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BBSC Split Second Software Question

29 February 2000
St. Petersburg
I am attempting to install an updated software file using the R4 software program provided by Split Second. So far, I have been unable to create a new customer or activate any of the fields onscreen. Does anyone have any experience with this program? Your help would be greatly appreciated! Please private me at [email protected].
Originally posted by NSXTC:
Am I missing something here? Split Second doesn’t have tech support?

Yes, Split Second does have tech support. I got in touch with them after speaking to Mr. Basch this afternoon...which was after I made this post. They are sending a newer version of the "R4" software to try out. I will post the results.
Run the "R4 Controller" application (not "R4 Demo") that the setup program installed on your PC.

Once open, select FILE, then OPEN CUSTOMER. In the file navigator window that opens, locate the fuel map file that Mark Basch provided you for your car. The file extension should be '.mdb'. If the file Mark sent you doesn't have an .mdb extension, add it to the file.

Yes - the fuel map is a Microsoft Access database. If you open it in Access, you will see a couple of tables, but most of the data is hidden.

So am I supposed to have this file that you are refering to? Was it supposed to be something that Mark gave me upon delivery of the completed car?

Thanks for your input. I've actually been following the steps you listed and I've been getting an error message. I did confirm that the file Mark sent me does indeed have the .mdb extension. I should have the 1.4.0 version of the R4 software tomorrow. i will be looking forward to trying that out.

The file we've been discussing did not exist at the time that our cars were completed. It was created about a week ago.
Hey Eric-

How's things in the Big D???

So you and TampaBayNSX-R both got the software and cable with your Split Second/ BBSC install??

Is the idea for you to do some tuning on your own? If so, what did you wind up doing?

Im actually not planning on tweaking with mine, because knowing me, Id screw it up.

What have you been able to accomplish, or is this just a case of idle curiousity?

All My NSX'es Live in Texas
Originally posted by NSXTC:
Hey Eric-

How's things in the Big D???

So you and TampaBayNSX-R both got the software and cable with your Split Second/ BBSC install??

Is the idea for you to do some tuning on your own? If so, what did you wind up doing?

Im actually not planning on tweaking with mine, because knowing me, Id screw it up.

Hey All, A couple 'o' quick words on this subject, which are VERY, VERY important. I did not give everyone the software because I really do not want people messing with the fuel maps. It is very, VERY dangerous. When I do it, there is a checksum "key" that proves it was my numbers or not. I knew early on people would want to do this, and it is not for me to stop them, but to be totaly frank, Frank- It is more than possible to blow up your engine doing so, it is very quite likely you will blow up your engine if you start playing with the little numbers in the little boxes. It seems like such a simple, innocuos thing to change a little number like 11.4 to 11.5, but doing so is enough to destroy an engine. If you choose to take this ridiculous risk, you do so at your own risk. I obviously will not stand behind any engine damage that occurs once the program I left in your box has been changed, and reinstalling the original files does not reinstall the "key". I am REALLY sorry to sound so harsh, but I cannot make enough of a big deal about the dangers of doing this. I had to diseminate the software, in order to continue tuning and updating your system, but PLEASE use my numbers only. I am tuning almost daily, whenever I am near a dyno. I never, NEVER make changes that cannot be safely verified on a dyno, with a car with no cats or upstream sampler, and a good a/f gauge. A good a/f gauge does not include a series of flashing lights sold by Autometer or similar. Only a person with an (engine) death wish would tune his car in this fashion. All the updated tuning I do is available to all customers at no charge, but please be patient. I tuned one yesterday to within a single digit of 400, and a beauty of a curve, but I spent all day and had a killer dyno team working with me. Please, PLEASE do not try this at home. And, if you plan on using a professional tuner, please call and discuss his credentials with me. There aare more bad tuners than good plying this trade, and I do not stand behind engine damage resulting from "professional" tuning either.

Split Second does not do retail work, and therefore has no real tech support. They deal only with the trade. Please do not bother them, it only makes it harder for all of us. If you need something with the software, please call or e- me. I will do all I can to be prompt in my replies.

More Tonight- Stay Tuned. (get it- tuned, stay tuned. Get it??)


Originally posted by 92NSX:
So am I supposed to have this file that you are refering to? Was it supposed to be something that Mark gave me upon delivery of the completed car?

