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What kind of jobs do NSX owners have?

Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Don't give me the clueless kid crap again...

Considering that your grammer and spelling are terrible, I think that we can give you as much crap as we want.
Heck, someone here even corrected your spelling of "carrear" and you keep on spelling it wrong!

I suggest that you just concentrate on studying and getting into a decent college. You'll probably change your mind every semester on what you want to do for a living. If you're looking at a particular job because of the money, you'll probably regret every minute of it once you've been doing it for five years.

I can remember talking with my high school buddies at your age, and so far only myself and one other friend are what I'd consider "successful".

-Good luck.
and since you might stand some reflection from those whove already made these decisions which you are facing...

my definition of 'successful' is the ability to combine doing what you want with the compensation you want. this applies to all aspects of life, and compensation comes in many different forms. My personal greatest reward is being a father, and giving my wife the opportunity to be a fulltime mother. This means that professionally I've leaned more heavily on compensation than on 'doing what i want', but the greater reward is worth it.

and please use spellcheck. ive known intelligent people who spelled poorly, but they would all tell you that they were frequently misjudged. whatever your abilities, time and energy spent on presenting yourself will only further you in the world.

good luck. i hope you can take the criticisms here and 'move on up'.

Do yourself a favor and go to your career counselor. If your high school doesn't have one, or you want a second opinion, stop by your local junior college and make an appointment.

Once you're there, ask to take one of those tests that measures what your aptitude and interests are. When you get the results, look at the list of careers that fall into the categories that you are strongest at. Then speak with your counselor again so he/she can steer you on what direction/classes you need to take.


This will save you from the hassles of losing time and money related to changing majors in college simply because you didn't like the first major you picked.

It's easy to sit and think "hmmm, maybe I should do this, or try that..." when you're solely going on feeling. At least a test would be an objective measurement of where you stand as far as your interests go. Maybe then, come decision time, you would make a logical choice.
Sorry to say i don't use spellcheck just cause most of the stuff i do type is not always spelt wrong and everyone knows what i'm trying to say. It is also kind of wasteful of my time. If you think i'm dumb go ahead but i do know what i am. So don't think it will harm me one bit or hurt my pride.

Thanks Joel for the idea it might help me out alot. I don't know I'm realy into the architecture type of carrear. Or jobs that have to do with drawing. I realy like drawing and creating things. Also i'm realy good with math as of right now. So i'm thinking architecture fits right in to this category.

Also just to tell you something which you probably already know is I'm 15 so i'm not experienced with all this real life crap yet so cut me some slack. I will never be as smart as you cause you already have 5+ years of experience on me. So this explains why i seem clueless to you. But i bet when you where my age you weren't much brighter than me so do you understand. Just relax with the clueless thing. I came hear to get an answer not to be judged. Why do you think i asked a question. Maybe to aaaaaaaaaaahh... to get an answer.

Sorry just had to explain some stuff that i'm feeling.

Sorry just had to explain. Thanks for you help Joel.
Originally posted by wildbill846:
Another pilot right here.... I fly the CH-46E....yes, the whistling shitcan of death. It's not that bad considering the Marine Corps received its last CH-46E a year before I was born.

Currently with the 24th MEU in the Arabian Sea.


i used to jump out of the army version (ch-47)... nice tailgate on that thing...

Kaye & Trish
1998 NSX-T #176
No mods...
NSXCA #108
-My other car is a 767-
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
I have to be frank here. You seem like one clueless kid judging by some of your posts, specially the most recent post.

I suggest you get your ducks in a row before fantasizing about the NSX. Buying an NSX should be the last thing on your mind considering your current stage in life.

Pay your dues and the rewards will come.

Nicely put.....

Midnight Raven,

You remind me of my young cousin...he's into Japanese sports car like the NSX. There's quite a learning curve you'll go through before you purchase your very first NSX unless you have rich parents that will get you an NSX for your commute to high school.
Just like 8000RPM says, pay your dues, work hard and stay focused (NSX, I assume?). I've known quite a few members that kept their dreams and are now part of the NSX ownership family. We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you one day at an NSX meet.

Blue NSX-T
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
Sorry to say i don't use spellcheck just cause most of the stuff i do type is not always spelt wrong and everyone knows what i'm trying to say. It is also kind of wasteful of my time. If you think i'm dumb go ahead but i do know what i am. So don't think it will harm me one bit or hurt my pride.

I agree with 8000rpm and Blue Knight.

Self confidence, ambition, and the ability to set goals are great tools towards success. You seem to have these, but I don't think they are enough by themselves.

