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two full time jobs?

8 June 2005
kelowna, BC
Well i'm currently in the hole roughly $10,000 for car/computer/audio gear and i'm getting hassled to pay some of my debts off faster.. An opening has come up for a night tech job usually 12-8 shifts at a local datacenter. I work 9-5 in retail sales already. I estimate something like 6 hours of sleep and then travel time between jobs. I usually live off 5-6 hours a night but I often party hard and pass out which seems to give me really good quality sleep, even when on a bathroom floor. I figure i could use my days off from my day job to catch up on lost sleep, and of course party hard some more. Does anyone here pull 16 hour work days? how much does it drain you of energy? i'm 22 so I don't think this will kill me too quickly. Just means faster NSX downpayment.
I'm a design student, so I've had my spurts of 72 straight hours of work... no sleep... etc. It's 4am here on a friday nite, and i'm up for no apparent reason... used to it i guess.

It wears on you. How long do you plan on doing these?
netfreak said:
pass out which seems to give me really good quality sleep, even when on a bathroom floor.

Nice bro! That's what im talkin about! 88 prelude to an NSX, quite a jump there man. Do you just drink a lot, or? Your bands' studio is kickass man, how did you afford of all that SWEET equipment :eek: ?

netfreak said:
I figure i could use my days off from my day job to catch up on lost sleep, and of course party hard some more.

Yes, my days have proven this a very effective tactic. First, sleep very long your first time off. Then, I prefer to sleep in 5-6 hour segments as much as possible the remaining weekend, like stay up for only <8-10 hours at a time, sleep more depending on how much you are up. This may seem strange but it works very well, however i'm pretty sure all people are different, so really just sleep a lot and you'll be good, bro.

Most importantly, party hard all weekend long to reward yourself for a crazy long week of work!
netfreak said:
i live in kelowna. I see you live in vic.. My aim is to be the youngest NSX owner in the city. The other owners i know of in the area are all above 35 and I figure I can get one by 24.

Sweet man - best of luck...I did that once, and yes it can be done and one day you'll look back but at least you'll have your NSX!!!!!!

I did it for 3 1/2 years 7 days a week working in a body shop painting and preping Mon to Fri and Grocery store Tue and Thurs nights plus Sat and Sunday's ... Plus owned my own landscaping company ..It's well worth it at the end. When I was 29 I was mogage Free with 3 places to my name. Now I just work but I have a wife and 2 young children so my NSX is just 2 to 3 years away. I have other business projects on the go right now and the timing isn't right. But hey Im only 33. So good luck!!
netfreak said:
Well i'm currently in the hole roughly $10,000 for car/computer/audio gear and i'm getting hassled to pay some of my debts off faster.. An opening has come up for a night tech job usually 12-8 shifts at a local datacenter. I work 9-5 in retail sales already. I estimate something like 6 hours of sleep and then travel time between jobs. I usually live off 5-6 hours a night but I often party hard and pass out which seems to give me really good quality sleep, even when on a bathroom floor. I figure i could use my days off from my day job to catch up on lost sleep, and of course party hard some more. Does anyone here pull 16 hour work days? how much does it drain you of energy? i'm 22 so I don't think this will kill me too quickly. Just means faster NSX downpayment.

This current lifestyle your living is unhealthy. I recommend selling your NSX and live within your means, for now.

Life sucks when your up to your eyeballs in dept and bills. You mention that your 22, perfect age to step back and take a serious look at what you want out of life. I believe age 30 is a stepping stone in life, so currently you have age on your side.

Best of luck.
rickysals: I'd try pulling it off until next summer and then I'd hopefully have the means to sustain myself on just one of the jobs.

NSEXCESS: I don't drink really often, but when I do I don't stop until i hit floor. As for my band, the best gear is my guitar setup. I probably sank 3k into it but damn was it worth it. The recording gear is decent but not professional quality. It's enough to handle our first album recording though.

Lime Green NSX: Yeah I mainly need to do it for the sake of getting a good positive net worth haha. Once that's done I'd be able to manage with one of those jobs and the basic bills plus NSX payments.

Vizal: I think the most unhealthy thing was the high amount of fast food I was consuming. I've quit that and when i've got time I'll start working out a bit. My sleeping pattern is already adjusted to 5-6 hours a night and off days will help me catch up a bit. I don't actually own an NSX yet, that'll only be when I've got all my debts covered. I can stick it out with the prelude for a little while longer :p
My question is why do you have debt as a result of a computer and audio gear? Those are more items that one gets only when they can pay up front, going into debt and paying interest just isn't a sound financial sense.

