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Why are poor people so smelly & stupid?

Poor people are smelly and/or stupid because...

  • ...they only bathe once per month. In golf course ponds.

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • ...they didn't use Cliffs Notes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...they are expressing themselves

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • ...smellyness is a syndrome that results in chronic lack of wealth

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • ...I don't know what you're talking about but my wife smells and I know she isn't poor

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • ...No wonder Brangelina adopted from Namibia where everyone is poor

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • ...I'm offended that this poll would be put on NSX Prime

    Votes: 34 54.8%

  • Total voters
Clearly this thread is a joke.

1. Some people will find it funny in a beavis 'n butthead kind of way. :rolleyes:

2. Some people will be very upset that someone in "our demographic" would say such atrocious things about people that clearly aren't in "our demographic" :rolleyes:

3. Some people will find humor in how seriously the people in #2 take themselves and their place in society. Also called Democrats. :biggrin:

Edit: Important Comment -- PLEASE do not forget to vigorously adhere to the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct outlined herein. Poor people worldwide are counting on YOU to act elitist.
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What an arrogant and idiotic post.
I guess smart people can be really stupid.
Yes, there are quite a few threads that IMHO don't belong on Prime.

Wow, for a second I thought I got lost and wandered over to F-Chat. Thanks for clarifying which forum I was on. :)
Just another cry for help from Ski,He is very lonely in golly old England.:frown:
Just another cry for help from Ski,He is very lonely in golly old England.:frown:

I am surprised ski doesn't have friends to hang out with. :rolleyes:

Anyways the reason the poor smell is because I shut off their water for non-payment. :biggrin:

You know there is in fact a specific white trash smell. I know it from vacant apartments. Through some research and talking on the phone with other prime members about this very subject we have narrowed it down to Meth. The sweat of a meth user has a distinct odor. Other than that I can say I have met many poor and wealthy people who smell bad and ones that don't. I don't think being poor has any specific odor attached to it.

That being said anything is better than smelling like vinegar and water!
Im poor, but Im not smelly or stupid. The cool thing is you have to work, and pay me! Ive seen poor and smelly, stupid people and I was smart enough to make it out of there alive. (Iraq) One could say it was a stupid move to begin with way back when i was 19. Maybe it was, maybe it wasent. At the time (and even now) I think it was a better choice than having a 9 to 5. I still believe that today.

Maybe those people smell because they are working hard at a less paying job that you never could, or would do.

Ive posted a few stupid threads, but yours takes the trophey. I think anyone with even an ounce of common decency would refrain from even thinking of making a post like this.

Poor is a state of mind. You my friend are not poor.:smile:

I can think of at least one person on this site who is poor reguardless of how thick his wallet is.
Poor is a state of mind.

Sounds like a good public service message to me: Attention Debtors: Those aren't really creditors calling; the 18 new voice-mails are just figments of your imagination. Call us immediately, and let us help you get the voices out of your head now! Agents are standing by...

Edit: Important Comment -- PLEASE do not forget to vigorously adhere to the Exotic Owners Code of Conduct outlined herein. Poor people worldwide are counting on YOU to act elitist.

No worries. I believe the NSX Club of America is probably pretty well covered here. They receive annual coverage from a few members that participate in the exotic "road race rallies".

I think they just drive around and find poor people to poke with a stick. :smile:
this thread made me laugh because its true.

poor people cant afford air conditioning, so theyre constantly sweating.
cant afford soap to bathe or wash their clothes regularly.
or afford enough clothes to go for a week.

no money for fan, or air conditioning means brain is over heating, so they're having constant overheating issues with the melon.

just like a computer, when it gets too hot, it gets stupid and wont operate properly.
when it gets too hot, it makes your surrounding hot too, so youre also sweaty and smelly,
and instead of filling your noodle with really deep thoughts and answers to the universe and the meaning of life, youre only thinking about how nice and refreshing it would be to have a nice cool beer or jump in the lake....

did I get it?

you just answered all my questions about why people in alabama are they way they are! :tongue:

btw, who drives 25mph in a 55 in a Z4???? stupid bitch!!!! (somebody from yesterday, but a common occurrence around here)

were you going for the "lamest thread ever" award when you decided to post this???:rolleyes:


Go to the above link and look at the fortune on comic #8. I got this comic in a piece of gum today and thought about this stupid thread.

