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What's the best wax or polish for the NSX's paint?

24 July 2000
I found a horrible thing today... after I washed my car the other day apparently there was something in the cloth i used that scratched up the paint on my car... but it seems to only be scratches in the clear coat... more like swirl marks that werent there b4... so i hope a good coat of wax or polish will take out those scratches... *hoping* any ideas??
See the FAQ section of NSX Prime. I use the Zaino's system, and I think it's the best for a show-quality shine, including restoration from fine scratches and swirl marks. See Zaino's web site too.

1995 NSX-T 5 speed, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlap SP9000s
See the FAQ section of NSX Prime. I use the Zymol products, and I think it's the best for a show-quality shine, including restoration from fine scratches and swirl marks. See Zymol's web site too.
In particular, Zymol has the NSX wax that is formulated specifically for our cars.

If you're a member of the NSX Club of America (http://www.nsxca.org) you can get a discount either ordering direct from Zymol (http://www.zymol.com) or from Emmons Coachworks (http://www.emmonscoachworks.com).
Without a doubt...Zaino!!!

I have a black 91 NSX that had fine swirl marks and scratches. They're now gone and the car looks great.

There is another thread on this topic which has much more info.

I have a problem with Zymol and it's mostly a marketing problem. I've used a friend's Zymol HD Cleanse and NSX wax. It was OK. I wasn't blown away as I was with the Zaino. A lot of work and my scratches were still visible.

I suppose if Zaino didn't exist I might use the Zymol...but my primary beef with Zymol is their marketing. Let me explain...

Zymol has "special" wax formulated for Saabs, Volvos and now NSXs. They also have fancy-schmancy "Pebble Beach Concours" waxes that sell for $400 and $800 for an 8 ounce can. If you look at the ingredients for all these waxes there isn't much difference between them all. They're all a quality carnuaba waxes with other organic oils and stuff.

I've heard the Zymol pitch about how the NSX has an aluminum alloy body and a very specific paint process and clear coat - However, I don't believe (my opinion only) the difference in the NSX wax is based on any scientific or specific difference.

After all, the outer surface that gets the wax is the clear coat and I don't think there's that much difference in the chemical make up of the NSX clear coat.

So, I think the Zymol marketing strategy is to pitch or sell specific products to specific vehicle owners and charge accordingly. Ferrari owners pay more than NSX owners who pay more than Saab owners who pay more than Honda owners.

For example, NSX is more expensive than Saab wax - even though though the raw material cost for each one is roughly the same.

Look at the ingredients and make up your own mind. Visit the Zymol web site.

I will admit that I think the Zymol waxes and cleansers are high quality fine products. It's just that I felt somewhat insulted by their "pitch" and with their pricing/marketing game.

Let me conclude by saying that I chose the Zaino products on their own merits and not because I was turned off by the Zymol. The Zaino products are all great.

The Z-5 will absolutely get rid of fine scratches and swirl marks. I would get their clay bar, Z-5, Z-2 (for when the swirls and fine scratches are gone), the Z-7 car wash (the absolute best car wash I've used), and the Z-6 spray bottle gloss enhancer. Follow the directions and you'll be amazed. I promise.


1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd

You mentioned that you might of scratched the paint with your cloth...

It's easy to pick up a grain of sand or dirt in the cloth, so be careful.

And ALWAYS use only 100% Cotton towels. They must be Made in USA. Brand name (Cannon or Fieldcrest) large white bath size towels. Be sure to cut off that little name tag too. They're often polyester or some other weird material that can scratch.

Read the info on the Zaino web site.

You might also find it entertaining to read what the Vette guys have to say about Zaino....

This post, in particular, caught my eye...

1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
Geezus! Ok all I want is something that's simple to apply and doesnt take all day to put on ... yeah yeah I know owning an exotic car u have to make sacrifices...but i have work to do! I truly love my car... but i think 15 coats of polish wax, clear coat, and 15 coats of this and that is a bit much..is there any simple way to get the paint looking good and have the water bead? maybe i'm totally missing the point here... but from what i read on the Corvette site, ppl just polish their cars and dont feel like they can drive them afterwards! i just want to get rid of the scratches...the easiest and quickest and least expensive way possible... uhg! too much info to sift thru to get what i want!
You could run around in circles or try Zaino the first time and do it right! I work quite a bit and don't have too much free time. But I just spent one Friday night at home to apply the Zaino. It really doesn't take that long and the results are amazing!

