Who is in charge of August? Please stand up, please stand up.
Update for monthly meeting schedule...
Jan -
Feb -NSX-D, Saturday night 7pm (02/02/08) karting at Sykart (Tukwila)
Mar -Sarge
April -NA1/2-R
May -JFowler
Jun -NSXDreamer2
July -Velveeta
Aug -John@microsoft
Sept -NSX#75
Oct -
Nov -
Dec -
Come on - let's get those months filled!
Is there any possible way you guys are willing to push this out one week to Sunday the 31st? I too have a commitment on the 24th and I want so badly to attend this drive. Plus it will give more notice for more owners to join, both S2ki and NSX's. I can probably add an additional 4 or 5 NSX's plus 1 or 2 S2k's as well to join. I hope I'm not asking too much, I just don't want to miss out. Thanks in advance.:smile:
I'm in, 24th works fer me.
Doh!!! I won't be able to join you guys, sorry :frown:
It's SUNDAY Chris! I thought you can't do Saturdays... now Sunday too?
I still have Sundays off, I just wont be available that particular Sunday.
It's the most epic drive ever. You need to make it available.![]()