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Why are poor people so smelly & stupid?

Poor people are smelly and/or stupid because...

  • ...they only bathe once per month. In golf course ponds.

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • ...they didn't use Cliffs Notes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...they are expressing themselves

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • ...smellyness is a syndrome that results in chronic lack of wealth

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • ...I don't know what you're talking about but my wife smells and I know she isn't poor

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • ...No wonder Brangelina adopted from Namibia where everyone is poor

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • ...I'm offended that this poll would be put on NSX Prime

    Votes: 34 54.8%

  • Total voters


24 September 2005
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
OK -- all bets are off. Don't hold any punches if you are poor or smelly or stupid.

Why??? I mean, why can't all the poor people be a little smarter. Or all the smelly people be a little more wealthy. And, christ, why are all the stupid & smelly people so damn poor???

It's really inappropriate to be that way in public I think.
this thread made me laugh because its true.

poor people cant afford air conditioning, so theyre constantly sweating.
cant afford soap to bathe or wash their clothes regularly.
or afford enough clothes to go for a week.

no money for fan, or air conditioning means brain is over heating, so they're having constant overheating issues with the melon.

just like a computer, when it gets too hot, it gets stupid and wont operate properly.
when it gets too hot, it makes your surrounding hot too, so youre also sweaty and smelly,
and instead of filling your noodle with really deep thoughts and answers to the universe and the meaning of life, youre only thinking about how nice and refreshing it would be to have a nice cool beer or jump in the lake....

did I get it?
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this thread made me laugh because its true.

poor people cant afford air conditioning, so theyre constantly sweating.
cant afford soap to bathe or wash their clothes regularly.
or afford enough clothes to go for a week.

no money for fan, or air conditioning means brain is over heating, so they're having constant overheating issues with the melon.

just like a computer, when it gets too hot, it gets stupid and wont operate properly.
when it gets too hot, it makes your surrounding hot too, so youre also sweaty and smelly,
and instead of filling your noodle with really deep thoughts and answers to the universe and the meaning of life, youre only thinking about how nice and refreshing it would be to have a nice cool beer or jump in the lake....

did it get it?

You got it. :wink::smile:
The "poor" you describe have a higher incidence of untreated mental health issues.The mentaly healthy of whom you describe likely feel hopeless/helpless.Not speaking or learning the native language can also add to the alienation/despair.Does a skunk show aversion to his own stench?Pepe La Peuw was a ladies man!
It looks like the "I'm offended" choice is getting the most hits. I wonder why. :cool:

I'm sure this poll was begun with your tongue firmly planted into your cheek, but it is still a little tasteless and sad. I currently teach school in a very low-income, at-risk neighborhood of San Francisco. I have yet to see any smelly or stupid people. Perhaps the question should be re-worded to read, "Why are people who are financially secure so intolerant and superior?"

I'm a little disappointed lately to see threads like this on Prime.

Just my $.02
It looks like the "I'm offended" choice is getting the most hits. I wonder why. :cool:

Perhaps the question should be re-worded to read, "Why are people who are financially secure so intolerant and superior?"

I'm a little disappointed lately to see threads like this on Prime.

Just my $.02
I can't let you take the heat all by yourself Ken. I looked for the humor in this one and just couldn't find it. Ron
Why are rich people so fragrant & smart?

Umm... I haven't met any that are smart, but I'll agree with the fragnant part, they sure smell like a fluffy rainbow of dandelions.
Well, I'm not offended. I've never quite been poor, but I've known and worked with some people from lower income backgrounds. One of my close friends came from a poor family, and he still can't seem to shower more than about twice a week. Still can't bring himself to throw away socks that have disgraceful holes in them. He can afford it now, but it just seems to be fixed in his head that it's not worth the extra expense in soap and water. And let me tell you, he needs to learn better.

I'm a little disappointed lately to see threads like this on Prime.

Just my $.02

Ken, I could care one way or the other with this thread (it's an open forum with many users and taste/tact?).
I've read many of your posts and found most well thought and meaningful. Why would THIS thread (stated you work in SF and must have great skills of tolerance :smile:) make you feel one way or another?
It looks like the "I'm offended" choice is getting the most hits. I wonder why. :cool:

I'm sure this poll was begun with your tongue firmly planted into your cheek, but it is still a little tasteless and sad. I currently teach school in a very low-income, at-risk neighborhood of San Francisco. I have yet to see any smelly or stupid people. Perhaps the question should be re-worded to read, "Why are people who are financially secure so intolerant and superior?"

I'm a little disappointed lately to see threads like this on Prime.

Just my $.02

+ 1
Yes, there are quite a few threads that IMHO don't belong on Prime.
Degrading ones towards females are my least favorite. (married with a daughter)
Poor, smelly, and stupid are not mutually inclusive. I work with many high income smart people that are smelly. Financial status and intelligence are not a determining factor for odor output.:wink:
OK -- all bets are off. Don't hold any punches if you are poor or smelly or stupid.

Why??? I mean, why can't all the poor people be a little smarter. Or all the smelly people be a little more wealthy. And, christ, why are all the stupid & smelly people so damn poor???

So your avatar says that you are dangerously close to hitting the go fast crack pipe.

Hit it enough times, and you may well find yourself on the opposite end of the stick. As you will be standing around the race track and all these guys will be pointing at you like...

"Who's that poor guy over their in that NSX?"
"I don't know, but he smelled bad at the registration desk"
"Weren't those little Honda's like, 250hp? Hmm. How quaint..."
"Well, could you please ask him to move, I have to park my Winnebago"
The poor you are referring to are also neglecting their overall health- just ask them to open their mouth (halitosis strong enough to kill a man). It just amazes me how they can continue to afford beer and drugs:rolleyes: Nevertheless, I continue to serve the smelly and poor you are referring to.
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Isn't this more of a chicken/egg situation? They are "smelly and stupid" so they are poor or is it they are poor so they are "smelly and stupid".
Ski, clearly you aren't serious, but if you are, then look at it this way - you still have plenty of time left to have an opportunity to personally experience what it is like to be poor, smelly and stupid. Life has a way of making fun of us after we've made fun of others. :smile:
to give arrogant financially successful people an artificial means of boosting their self-esteem.

having been around prime for a few years, it seems to me that though we may have members who came from privileged backgrounds, the majority are from what most would of us would consider average backgrounds. i know from posts over the years than more than a few of us have come from "poor" backgrounds and worked our way up.

did we "smell" when we were poor? i guess we might have, but nobody told me (as an 8 year old) that i should bathe every day... i was just a kid.

was i "stupid"? perhaps, but not according to the tests i've taken over the years. ignorant of social etiquette? sure. lacking personal hygiene? yup. behind in school work? yes, but we moved 4 times in 1 school year and, frankly, i was more concerned about survival (as an 8 year old!) than u.s. history and singing "on the erie canal".

i'm with ken and the others who believe prime should be above this type of post.
Im poor, but Im not smelly or stupid. The cool thing is you have to work, and pay me! Ive seen poor and smelly, stupid people and I was smart enough to make it out of there alive. (Iraq) One could say it was a stupid move to begin with way back when i was 19. Maybe it was, maybe it wasent. At the time (and even now) I think it was a better choice than having a 9 to 5. I still believe that today.

Maybe those people smell because they are working hard at a less paying job that you never could, or would do.

Ive posted a few stupid threads, but yours takes the trophey. I think anyone with even an ounce of common decency would refrain from even thinking of making a post like this.
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