People skills, the ability to effectively express yourself, well thought out career path, and refinement of the skillset used in achieving your goals are also absolutely neccessary. You seem to lack these. I probably did at 15 too.

That being said, I think you better starting making some progress within the next couple years before applying / selecting / attending college. Take the advice of the group as constructively as possible. Collectively, I think you could do a lot worse than the folks here.

[This message has been edited by Markbert (edited 18 November 2002).]
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
But i bet when you where my age you weren't much brighter than me ...

Let's see...

At age 15 I was already fluent in 3 foreign languages and getting straight A's in high school despite not knowing English prior to coming to the US at age 14.

Oh, I also knew the difference between a car's rear and one's career.

So what were you saying?
OOOOhhhh MY Gosh you are so cool go scre* yourself.
Sorry but what it looks like your doing is trying to make me look bad or just look stupid. Sorry to say your not making anyone happy so stop with the remarks. Just to tell you I'm about one of the best ranked students in my rank. I rank around 20 or less out of about 300+ students. I know 2 langues english and spanish. I almost can get straight A's but i always having one class that is in the B range. I'm not too far off behind you. Also from what I just read you seem like you haven't lived here much. You probably lived here very little so that may explain why you know 3 languages. Doesn't sound like you studied these languages more like you learned them from the places that you came from.

Actually WOW to the guy that Markbert. How did you guess that, I actually am very shy and don't like to talk to people that much. I don't express my feeling or ideas that well. This is what i'm working on right now. I'm trying to get more socially active in life. That is why i do cross country and track. I get to meet more people and make my self more open minded.I don't feel like reading anymore help posts so please don't

I think i figured out the perfect job you guys. A NSX and sportcar MECHANIC.
It is perfect. I get to see nsx alot and i get to learn more about the machines that i like.
Sorr for not finishing "i don't want to read anymore help posts".

I mean stop posting things about how to make myself a better life. I just don't feel like getting anymore advice.

Thanks for the people that did give me advice though.

see ya.
Originally posted by Joel:
...take one of those tests that measures what your aptitude and interests are. When you get the results, look at the list of careers that fall into the categories that you are strongest at. Then speak with your counselor again so he/she can steer you on what direction/classes you need to take.


This will save you from the hassles of losing time and money related to changing majors in college simply because you didn't like the first major you picked...

JOel, I really never disagree with opinions here, but this is one I have too. If I had listened to the advice and recommendations of the counselors at my high shcool and college I'd probably be a bumb. I don't believe that taking a test can provide anyone with an accurate gauge as to what profession they would be best suited for. It all comes down to hard work and determination.

Raven, we are not trying to talk down to you, actually the exact opposite. There are many different folks here, some self made and others born into wealth. Neither one is better than the other, but what's important is how you value how you've gotten there. I spent 28 years in school, and by far I'm not the wealthiest person.

Take a step back and take into consideration the comments presented before you. If the internet had been around when I was your age, I would have saved a lot of time looking for the same advice given here.

Good luck.
Like the other guys said, work hard to achieve your goal. Everything will fall in place later for the better. Enjoy life while you're young and study hard. (I did the exact opposite and worked two jobs in my senior year of highschool and regret it.) And choose your career wisely. My parents were pushing me to get into law or being a doctor but when I thought about it, do I really want to be boring myself 40 hours a week for the rest of my life?

Instead, I changed majors to mechanical engineering. I was always pretty good in math and have a passion to design cars in the future. Will be getting my BS in a while and hopefully later, get my masters. Good luck and do what you love because you'll do a better job at it if you enjoy it.
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
I mean stop posting things about how to make myself a better life. I just don't feel like getting anymore advice.

congrats, raven. looks like you've just "learned" something......
Originally posted by Dr.Lane:
JOel, I really never disagree with opinions here, but this is one I have too. If I had listened to the advice and recommendations of the counselors at my high shcool and college I'd probably be a bumb.

I don't believe that taking a test can provide anyone with an accurate gauge as to what profession they would be best suited for.

The gauge for accuracy and precision is pretty relative. The test wasn't certainly meant to be the BIBLE for the job market. However, between taking a shot in the dark by picking a major in college at random and taking a simple objective test, that would, if anything tells you where your interests lie, I would opt for the latter. It's just goes with my methodical personality, I guess.

I knew I wanted to be an R.N. before setting foot in college. When I took the test, it gave me a more objective direction and that extra push to go ahead and pursue it. Certainly nothing wrong with that. It worked for me. It didn't work for you. That's why accuracy is relative. Surely a 20-minute test isn't a time-consuming task for anyone.

