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Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

For purposes of general information, it is not my desire to explicitly "call out" Major Stoner by potentially causing him embarassment. Embarassment, retribution, or vilification [for any opposing views] are not consistent with my Faith, nor are they my job here. I seek the Truth, nothing more, nothing less, and Major Stoner understands this. It is My hope that his beliefs are in accordance with that which set him on this course.
The word 'occult' comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/C09az5H_H6w&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/C09az5H_H6w&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a conventionalized phoenix.

The Phoenix is key to the "secret destiny" of civilization. It explains the occult design behind the formation of the United States and the events at Roswell. These mysteries can be solved if we understand this one word.

The word "Phoenix" is derivative of the Greek name for "Phoenicians", ancient people that inhabited the East coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Though called "Phoenicians" meaning redness by the Greeks, the Phoenicians referred to themselves as Sidonians. Their capital city named after Sidon, the first born son of Canaan, son of Ham. Ham was one of the original occupants of Noah’s Ark and Noah’s youngest son. The Sidonians were considered masters of science and magic. They claimed to possess a civilization existing for 30,000 years. Ancient historians venerated the Sidonians:

Sidonian navigators were especially sought by the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians & Greeks.

The Greek alphabet was transferred directly from the Phoenician / Sidonian script and applied to the sounds of the language of the Greeks, hence the meaning of the word "phonetic".

The modern English alphabet is based on the ancient Phoenician / Sidonian script.

The majority of knowledge ascribed through the ages to the Greeks was given to them first by the Sidonians.

Pythagoras, considered the ancient father of Free Masonry was schooled in Sidonia.

The first phonetic text in existence, the Old Testament, was written in Phoenician characters.

The first temple of the Hebrews was built in Jerusalem by artisans from Tyre, a city that traded Phoenician capital status with Sidon.

The preeminence of the Phoenician / Sidonian knowledge in ancient civilization is a long guarded occult secret.

But more important than the scientific influence of Sidonia, the symbolic meaning of the Phoenix represents an age when mankind and extraterrestrials were believed to have lived on earth side by side. Phoenicia was the land of descent of the "Sons of God" described in Genesis 6. According to the history of every ancient culture in the Middle East, Phoenicia was the first place where beings from heaven came to the earth. The union of these beings with the daughters of Adam produced hybrid offspring, Nephilim (literally in Hebrew, the fallen ones). According to the pseudepigraphic book of Enoch, the book of Jubilees and many other ancient texts, the exact point of descent of the Sons of God was Mt. Hermon in Phoenicia. Through the influence of these heavenly beings and their offspring, men became gifted with knowledge surpassing any that had yet existed. But then came the flood...and symbolically the Phoenix perished. The heavenly and supernatural bird, keeper of secrets of the past and future was consumed in the fire of its own making.

In other words, the knowledge given to man from heaven was lost in a global cataclysm. According to Genesis 6, the destruction of earth by the flood was in response to the interaction of the Sons of God with the daughters of Adam.

Ancient and modern occult adepts describe the beauty of Phoenix, dazzling and brilliantly colored. It was a perfect symbol for heavenly knowledge manifested on the earth. They believed the power of the Phoenix came from heaven. Its death on earth would only be temporary. The life of the Phoenix could not be extinguished any more than the heavens or knowledge could cease to exist. The Phoenix waited to be born again out of the ashes of its demise.

The symbolic rebirth of the Phoenix did take place in the time after the flood. Nephilim that survived the cataclysm, returned to their point of origin in Phoenicia, as recorded in the Old Testament. Canaan, the son of Ham, the cursed son of Noah, once again established civilization amidst the beings that had caused the destruction of the world.

The Nephilim were more powerful and intelligent than men, but they were earth bound like men. The connection they once had to their heavenly progenitors had been cut. Together with humanity they beckoned the Sons of God to descend as they had before the flood. They built a tower reaching into the heavens. Because of this attempt, it is recorded that the world lost what was left of divine knowledge, through its dispersion throughout the earth.

This understanding of the Phoenix is shared by illumined fraternal orders that have preserved the scattered "sacred" knowledge of the ancients. They anticipate the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes of history. They wait for an age when knowledge will once again descend from heaven. This secret has been hidden in their symbolism and numerology throughout history.

