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St. Louis Get Together?

8 October 2001
St. Louis, MO
I missed the last meeting due to work, but I was thinking if anyone is interested in a little car cruse and dinner I would offer this up.

Pur Performance is having a late night car cruise on Aug 20th starts at 8:00 pm till midnight. Maybe we could all get together for dinner close and go by the cruse. I can hold as many spaces on the lot as we need, I would just need a head count, they will be running the Dyno late that night as well if anyone wants to do a base line pull. I was told there would be food and stuff there but I thought a dinner get together might be nice. Any Ideas?

I will be hanging with the NSX brothers and sisters in Frisco for the Historics but would have loved to have gone


Guess I won't get much simpathy when I post my pictures of what I see!


Sure sounds like a good time to me!
I also will be in Cali... Don't know if I am going to the Historics or not..
Wish I could hang...
Nick, I will be all over northern California, working sadly...
If I can I plan on hitting the Italiano...
Hopefully I will get some time to play...
Sorry in Chicago for Sox/Yankees Game.

Born in Chicago,
Moved to St Louis

...Will hate the Cubs anywhere.

It will be hard to plan a dinner at this point, so anyone interested in the cruse please let me know and I will hold parking spaces so we can park together.


The time I get out to play is around midnight, by then the party maybe over. I may stop by if the party is not over yet.
NSX01 said:

The time I get out to play is around midnight, by then the party maybe over. I may stop by if the party is not over yet.

Dave i can't make it. I don't have any wheels yet. gettting coilovers done now tho. :biggrin:
NSX01 said:

The time I get out to play is around midnight, by then the party maybe over. I may stop by if the party is not over yet.

i have a feeling that is when the party will be getting started, the event is sponsored by st. louis street racers.

Hi Dave, How was the Sat. nite turnout? I had other plans otherwise I would love to have attended.I just joined Prime on the 15th and over the past year have been talking to SJS Stevd and he said you were cool and to try to make it possible. Keep me posted of any other attempts at a getogether. I would to meet as many NSXers as possible.