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Weber hits out at F1 "Wimps"...what do you think?

26 January 2001
San Diego, CA
[h=1]Weber hits out at F1 'wimps'[/h]Thursday 7th August 2014
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Weber hits out at F1 'wimps'

Willi Weber has blamed self-interested bosses and wimpy drivers as the reason why Formula 1's viewer numbers are declining.
This season, despite efforts to entice fans back to the sport, viewer numbers have once again taken a hit.
This was most noticeable at the German GP where around 50,000 tickets were sold compared to the 120,000 of yesteryear.
And Weber, best known for being Michael Schumacher's first manager, believes Bernie Ecclestone and Jean Todt bear some of the responsibility.
"There are many reasons for the decline of the Formula 1," he said in an interview withSport Bild.
"First, the fish rots at the head.
"Bernie Ecclestone is much too old to embrace the age of new media while FIA president Jean Todt lacks the power to enforce.
"These men think only of their own interests."
The 72-year-old, though, doesn't believe the blame rests solely with those in charge and hit out at the sport's current crop of drivers.
"Who wants to see the wimps of today crying on the radio.
"There are no more characters like Ayrton Senna, Jacques Villeneuve and Michael Schumacher were.
"They would not complain on the radio but give their answer on the track."
Added to that, he says, it all comes in an "ugly" package thanks to this year's car.
What, Senna [wrongly or rightly] never complained to anyone who would listen?? The only reason we hear the drivers complaining today, rather than in the past, is because of TV telecasts which include car to pit radio.
you should have posted this in our F1 thread........
He makes some good points that I agree with. The sound of the cars is probably last among the problems with the sport right now. Their are changes every year in F1, but never the ones that really need to be made.
The "Wimps" make for great TV. The ticket sales may have taken a hit but i'd assume there's a big jump in viewership this year from N.America alone (though I have not seen the #'s). F1 needs to transcend into modern media (social media et al)
Viewership is up 43% overall. I'm actually surprised those numbers are so high. It could have a lot to do with curiosity from the return of the turbos. I could care less if there is bickering being played over the radio. I tune in to watch the racing that doesn't involve driving at 80% due to fuel or poor tires. If I wanted bickering and drama then I would watch MTV. lol

The excitement of seeing the races in person is considerably down. I do expect changes next year though.
The German GP attendance was down due to high ticket prices. Here in the US F1 ticket prices appear to be in line with NASCAR and Indy Racing. Weber has some good points though I disagree with some of them. I'm willing to give the new cars time to develop further before I load any blame on the equipment. The more recent races have been very entertaining. I wish the televising network had control over the video content. I'm not a fan of watching a race between two cars that are out of the points when up front you have three or four cars battling for the win in the final laps of the race. The race announcing and commentary is excellent. Especially, when the drivers get to whining and Hobbes and Matchett call them on it.