No. In an ideal world, Mark wouldn't be giving the software to anyone, because even when people look him in he eye and swear they won't play with it, they will anyway. This could lead to engine damage, which will reflect poorly on Mark, even though it was the result of someone thinking they're smarter than all the tuners Mark has worked with.

Mark left the software with people who he felt he could trust to make the job of upgrading fuel maps easier. In Dallas, there are two of us with the software, who will help install the fuel maps for everyone in the region.

PLEASE don't screw with the software... nothing good can come from it. Besides, it's more fun to DRIVE the car than it is to connect computers to it.

Originally posted by TampaBayNSX-R:
I did confirm that the file Mark sent me does indeed have the .mdb extension. I should have the 1.4.0 version of the R4 software tomorrow.

OK. I am using v1.3.0 on Windows XP, and it works fine for me. I do know that there are issues with various versions of the R4 Controller software. It seems that the folks at Split Second are more car nuts than they are programmers.

Good luck!

Originally posted by NSXTC:
How's things in the Big D???

Same old, same old. Vaughn and I have been instructing for Driver's Edge, PCA, BMWCCA, etc., at TWS and MSR more and more often. Crappy work in the summer, but it is free track time. Moazzam is instructing at MSR this weekend for BMWCCA... it's about time!

So you and TampaBayNSX-R both got the software and cable with your Split Second/ BBSC install??

Mark left me with the software so I could assist with some last minute things and be a resource to help upload new fuel maps in the future. I have not yet purchased my BBSC.

Is the idea for you to do some tuning on your own? If so, what did you wind up doing?

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! Anyone who thinks they are smarter than Mark's tuners should see what he has gone through in the last few weeks in getting the fuel maps perfected.

Im actually not planning on tweaking with mine, because knowing me, Id screw it up.

Not so much "screw it up", but if things are done correctly, there shouldn't be much room for improvement.

What have you been able to accomplish, or is this just a case of idle curiousity?

I've been able to see how easy it is for someone who doesn't know what they are doing to screw things up!

I echo Erobbins comments regarding "tweaking" the numbers provided by Mark and his tuning staff. I did not have the Split Second software or a copy of the file when I picked up my car at the Florida install. Mark and Jane were kind enough to mail a copy of the file to another area NSX'r and myself about a week ago. As we have run into a couple of challenges in getting the new file installed, Mark has been good enough to work on this software upgrade via telephone and to refer the support of the good folks at Split Second. I respect Mark's expertise and certainly wouldn't attempt to improve on what he's come up with on my own. It was only after his referral that I contacted Split Second. He's been great about answering questions and providing support up to this point so I really would have no reason to go around him to resolve any issues. I look forward to sharing more with you guys once we've managed to get the new file installed on the car. Once that is done I will have the car dynoed with a wideband a/f and share that data. The more information we are able to share with one another the greater the common good. Peace!
Did you get it installed? I played around w/ the software when I was in Raleigh this week and may or may not be able to help if you are having a problem. Let me know. The software is quite cool.
Besides, it's more fun to DRIVE the car than it is to connect computers to it.



Geez, I love that line. Wish I would have thought of it. People acuse me of not having a sence of humor. <GGG>

I am not refusing to give anyone the software, but Eric is right- the less temptation you have to do something stupid, the better off we are both are. Thats why I paid extra to have the serial port put inside instead of outside. All his empty boxes are alraedy punched for them. He had to order those for me) On that subject, that whole box is custom made for the NSX under contract with me. Do not try to install this on any car- wires and sensors will fry, and you'll let all the smoke out of the wires, which really sucks.

I am currently sending files to differant people with different configs. For instance, we tuned a car today to 403hp/280 ftlbs and a KILLER line at that. I am sending it only to a few people right now, who have no cats on their cars, same exhaust and other mods, and have given me their solemn word that they will dyno imediately, and with a proper fuel graph, and report the numbers, particularly a/f ratios before driving the car much. I am verifying that all my research and beta test numbers are showing up exactly the same on all "routine" installs. Its just an extra margin of safetty- I don't yet know when I will stop doing this but everyone will always have the latest and safest files. We will address how they get them and installed with everyone. Any installed customers who feel they need addle clarification, please e-mail me.