With regards to working so much, you need to stop trading your time for money. It sounds like the only way you can get ahead is by holding a lower paying job(s) and working more hours. My suggestion is to either 1) get more education so that you can find a job that will pay you more off the bat (and still trade your time for money) or 2) find a job that will allow you to decide how much you want to make (such as sales). The harder you work the more money you make, and even when you aren't working, you still continue to make money because in more cases people will still be ordering things when you aren't in front of them.
netfreak said:
I don't drink really often, but when I do I don't stop until i hit floor.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Not a good sign.
Sorry, ot meaning to flame, but I would suggest a reality and priority check.
Vizal: lol thanks. I've tried to plan out the next couple years of my financial life to get me going.

comquat1: When I first started on the guitar I was using a setup worth no more than $100. After it was clear that this would end up being a passion for me and possibly a means of income, I felt I had no choice but to purchase all the gear I could get my hands on. It left me in the hole with debts but if I had to do it all again, I wouldn't change my decisions. I'm very pleased with what I've got and I don't imagine having to spend more money on it anytime soon. As for education, I'm definately considering university in case being a rock star doesn't turn out :p. The second job I'm hoping to get here pays $4 more an hour so it's a bit of a step up.

I think I may end up being less stressed taking the second job. Most of my stress comes from wondering how I'm going to make the next payment on a certain account. If I really do become financially stable with this method, I'll really have nothing left to worry about except getting sleep.

In addition to my drinking, I'm a smoker too :p. more fuel for the fire!
The fact that you've gotten yourself $10,000 in debt on items that are not a basic necessity is irresponsible. How did you accumulate so much debt? Did you max out your credit cards or borrow money from your parents? Either way it's not a good place to be at such a young age.

Now to answer your question. You will burn out very quickly, especially if on your free nights you drink until you hit the floor. I worked two full time jobs for one year and it was the most miserable time of my life. Being a resident at a big metropolitan hospital getting sometimes 4-6 hours of sleep a night was rough. Then, starting my own private practice on the nights and weekends I wasn't on call for the hospital meant I was putting in 90-110 hours a week. To make matters even worse, my salary from the hospital was $1,000 a month and my rent was $1,200 a month. So doing the math it was impossible for me to live without earning some extra cash on the side and getting some help from my parents at the time. I was not out buying computers, guitars, and mods for my car. I actually sold my car because I couldn't afford to pay for the insurance and parking in NYC.

I gave up a lot of luxuries during that year. I saved up for five months to buy a stereo system that is now ten years old that I still use everyday. But, because of all the hard work I put in early, I now have a comfortable lifestyle. I'm not super rich by any means, but when I finish paying off my student, business, and real estate loans I'll be very happy.
netfreak said:
i live in kelowna. I see you live in vic.. My aim is to be the youngest NSX owner in the city. The other owners i know of in the area are all above 35 and I figure I can get one by 24.

i was 23 when i got my nsx.

16 hour days can be draining, but it depends on what your doing. i usually sit at a computer desk, so its just mentally draining.

if ur working retail, then i would imagine that it would be a lot more draining.
DocL: I know it wasn't the best decisions involving my financial problems, but like I said I would do it over again. One of the few things that actually makes me happy and reduces stress is being able to produce music. Without that to look forward to, I really doubt I'd last doing 16 hour days. My expenses (other than my debt payments) are fairly low. I put pretty much no money into my car outside of gas and repairs I can't do myself. I know I won't be able to pull this off for a year, but I believe I'll make it until I've got the debts paid down. After that, I can live off one of those jobs. As for my alcoholism, that'll undoubtedly stop. With the scheduling i've worked out, I'll pretty much have no time for social activities.

NSXFreak00: 8 hours will be on a sales floor and the other 8 will be at a computer desk. I usually slam a few energy drinks back at my sales job and it keeps me going regardless of sleep.
Here's a thought:

Have 1 full time job, and then have a second job that generates as much money, without as much work.

Here are a couple of jobs that meet such criteria:

1) Pimp - you don't need to work all the time. Just find some nice girls / guys that you can get to work for you, and leverage their labor for your income.

2) Drug Dealer - you don't need to work all the time either. You just need a discreet location to exchange merchandise.

Of course I don't recommend either, but they're there. :D j/k
Most of my work days are about 12-14 hours.....gotta bust some tail to get to the top fast. ;)
working 16 hrs a day to pay for luxury item( NSX) is insane. I believe most NSX owners enjoys working smart, not working long hours. My goal is to have a comfortable lifestyle and spend time with my family, and drive my nsx on occasions. But to work 16+hrs/day to pay for it? Not worth it to me. What if your future NSX needs a clutch? Work 20 hrs/day to pay for it. :eek:
I have meet a few new NSX owners struggling with car payment on 12+ yrs old car. When something breaks, the owner can't afford to fix it. The NSX is a well made vehicle,but it is getting old; so things are going to break. Maybe putting off NSX until you have a better handle on your financial situation will bring you more enjoyment on the ownership experience. At that point, you may be looking at used 02-05 NSX instead of 91-92 NSX. :smile:
NsXMas: as easy as that would be, I think i'll stay legit :p

EIFFEL: I'm mainly doing this to get myself completely out of debt and have a few thousand to start investing. I'd only start NSX shopping after I've cleared everything out and start getting returns coming in from investments or side projects. To be honest though I'd still go for an older model NSX regardless of how much money I had. I wouldn't see myself getting into a car for more than 50k CDN, let alone a honda :p. I enjoy working on my current honda and I'd be comfortable handling any required repairs on an NSX.