It's not the aliens -Good or Evil- that Major Stoner is concerned about.

Do you actually know what he's "concerned" about? It looks to me that he's just copy and pasting any sort of random crap he finds. There doesn't appear to be any coherent thesis; least, not as far as I can see.

That was a nice Mars pic, tho'...
What happens when an unstoppable force hits an immovable object?

Mount Hermon in Phoenicia, the first location of extraterrestrial influence with man.

Watched a show on one of the science-y channels over the weekend about pyramids, and three things stuck out to me:

1) While much as been made of the perfection of the stone blocks and how they fit together, this perfection is only skin deep. Underneath the outer layer the stones are roughly cut and haphazardly laid together. This speaks of a very human notion to cut corners where no one can see, and where architecturally it does not matter.

2) The Great Pyramid did not spring forth fully realized. Rather, there was a linear progression from rough burial mounds to mud-brick mastabas to layering of mastabas one on top of another (necessitating the switch to stone from mud) all the way to the Great Pyramid. Again, a very human trait: variations and improvements on a theme, building it bigger with each iteration.

3) While Egyptian civilization lasted thousands of years, pyramid building only went on for about a hundred. There's no mystical reason why it stopped; rather two very pragmatic reasons: a) pyramid building is expensive, and the largest of pyramids nearly bankrupted the government of Egypt; and b) pyramids make a fairly poor place to bury the dead, as it's tantamount to erecting a neon sign advertising to robbers "Here's the treasure!". Post-pyramid pharaohs' burials were secreted away in caves (and yet were still fairly routinely robbed).
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There doesn't appear to be any coherent thesis; least, not as far as I can see.

That's because you are thinking too linearly and not thinking outside the box. You are using things like logic, reasoning, facts and rationale, which makes you very myopic and naive to a number of clear signs and indicators of something. To what specifically, I have no idea but SOMETHING! :tongue:
Disclaimer: I did not shoot, edit, or post this video
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-UiaKsVh4rw&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-UiaKsVh4rw&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Do you actually know what he's "concerned" about? It looks to me that he's just copy and pasting any sort of random crap he finds. There doesn't appear to be any coherent thesis; least, not as far as I can see.

That was a nice Mars pic, tho'...

Major Stoner has every reason to be scared as hell. He's only "concerned", though, because his Freudian ego is still running his show. He also knows how to correct this error.

To answer your question, Flaminio, there are several related theses about which Major has been posting. As everyone would agree, the world seems to be taking some really strange turns these days. This trend will only continue to increase. And, as I wrote previously, 2010 is the year that aliens will become broadly known to the world. Unfortunately, it will be a human leader that explains the phenomena to the world (and their association with religion/God).

"In a world characterized by abnormalities and the unexplainable, Trust the person who simply admires the mystery of it all, rather than the human being that tries to explain it to you." - ME
As everyone would agree, the world seems to be taking some really strange turns these days.

I don't agree with this, and therefore it's not "everyone".

And, as I wrote previously, 2010 is the year that aliens will become broadly known to the world.

Very good! This is the kind of scientific hypothesis that I like to see. It's easily testable, and more importantly, falsifiable. All we have to do is wait until January 1, 2011 (just a little more than a year from now), and we will know if you are truly a prophet, or just full of bunk.
Major Stoner has every reason to be scared as hell. He's only "concerned", though, because his Freudian ego is still running his show. He also knows how to correct this error.

To answer your question, Flaminio, there are several related theses about which Major has been posting. As everyone would agree, the world seems to be taking some really strange turns these days. This trend will only continue to increase. And, as I wrote previously, 2010 is the year that aliens will become broadly known to the world. Unfortunately, it will be a human leader that explains the phenomena to the world (and their association with religion/God).

"In a world characterized by abnormalities and the unexplainable, Trust the person who simply admires the mystery of it all, rather than the human being that tries to explain it to you." - ME

So can I ask you a question in all earnestness?

What happens if any/all of these predictions do not come true? What if nothing happens in 2010 and what if nothing happens in 2012 and life goes on as usual? Will that reset your values and opinions at that point or will they modified to meet the actions of what occurred (i.e. oh wait the sign in 2012 was that the world was ending in 2022 instead.)

