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what car does your nsx get mistaken for?

what car does your nsx get mistaken for?

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22 April 2006
The other day a neighbor says" what brand of toy did you get this time?"
I said a acura nsx. she goes "oh" , silence "my son said it was a mitsu 300gt"
Took it over to my Uncle's house last night and he asked if they copied the Corvette. Second time someone has said Corvette to me.

The only other time, a guy I used to know back in high school drove by me when I was visiting home. He later saw my brother and went on and on about seeing me and my Ferrari. My brother tried to tell him it was NOT a Ferrari and the guy just insisted....he knows his cars he told Clint.
Corvette mostly, occassionaly Camaro.:frown:

how did i forget the vette ? I get that often also.
Get this,
Corvette guys wave at each other. I've had two and back then when it was a more exclusive club- it was cool. Just a hand wave to a 'brother'.

Well, last week I got the hand wave from a red vette drop top passing on my left real close and real slow. Guessed the similar red color made him think I was a 'brother'. Or maybe it was something else, but he turned and looked too. Thankfully, I have tinted dark windows.
I've gotten Vette a few times, Ferarri a couple times... been followed around town just because they were wondering what kind of car it is... and the dreaded hey man nice "Stang" is the custom? :eek: I just kinda didn't acknowledge their exisitance and kept driving... Some people's children... :biggrin:
Old lady at Home Depot the other day: "That's a beautiful car."
Me: "Thank you."
Lady: "I have never seen a Ferrari in real life before."
Me: "Well, you still haven't."

2000 New Formula Red.... maybe it's the red? :confused: :confused: :confused:
Haha, yea.. i have gotten testarossa once, but i get corvette ALL THE TIME. Not a bad thing, just makes me laugh
Just yesterday I went to the print shop to pick up business cards. A copier sales rep who happened to be in the shop asked "So how do you like that 'Vette"?

I said "Which 'Vette"?

He pointed to my car and I told him what it was.

He said "It looks just like a 'Vette."

I said "Yea, that's what Chevy copied the 'Vette from".
shashimi, not canoli!

My neighbor's pre-teen sons (at the time) thought my NSX was a Lamborghini Diablo...

They kept trying to figure out exactly what it was by analyzing their video games (I think the titles were Need For Speed 3 and Gran Tourismo 2).
I have gotten Ferrari several times, from some kids, some randoms and some of my girlfriends friends, oh and some drunks when out downtown. My father compared it to a corvette a couple of times and asked if they were copying corvette. He and I no longer speak:biggrin: j/k
At Houston Gran prix I parked free with the Ferrari club two days running because the parking attendents thought it was a ferrari.
The hot girl who walked by me at the gate knew though...I said....damn girl you're prettier than my car...she looked back at the sea of Farraris, and porsches, and said "oh, are you driving the yellow NSX...nice car", mmmmmmmmmmmmm....."yes" I said with the biggest ass grin on my stupid face:biggrin:
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Just today at Starbuck, I overheard an older gentlemen saying "Ferrari" when I got out of the car with his friends.

Several months ago the UPS guy said "nice Ferrari" in the garage.
One day I was filling up my NSX gas and a man came over and walked around from rear to front. He said, "Hi, this is NSX? look like a Corvette!". I said," Yeah but look closely you might learn something.":rolleyes:
The first day I had my car in early April, I pulled up to the home of one of my SAT students, and began teaching. About halfway through the lesson, the parents came home from a restaurant, and the dad exclaimed, "Who's Ferrari is parked out front! Did you see the Ferrari out there?"

Ferrari is definitely the most common misnomer. Corvette seems to be second.

The third mistake people make regarding the car is thinking its owner must be rich, lol! Yesterday one of my students told me that her friend at school was talking about a red NSX that he'd been seeing all around town lately, and she told him, "Oh, that's my SAT tutor." The guy's eyes went wide, and he excaimed, "He's f'in loaded!" :rolleyes: :lol:
The other day I heard a guy telling the lot attendant at a grocery to make sure all of the carts were in the proper containers rather than being parked all over the lot. Later I saw him in the store. He came up to me and said he wanted to make sure a stray cart didn't smash into my Ferrari. I thanked him and told him I appreciated his concern.

Came out of a store and this lady asked me if my car was a Camaro. I said that in fact it was. She told me her son loves Camaros.

Corvette guys here wave to me. I give them the finger.:biggrin:
Often Corvette, which pishes me off, then the usual Ferrari, which makes me look under the car if me engine is leaking oil, but the best one was from an older lad who said i did a great job on souping me Civic up.
6/10: Corvette
3/10: Ferrai
0/10: Camaro (Dont' have a 91-93 with the Top Half Black :) )
1/10: RSX?!?! (Only when talking about it, with no graphical representation)