stock market: what downgrades will happen over the weekend?

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley
i can't help but wonder what $h*t is going to hit the fan over the weekend. Anybody here have predictions?
Downgrades? I'm waiting for the lawsuits to hit and the CFO's to be ousted.
I'll be camping in the mountains of Colorado for the next couple weeks. No contact with the outside. If the world goes to hell. I'll be living off the land and wiping my backside with stock papers. :tongue:
Downgrades? I'm waiting for the lawsuits to hit and the CFO's to be ousted.

Why? The CFOs, except for those of mortgage-related companies, have had little to do with the current recession. This recession was largely brought on by The People (and their stupid realtors).

Tough times. Private equity will save the day. :biggrin:

(except Apollo)
Why? The CFOs, except for those of mortgage-related companies, have had little to do with the current recession. This recession was largely brought on by The People (and their stupid realtors).

Tough times. Private equity will save the day. :biggrin:

(except Apollo)

Look at that we agree on something. It's just another case of the intellectually and financially poor having their bills paid by the wealthy.