It all comes down to hard work and determination.

I agree. But without direction and strategic planning of where you want to go, hard work and determination is worthless. You can liken it to a fly in your office who's giving everything its got trying to fly out of an unopened window. He's working so hard at it and expending so much energy but he has no strategy to begin with. If it can only turn around and look for an open door, he would be more successful.

See, if not done correctly, it is a formula for ending up in an unrewarding career. Sure you can make the $$$ and get the prestigious status, but are people happy? Some are. Most aren't. How many people can say they are getting paid for what they LOVE doing? Maybe you can. And certainly the likes of Mario Andretti. But for your average joe? Doubt it.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 19 November 2002).]
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
As the saying goes... one can only lead a horse to water...

And this particular horse is so clueless that it's scary.

That's a good one, 8000RPM. Let me add on....

one can only lead a horse to water and then we feed him lots of salt....

'98 Blue NSX-T

If you learn one thing from your post here, it's that spelling and grammar are very important. Read all the other posts on this board. Notice that most of the people here use proper grammar and punctuation. Then go to another auto message forum and read the posts. Do you get a sense of the type of people on this board by the way they convey their messages?

In all seriousness, it's good that you are on here asking about careers. But don't take poor spelling and grammar for granted just because you don't have time or nobody is grading you on spelling. If you don't learn to spell properly and care about your written message at 15, it will never become a habit for you and you will have a tough time later. I can see that your writing has improved with which each post.
Actually I find that correcting my mistakes while posting a reply is very wastefull of my time even though it doesn't was my time. I don't know but I just don't correct my mistakes when it is posting online to people that I will probably never meet in my life.

I always correct my handwritten work and computer work that has to do with school or my daily life. Maybe I should fix my errors to get myself used to it.

Can MR.8000RPM and the blue knight guys stop with the stupid remarks and again your not impressing anyone but yourself. Go pat yourself on your back and feel good about yourself by yourself not through the net. Happy now!

So do you think that beeing a NSX mechanic is a good job. Or a car designer. I like drawing alot and workig hands on too. So I think these are great jobs for me. Even though the jobs don't give great pay I would love doing this for the rest of my life.
Sadly I'm wondering if the NSX would last that long and if the "CAR" will last that long. We don't know guy in 50 years we all might be riding magnetically controlled trains like bullet trains and stuff.
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
I have to be frank here. You seem like one clueless kid judging by some of your posts, specially the most recent post.

I suggest you get your ducks in a row before fantasizing about the NSX. Buying an NSX should be the last thing on your mind considering your current stage in life.

Pay your dues and the rewards will come.

Nothing wrong with fantasy... Fantasizing about fast cars and big houses, is what modivated me to excel in my professional life. Keep shooting high MR!! You'll find your niche at about 30 years old...by then the NSX will be so antiquated, you'll be able to pick one up for the price of a Happy Meal.
Hey McAttack, what do you mean?

Are you saying that advice is not alway great I should just do what I feel like doing to succeed in life.

If that is what you mean then mabey I will take that into consideration. Sounds interesting and its different from all the other post that I have gotten back.

Also I'm trying to understand what 8000RPM and Blue Knight are saying. What I'm reading is saying that you guys are leading me to help. Then when Blue Knight added the salt part I'm guessing that this is were some of the ideas might just lead you in the wrong direction. If this is what it means than thanks RPM and BlueKnight but if it doesn't then you guys suck.

Sorry for that RPM and BlueKnight. I have a question do you guys hate me or you just are trying to help me by a diffrent way? I may be confused cause I think that these guys are just messing with me but they also might be telling me something helpfull. Oh well.
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:
I have a question do you guys hate me or you just are trying to help me by a diffrent way? I may be confused cause I think that these guys are just messing with me but they also might be telling me something helpfull.

You're not reading the posts- people ARE trying to help you. I'll try to sum them up for you:

- Good spelling and grammer are the sign of education/intelligence, and are never a waste of time, as several have pointed out here.

- Choose the carrer that makes you happy. Money should come second priority. You've got plenty of time to decide what you want to do; take it easy and just do well in school for now. The NSX will come when the time is right.


'98 Kaiser Silver NSX
'97 Green Integra GSR
Originally posted by 8000RPM:
Fantasy is acceptable only in the event that there is a corresponding action plan to realize the fantasy.

Otherwise, keep on dreaming and live vicariously.
