun and the front fenders and the rear 1/4's were a shade off. They just did not pop like the rest of the car and had a kind of dullness. These had been painted on a Wednesday and the rest of the car was on the Friday. The Friday is more what we were aiming for. The reason for this "off color", is that my paint is not standard off the chart color. It is a total of 18 coats including the clear. So ... somewhere the flake transfer was not correct or the amount of coats of candy smoke was different or the paint batch was wrong. We are not sure so the fenders and 1/4's are being redone based on the rest of the cars paint "formula" they recorded.

In a nut shell that is the story. In the meantime, I have aquired a bunch of parts since it has been gone. So when I get it back, I have a bunch of things to do. Having it back in the garage over the holidays was a teaser, some neighbours saw in the driveway and loved the color. Had many comments so far in the few days I've had it. It's not far away now.

I am looking forward to the meet and having my car there.

Again ... my vote is for May.
I will call or e-mail the Raleigh area owners between now and the end of the week to try and get a consensus on a date for this event. I personally think the May 16th date might be best.

Looking forward to seeing Darrin's NSX. Should be gorgeous!
Looking forward to seeing Darrin's NSX. Should be gorgeous!


I just saw the car this morning. The fender and 1/4's are off the car again and they are starting to sand them again and the all the other parts (hood, roof, doors, bumpers, deck lid, spoiler etc.) are being buffed and polished.

So I anticipate I will have my car back for the May meet!
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I would be game for a meetup. Would be real nice for some of us other owners to not have to drive and hour , hour and a half to get some car love.

I know tony and a few of us were talking about the Childress Vineyards in Lexington off of hwy52, but not sure what type of planning that takes. And HighRock Raceway ain't ready to go yet. That will be sweet.

But greensboro/ w-s area would rock. Hell even Concord. Wonder if theres a way to schedule a track day on the new drag strip at C.M.S. Let the non track guys crank some times down the strip.

Let me know...

Also Ben, did you find a place to get them Carbon side vents? I have been looking but all I am seeing is Overlays.

You are the utimate organizer. Sorry i have missed all but the inaugural Car and Java in Charlotte but i hope to come again soon. Greensboro and Charlotte are much better for the SC guys. I will keep May 16th open for a Greensboro meet.
I would like to be a part of this and will send my information out to be included on the contact list.

It seems as if May 16th is the date!

John and I will discuss and try to iron out the details. Stay tuned. . . .
May 16th is fine for me and my boy tanner. Prefer around lunch. But i know you older guys like to do everything in time to be home for the Noon News :)

But yeah I think this will be great. Unlike tony, my trips to FCI was fine, it was the guys at the Lambo dealership who seemed to have their asses up their heads. I like the idea.

Also on a side note.. Did we resubmit the expo2010 for consideration? I saw they opened a thread and it seems like people are pushing for another West Coast Expo. Cali, Oregon, Vegas jeez... How about all of these good owners on the eastern seaboard. I think we would have a huge turnout with the big crowd from NVA/DC North, to the carolinas, TN,KY,OH GA Fl etc.

Was just curious , not trying to threadjack.