I'm ordering more stuff from them - the results are well worth the effort!!
So what is the difference in price, and different types of waxes? I keep reading "put on Z-1, but be sure to put Z-2 on before that...but if you want to put Z-6, be sure to use Z-7 before Z-3."

Lay it out on the table... what should i use right after i was my car? I only want to have to use one material rather than several to get the same results... thanks


Sorry if I turned you off. I don't go crazy with polishing the NSX and I run my own business so I don't have a lot of time.

I like the Zaino stuff because it works and it's easy and quick to use. The procedure is simple and straightforward.

1. Wash the car.
2. Apply Z-1 sparingly and leave on.
3. Apply Z-5 over Z-1.
4. Remove.
5. Thereafter keep using Z-5 until scratches are gone then switch to Z-2.

The info about cotton towels applies to any wax/polish.

You're welcome,

1991 NSX Blk/Blk
1974 Vette 454 4 spd
Originally posted by Electro:
i just want to get rid of the scratches...the easiest and quickest and least expensive way possible... uhg! too much info to sift thru to get what i want!

You have two options with swirl markes and other fine scratches: You can cover them up or you can remove them.

Most of the products I've seen discussed so far will only cover them up. As the product wears off the scratches will reappear.

To physically remove them from your clearcoat you need to remove some clearcoat. This is done with a polish. Meguires, 3M, etc. make polish and you can buy it at any auto parts store.

Educate yourself before you use an abrasive polish on the car and maybe get the hang of it on another car first or you can do more harm than good.

Or take it to a good professional detailer...
I'd like to add my 2 cents worth here... As much as I like Zaino, I just don't think it deserves to be heralded as the best thing out there. Neither is Zymol. Zymol is pure marketing.

Since your problem is with swirls and scratches, the key is to have a soft cotton cloth when drying your car. This is the most important thing!! Drying and buffing with bad towels will leave minute scratches. Go somewhere and buy yourself some thick 100% cotton towels.

Secondly, as Lud mentioned, you need something to remove your swirls, not hide it. Meguiar's #9 Swirl Remover will hide swirls. Buy yourself a bottle of 3M Finesse It II. This is a mild abrasive which will do wonders with swirls. If you're not too keen on abrasives, then use 3M Imperial Hand Glaze, or Meguiars #9 to hide them.

The key to having a good shine is in preparation. The surface must be clean. Clean as in no embedded particles and dirt. Use a clay bar with a mist detailer, or use a paint cleaner. Once the paint is glassy smooth, you can then apply the other chemicals.

Start off with the polish. Polish is a mild abrasive, but this is what gives you the deep shine in a dark colored car. Work with thin applications, as thick won't improve anything.

After that, you can apply your wax. I'm very happy with Meguiar's #26 Hi-tech yellow wax in the can. I am currently using One Grand Blitz wax....another VERY good wax. I'm using the Blitz wax on top of a layer of Meguiar's #20 Poly Sealant..

Here's my routine:

1. clay bar if necessary, otherwise, use paint cleaner.
2. use 3M Finesse It II for swirl removal.
3. apply polish, such as Meguiars
4. apply Meguiar's #20 Poly sealant
5. apply Blitz wax, or any carnauba wax.

The reason I use a poly sealant is that it lasts longer than a carnuaba wax. The layer of carnauba wax will give the blinding shine to the car!

Here's an EXCELLENT website to visit...
http://www.autopia-carcare.com Visit the forum, as there are many knowledgable folks there.
I guess I just don't care about how a product is marketed. I care about the results, as well as ease of use. I have found that Zymol is easier to apply than Zaino, easier to buff than Zaino, requires fewer steps, and gives the car a deeper and glossier shine. $.02 Try them both and decide for yourself.

EXCUSE ME, but I need to add my 3 cents here. Let's cut to the chase and face some facts. You say you want to do something easy, something one-step, and you don't want to be wasting time with too much technology to fix your scratches and swirls.

