I believe you can set the parameters.
But if not, you can ask your buyer to pay via cash, and not credit card, when sending the Paypal payment.
Don't know which country the buyer is from, but here in The Netherlands, Europe afaik you MUST use CC to be able to have a PP account, cash PP isn't available.
Other problem is that some US sellers demand for the buyer to have a confirmed PP account, however, this doesn't exhist in Europe (and I think is
only available in the US).
Only thing we have here is a
verified PP account.
And perhaps a bit besides the point:
For some reason some US sellers simply will not sell to a foreign non-confirmed PP user and fully ignore the fact that this account form isn't available here!! SOO frustrating when seeing a good buy and the seller simply refusing to accept any other than confirmed PP so not beeing able to do the deal.
For some reason some US sellers seem to have a fear of dealing with anything other than US buyers.
I have had it happen several times

Also some sellers simply lack good manners/professional attitude: once me sending mail offering to pay asking price on a part, confirming to buy when accepted, please let me know shipping cost. I get a reply from the seller he will find out shipping cost and let me know how much to PP. After this nothing for several days. On repeated request for a reply, getting the answer the part has already sold!
Only thinkable reason for this beeing the seller didn't want the hassle of shipping outside the US.
When replying I felt this to be a bit strange as I had already confimed to buy and felt this to be a done deal, just waiting for shipping cost to make the payment, I got a reply rambling on that I shouldn't make a fuss, not acting like a child not getting what I want.
I asked why not send me a message to tell me "no sale" as from the answer I got that after having a shipping quote seller would let me know the total to pay I expected to have bought the item.
I myself wouldn't have acted on another sale of a similar item elsewhere as feeling committed to the buy.
Seller replied that untill payment accepted he felt there was no agreed sale, stop making a fuss.
Some people really lack good manners/ don't know how to act in a professional manner.