Ashtray to storage cubby conversion (illuminated)

11 January 2021
SW Ontario, Canada
The surgeon general has determined that smoking is hazardous to your health, so I present this ashtray conversion. (Not that you'd let anyone smoke in your NSX anyway.) You can print it in solid black or an illuminated version that lights up when the parking lights or headlights are on. Still seems odd to have a vehicle with such a good ashtray design (illuminated for night use!), yet no serviceable cupholders.:confused:


Original part: 77710-SL0-A01
Revised part: 77710-PID-A01

The design uses multiple trapezoids to achieve the largest storage cubby possible, accounting for the rivets in the outer ashtray assembly. Filleted to match the OEM console and designed to use the ashtray’s latching mechanism. It has a “back” to obscure the view of the ejection spring behind it. It's a bit bigger than the ashtray, but most importantly doesn't have the large ash plate blocking most of the opening. Easily switched back if you want it back to stock. You can convert the lighter port to as USB phone charger as shown as well. As you can see, the black USB charger looks much better than the white one.

To remove the old ashtray, push up on the cover (where it says push) and the ashtray will pop out. (See Owners Manual if required.) The storage cubby attaches using a similar latching mechanism. Push it in until it latches and remove it the same way as the ashtray. Cover can still close. It fits fairly tightly, but 3D printers will vary, so if it's too tight, you can trip the release in the top with a scratch awl and pull the cubby out with a pliers. I didn't want it to be loose and potentially rattle.

Print in PETG, or ASA or ABS if you leave your car in the sun with no sunshade. NO PLA!

Files and more pics at:

(I thought I had posted this to the repository a while ago, but I guess not, so here it is.)
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Sorry I sent you a PM but then just found this post so if you can reply here, more people would be able to see it.

I found your ashtray cubby on Thingiverse and am about to have it printed by a seller on Ebay who offers 3D printing services.

When I clicked on the Files tab, it shows 4 different files. I am interested in the solid plastic version (no illumination).

There is 1 file named: NSX_ashtray_storage_77710-SL0-A01_4.stl (546 kb) [updated 5-10-21]
Also there's another file named: ashtray_storage.stl (546 kb) [updated 4-20-22]

What is the difference between these 2 files?

Which of the 2 files should I choose to replace my 1991 NSX stock ashtray?

Btw, thanks a lot for creating these cool things and posting them online for us NSX owners. This will be my first 3D print item that I will have made.
Sorry about that. 2 copies of each file were uploaded, which is why they are the same size... I re-uploaded the files without the part # reference after Honda went after some other 3D print file sites. I didn't want everything deleted if Thingiverse decided to do the same. Guess I forgot to delete the originals. I'll delete the old ones shortly, but either will work.

I'm surprised these files have been downloaded over 200 times without a single comment on this thread. I guess either they work fine, or non-Primer's are printing them.
Thanks for the info. I'm currently waiting for more responses from my inquiries before I place an order for this to be made. Hopefully it gets printed properly and everything goes well.
I'm surprised these files have been downloaded over 200 times without a single comment on this thread. I guess either they work fine, or non-Primer's are printing them.

It's the same with my designs. A lot of downloads, no comments. There are a lot of bots on thingiverse - you'll notice that after posting a new design you get 10+ downloads/views.

For a long time now, Thingiverse analytics hasn't been accurate. The site itself seems abandoned. I've switched everything over to, or at least duplicating everything over to there since it seems like they keep the site running well.
But Printables has a rep for deleting anything with Honda, acura, or part #'s in the name, description, or file names, making it hard for people to find your design. I really don't want to duplicate everything, but I probably should save copies and not rely on Thingiverse to archive everything.