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Another Scam...

31 August 2004
Toorak, Melbourne
I just received this email.... Reckon this guy is trying to scam me??? :rolleyes:

" Quokem Molla
Quokem Molla & Associates
23 Rue De Blouvard,
P.B 30525,Lome-Togo.
West Africa.


I am Quokem Molla an attorney to Christian Eich Mason,a deceased Immigrant.Property magnate,who was based in the Lome-Togo.Also referred to as my client.On the 25th of July 2000,my client,his wife and their two Children died in the Air France concord plane crash bound for New York in their plan for a world cruise, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm since then I have been managing his properties here in Lome-Togo and some of his properties,which he put out for sale. which I monitored the payment as his attorney, has been bought and paid for.

Now the money paid was deposited into his Local account here.I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by his bank particularly,the bank has issued me a notice to provide any of his next of kin or have the account confiscated within a short time.

My late client has an account valued at 15.5 million dollars. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for some time now, and with the bank giving me deadline, I now seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased,so that the proceeds of this
account valued at 15.5 million dollars can be paid to you And then you and I can share the money. 50% to me and 40% for you and 10% for miscellaneous expenses that might arise. I have all necessary information that can be used to back up any Claim we may make.

All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this deal through.I Guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will Protect you from any breach of the law. Trust me, as his attorney, this is a Risk free business relationship.Please get in
touch with me by my email address: <[email protected]> And send me your full names and address, telephone and fax numbers to enable us discuss further.

Best regards,

Quokem Molla."
Well, he says at the end that he needs your honest cooperation to see this deal through, so that must mean that he, himself is being honest. I say go for it! :biggrin: :rolleyes:

Stupid people. Where do they come up with these scams? :confused:
If I were you AU, I'd negotiate for a higher percentage. 40% for you sounds too low. I'd press for 50/40 in your favour.... then I'd say go for it. :D

btw, you'd be best to put your TT NSX under dippy9 or my name if you do go ahead with this investiment... just in case he doesn't return your money. ;) We'll take goooooooood care of your baby. :D