The reason I ask is that I’ve been told very convincing stories that the end of the world was to occur in 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010 and now 2012. All by people as convinced as you and with “factual data” that irrevocably defends their position. Yet nothing seems to happen year after year.
So can I ask you a question in all earnestness?

What happens if any/all of these predictions do not come true? What if nothing happens in 2010 and what if nothing happens in 2012 and life goes on as usual? Will that reset your values and opinions at that point or will they modified to meet the actions of what occurred (i.e. oh wait the sign in 2012 was that the world was ending in 2022 instead.)

The reason I ask is that I’ve been told very convincing stories that the end of the world was to occur in 1990, 1991, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2010 and now 2012. All by people as convinced as you and with “factual data” that irrevocably defends their position. Yet nothing seems to happen year after year.

Valid question. I should point out -emphatically- that I am not making a point of 2012. I have my thoughts on the matter, but the message gets diluted when it becomes "you should believe in God because it's all going to be over soon" -- that's hardly the point. God appreciates His acceptance by a person on the day before he dies, but it's not exactly viewed in the same light as a person who has lived his entire life in God's name (all else being equal). Other Christians would disagree with me, and that's ok.

To answer your question: Nothing will change, with me, if 2012 comes and goes. As I wrote before, that's just a date and God will do as and when He pleases. :biggrin:
Buy a new computer to prepare for possiblity of Y2K problems, or set the computer's clock for 11:59:59 PM 12/31/1999 and test it?
To answer your question: Nothing will change, with me, if 2012 comes and goes. As I wrote before, that's just a date and God will do as and when He pleases. :biggrin:

OK, but if 2010 comes and goes and aliens do not show up, can we reliably conclude that you are just a crackpot?
OK, but if 2010 comes and goes and aliens do not show up, can we reliably conclude that you are just a crackpot?

Mmmmm, I sure hope no aliens show up. I've got this great stew recipie that I've been wanting to simmer for several hours. The meat and vegtables just get so tender and delicious. Ohhh... you said crackpot!
OK, but if 2010 comes and goes and aliens do not show up, can we reliably conclude that you are just a crackpot?

Sure, I don't care.

One final comment on the whole 12/21/2012 world is going to end issue:

Those that seek to "find religion" between now and then, simply because they are afraid of their own deaths, will quite likely be exposed. You see, God and His Holy Spirits have made that date known to mankind around the world. He gave it to the Mayans and other cultures. It's now ubiquitous in popular (western) culture -- a 2012 hollywood feature film is in the works. Between now and then, as my current quote illustrates, everyone on the planet will have to take a position on what will/not happen around that date.

Many people will "find religion" (generally, a Good thing) and will, at least temporarily, try their best to live upstanding and truthful lives. However, at the heart of it, some portion of these people will *actually* be, in effect, worshipping popular culture and an ancient mayan civilization they think were divine. God will see through this, one way or another. And I wouldn't be surprised if He didn't "delay" things just a little while, to separate those who really lived in His name from humans that just thought they might die because of a TV program.
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And I wouldn't be surprised if He didn't "delay" things just a little while, to separate those who really lived in His name from humans that just thought they might die because of a TV program.

Nice pre-emptive excuse. :rolleyes:

In the words of Sgt. Hulka in the non-apocalyptic classic "Stripes": "Lighten up, Francis"

And now back to mixing the kool-aid..........

p.s. Blind faith is an ironic gift to return to the Creator of human intelligence.
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Those that seek to "find religion" between now and then, simply because they are afraid of their own deaths, will quite likely be exposed.

I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. – Mark Twain
Many people will "find religion" (generally, a Good thing) and will, at least temporarily, try their best to live upstanding and truthful lives.

I think if in the final days I were to discover I was wrong all along and realize there was actually a god, I don't think I would change my life one bit. I would continue to live my moral, upstanding, law abiding, helpful to others, optimistic and fulfilled life. And if I was truly wrong, I would fully accept my punishment openly and take responsibilities for my life long actions, rather than act the coward and try to repent at the final hour to save my own skin. You would think a just god would see value and honor in that and distinguish that among those that flip flopped at the last minute to save thier own bacon, as he's chucking them down to the firey pits of hell.
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