Well, the fact is that your paint is scratched now, because someone was too impatient to learn how to avoid them, and that's why you have the problem to start with.

Believe me, in this thread you have been given excellent world-class advise for a world-class exotic car, which is what you bought. In the NSX Prime Faq section there is a wealth of info on this too. But this advise seems more than you really want.

It does seem like you'd like to drop the car off at some local detail shop to do all the grut work and hope for the best. But guess what? Some unknown (to you) doofuss will probably use an orbital applicator (i.e. rotary Machine) that will make more swirl marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!

The simple fact is that there is usually no easy way out: either you do it right and do it yourself (takes time), or you let some doofuss (who works by the hour and does not give a shit about your car) continue to ruin your paint. I've been through this woith my Lexus already.

I spent one weekend doing Zaino's on my NSX, and I am so pleased that I can't put it in words. What a solid investment in my car's appearance and value!!! I have no regrets, and yes, like you, I am also a very busy person too.

I think Life is Murphy's Law all the way, so when I can, I do it myself. After all, who cares more about my beautiful car than me?

Pick your poison man, and best wishes.

1995 NSX-T 5 speed, Red/Tan, Stock, except Dunlap SP9000s
For what it's worth, I use Klasse. It has very similar properties to Zaino, but requires more elbow grease. (no pain no gain.) I stopped using Zaino because it applies a very thin layer and needs constant application. Klasse is also an established German company with proven results. Zaino is a lot of promises and internet hype. This is only my opinion. Please don't flame me. I think Sal is a great guy. I just don't believe in his product. I'm no expert either, so I could be wrong.

94 Red & Tan NSX 5spd
1999 Cosmos BMW M Coupe 5spd
Or take it to a good professional detailer...[/B][/QUOTE]

If you don't want to spend the time, then this is your best option!!!

Most people with cars like this are very leary of taking their car to a detailer. YOU SHOULD BE!!! But if you do your home work, and find a good one (Like me) you will be amazed at the results, and you will only have to work at your regular job to pay for it. I personally feel that part of the enjoyment of owning an exotic car is taking care of it. The more time you spend taking care of it, the more enjoyment you get out of it .

FWIW, I used Zaino on my 91 Black, and am absolutely astounded!!!!

The finish was in less than perfect condition prior to me starting, so I clayed it, the polished it with Meguiars #7, then washed it with Dawn dish detergent, then did the whole Zaino thing.

Zaino is very easy to use, the time consuming part is letting it dry.

Hope this helps!!


Steve Jenkins
91 Black/Black #2363
Looking for the oldest topics to bump tonight, Rob? I think that may be a new record, bumping a topic after over 13 years, even more than the 12.5 years on your other post! :biggrin:

Incidentally, speaking of bumps, I bumped into SJJ28 (the post above yours) on the el (our subway) a couple of weeks ago... :smile:
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Looking for the oldest topics to bump tonight, Rob? I think that may be a new record, bumping a topic after over 13 years, even more than the 12.5 years on your other post! :biggrin:

Incidentally, speaking of bumps, I bumped into SJJ28 (the post above yours) on the el (our subway) a couple of weeks ago... :smile:

Yeah, I'm a little bored tonight and pre-season football isn't keeping me occupied. I'm going to try and look for a thread from 1999 to bump. LOL. I think it would be neat to revive a thread from the last century. :D
+1 on that can someone revive the first orginal post made when NSXPRIME was created I would like to read what LUD posted which started the best GD site on the planet
I liked it when Lud was just like us.....:redface:
I feel ya that was before my time. I did ask him at NSXPO if I should bow before him he smiled
What's the best wax or polish for the NSX's paint?

There is no "best". There are just opinions. It's all the same crap. Just buy whatever is on sale at Walmart. :) I simply use the top of the line wash at the local Laserwash and my car looks fine until the next drive in the rain which is almost a daily occurrence here in Florida.
There is no "best". There are just opinions. It's all the same crap. Just buy whatever is on sale at Walmart. :) I simply use the top of the line wash at the local Laserwash and my car looks fine until the next drive in the rain which is almost a daily occurrence here in Florida.
I'm in Florida too (Hernando County). So far my NSX has been driven in the rain MORE than not. lol. You down in Tampa (Zombie zone)?