That made me laugh.

There used to be a saying that "if you gave a million monkeys a million typewriters, sooner or later one of them would bang out War And Peace". I guess the internet, and this thread has proved that wrong... :wink:
this thread made me laugh because its true.

poor people cant afford air conditioning, so theyre constantly sweating.
cant afford soap to bathe or wash their clothes regularly.
or afford enough clothes to go for a week.

no money for fan, or air conditioning means brain is over heating, so they're having constant overheating issues with the melon.

just like a computer, when it gets too hot, it gets stupid and wont operate properly.
when it gets too hot, it makes your surrounding hot too, so youre also sweaty and smelly,
and instead of filling your noodle with really deep thoughts and answers to the universe and the meaning of life, youre only thinking about how nice and refreshing it would be to have a nice cool beer or jump in the lake....

did I get it?

Brain is overheating! :biggrin: Thats awesome!
That made me laugh.

There used to be a saying that "if you gave a million monkeys a million typewriters, sooner or later one of them would bang out War And Peace". I guess the internet, and this thread has proved that wrong... :wink:

No it hasn't. But it has proved that at least some English teachers aren't very good at statistics.
No it hasn't. But it has proved that at least some English teachers aren't very good at statistics.

you know what ski, you are a total DICK. It's been a long time since I have disliked someone as much as I do you and I have not even met you. I bet your life is miserable and you have few if any friends.

I have been here for a long time and you are the first person to earn an ignore. I have always felt everyone reguardless of their opinion has something worth me reading. I have been waiting trying to find value in any of your posts but at this point I KNOW it will never come.

Eventually other members will see the same and then you can pick fights and argue with yourself. I am sure you are well schooled at hanging out with yourself anyways.

Later loser.
OK -- all bets are off. Don't hold any punches if you are poor or smelly or stupid.

Why??? I mean, why can't all the poor people be a little smarter. Or all the smelly people be a little more wealthy. And, christ, why are all the stupid & smelly people so damn poor???

It's really inappropriate to be that way in public I think.

Ski, you are contemplating a $12,000 CTSC on your $75,000 2005 NSX and this is the best post you can come up with?
you know what ski, you are a total DICK. It's been a long time since I have disliked someone as much as I do you and I have not even met you. I bet your life is miserable and you have few if any friends.

I have been here for a long time and you are the first person to earn an ignore. I have always felt everyone reguardless of their opinion has something worth me reading. I have been waiting trying to find value in any of your posts but at this point I KNOW it will never come.

Eventually other members will see the same and then you can pick fights and argue with yourself. I am sure you are well schooled at hanging out with yourself anyways.

Later loser.

Ha! ok.

The irony is -- you write more posts about your stupid, trashy, welfare recipient tenants than anyone on this site. I'm sure you don't see any hypocrisy there.

I'm not going to argue with you so hopefully you have that ignore feature activated.
No it hasn't. But it has proved that at least some English teachers aren't very good at statistics.

I'm a music teacher.

Lud, feel free to lock this thread. It's obviously in "personal attack" mode which is stupid.

So wait a second, you "attack" poor and smelly people with your trite, cynical, tasteless poll, and then when someone talks back to you you want the thread locked to avoid attacks on yourself? You have some nerve.

A lock would have been a good idea a long time ago.
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I think Almighty Lud needs to lock Skis'....... Id !:biggrin:
Ski you are poor. mentally. thats all i have to say. You are someone who does not deserve an NSX among other things.