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Streetracing documentary film trailer(nsx)

2 June 2006
found this on a site I frequent to see some cool cars and shop cars. Well I found this which I recommend watching the whole thing because it makes valid points both ways and in a humorous tone also. However there is multiple shots of a silver nsx widebody raping some cars by the looks of things however the question i pose....why is an nsx even streetracing to begin with??:confused:

here you go!
1320 A West Coast Story (Documentary film - TRAILE

Street racing is not blind to culture, economic status, gender, race, car, etc.....

Great Point---"why make cars that can go 150 when the speed limit is 65...."

I have never went to an organized(whatever that is)or unorganized street race..... But I am guilty of being on the HWY pressing the gas to get someone off my but and or just driving like I am on the way to hospital....

I guess I am guilty of being a passive HWY RACER....in the past....

But after falling off a bike and having 3 kids...I think twice.....

But Will never toss the first stone...

Good Documentary IMO
My neighbor is talking about buying a ZR-1 for his 18 year old son. Someone tell me what is wrong with that picture.
My neighbor is talking about buying a ZR-1 for his 18 year old son. Someone tell me what is wrong with that picture.

I had a 95 C4 that I bought and payed for when I was 16, worked my A$$ off for it:rolleyes:
I don't See the issue. If the kid is going to be an idiot doesnt mater what he drives.

I would be more concerned about all the 16 year olds that are getting street bikes. They don't even know the rules of the road, and are out driving like fools, that I see all the time.
I had a 95 C4 that I bought and payed for when I was 16, worked my A$$ off for it:rolleyes:
I don't See the issue. If the kid is going to be an idiot doesnt mater what he drives.

I would be more concerned about all the 16 year olds that are getting street bikes. They don't even know the rules of the road, and are out driving like fools, that I see all the time.
Because powerwise a 95 C4 is a Honda civic when compared to the new ZR1.
you know what's so funny tho?
they spend way too much money to catch street racers.

also, I heard that more people are dying because of drinking and driving than street racing every year.

so why don't they spend their time/money on stopping driking and driving?
My neighbor is talking about buying a ZR-1 for his 18 year old son. Someone tell me what is wrong with that picture.

It all depends on the individual. Yes, there is a higher correlation between young adult males and accidents (due to the testosterone I suppose), but there are some 18 y/os that can be very responsible--if not more so than some 50 y/os out there. You can't really extrapolate fault from insurance statistics unless his son's personality actually suggests he fits that archetype of motorist.
Its interesting how local councils still choose to ignore the street racing that's happening and not investing in a local track - the dividends would be huge:

a) Less or no street racing
b) Revenue for the local council
c) Reduced Police staffing/overtime
d) safer streets/less deaths

Just boggles my mind that even a private company hasn't sold land or sponsored a track using waivers, etc that mitigate any liability for injuries, etc.

I know everyone's frustrations - here in Dubai the police are cracking down on Transvestites (yes you heard me right) instead of cracking down on the ignorant and dangerous drivers on our roads. And I haven't even talked about all of the delapitated Semi-trucks on the road!

I had a 95 C4 that I bought and payed for when I was 16, worked my A$$ off for it:rolleyes:
I don't See the issue. If the kid is going to be an idiot doesnt mater what he drives.

I would be more concerned about all the 16 year olds that are getting street bikes. They don't even know the rules of the road, and are out driving like fools, that I see all the time.

Ditto. Stupidity kills and Bikes also kill

The answer here is really simple. Make closed off safe race tracks easily available.
Looked pretty interesting until they showed some clips of some over-the-top Asian stereotype doing a drive by shooting (2:48) and B-movie-esque kung fu moves (2:55). WTF? Anybody else think that seemed grossly out of place?
Looked pretty interesting until they showed some clips of some over-the-top Asian stereotype doing a drive by shooting (2:48) and B-movie-esque kung fu moves (2:55). WTF? Anybody else think that seemed grossly out of place?

ummm yeah WTF was that about?
you know what's so funny tho?
they spend way too much money to catch street racers.

also, I heard that more people are dying because of drinking and driving than street racing every year.

so why don't they spend their time/money on stopping driking and driving?

Because it's all about money. They don't care about the "safety" or "stopping" drinking and driving. They just want your money. Christ, everytime they get a DUI it's like 10 grand in expenses. If they really wanted to "STOP" it, they'd put breathalizer machines in bars and restaurants. I'm not saying they want you to get into wrecks and kill people. But they DO want to write their citations.
Because it's all about money. They don't care about the "safety" or "stopping" drinking and driving. They just want your money. Christ, everytime they get a DUI it's like 10 grand in expenses. If they really wanted to "STOP" it, they'd put breathalizer machines in bars and restaurants. I'm not saying they want you to get into wrecks and kill people. But they DO want to write their citations.

Remeber, we here in Ohio are a little biased against police and the system because our state authorizes overkill by putting more police and troopers on the street per capita and per crime than any other 3 states combined. Here in Ohio, the objective is to make money, but in other states that is not always the case.