So are the new software programs only going to be provided to people with cars that don't have cats on them but do have exhaust and other mods??? I'm so confused now. I love the way the car runs and the possibility that it can run even better with a newer(better?) program just gets me all excited again. Like when I first learned I was getting the system installed to begin with.

check this thread for more BBSC upgrades coming soon --> http://www.nsxprime.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/005512.html

Originally posted by 92NSX:
So are the new software programs only going to be provided to people with cars that don't have cats on them but do have exhaust and other mods??? I'm so confused now. I love the way the car runs and the possibility that it can run even better with a newer(better?) program just gets me all excited again. Like when I first learned I was getting the system installed to begin with.

What I believe Mark was saying is that this particular "tuning file" he is referring to in the 403rwhp dyno story is tuned specifically for cars without cats that have a free flowing aftermarket exhaust system. There are other programs that have been written since the Florida install and one of those would certainly be more appropriate for your car as it does not to my knowledge have the above mentioned modifications. Fear not, you will presumably have a program that is designed to optimize the performance of the BBSC for a car similar to yours. IE 3.0L w/o mods. This is the beauty of the Split Second system. Mark is able to create programs that address the different characteristics of the common setups that most of us run. Now I don't expect Mark will create a custom program for each and every car but after speaking with him I know he's already compiling a quiver of different files to address different needs. I will be installing the "Romeo" file while at the local Dynojet and hooked up to a wideband a/f meter. I hope to get 380rwhp based on my baseline figure of 253rwhp. I'll report the results next week. If Romeo is checking these posts I hope he'll chime in and let us know just how much fun it is to pull the trigger on over 450 crank horsepower in an NSX!!!
Thank's for putting all this stuff into into lamans terms for me. So what you are saying is that there IS going to be a new program coming down the line for us very soon. Us meaning cars such as myself(no mods) that will enhance our boosted experience. I have NO intentions of wanting to load the program into my car. I don't want to do something like that. I have a big enough problem turning my PC on!LOL
Seriously though, I do appreciate you keeping me up to date on everything.

Greetings from Raleigh, NC. Unfortunately, Romeo does not frequent the boards. But I assure you my friends, a 403 rwhp NSX w/a 6speed and 4.55 is one heck of a ride. I have ridden in the car and one word comes to mind, simply AMAZING! I can't wait until this weekend or first of next week for my install! I think it is great that MB is finally getting the respect that is well deserved. He is a class act to say the least and we are thrilled to have him here in Raleigh. The kit is only going to get better from here on out.

Thanks for the feedback. It sure sound like Romeo's got a beast to tame. You have me licking my chops as I too have the 6speed/4.55 setup!
Does having a 4.55 gears really make that big of a difference? Do you notice a drop in fuel econmy(HAHA)? I would think that you would be running a little higher RPMs and therefore able to take advantage of the boost a little quicker. Would that be correct?

You are correct. The RPM range of my car with the 6 speed and 4.55's is now 6-8K. Once I've run up to 6,000rpms in 1st gear, my car stays at or above 6,000rpms all the way through the gears. If you look at the dyno plot of the BBSC you see that the power from 6-8K is very impressive. Torque in this rpm range is from 250 to 270ft/lbs. This gearing always worked well with a naturally aspirated setup and I expect it will match favorably with the characteristics of the BBSC's power delivery. Some say it leads to too much shifting but I've never minded grabbing gears in my NSX! With these gears I get to hear that VTEC roar more often while driving around town.
Thank's for the info. You are a wealth of information for me right now. I really appreciate you keeping me updated on all the goodies coming down the line for us fellow forced induction NSX's.
Have you had a chance to do the modifications to my aluminum injector cover that needed to be done since I had your charger installed. I was the red car (duh) that was first finished in Orlando. You meant to cut it then but didn't have a chance to do so. Just wondering about the progress of it.

Originally posted by 92NSX:
Thank's for putting all this stuff into into lamans terms for me. So what you are saying is that there IS going to be a new program coming down the line for us very soon. Us meaning cars such as myself(no mods) that will enhance our boosted experience. I have NO intentions of wanting to load the program into my car. I don't want to do something like that. I have a big enough problem turning my PC on!LOL
Seriously though, I do appreciate you keeping me up to date on everything.

Yeah TAMPA, Thanx. I appreciate all your help, and enthusiam. I wish I had more time to write, right now. Its 2 am and I just finished dinner (breakfast?)
"All together now, Aw, Poor Mark."

Watching Romeo floating three feet off the ground after a 30 minute test drive, for about two hours, was what it is all about for me, y'all. (jeeesh, 4 days in NC, and already....) Thats what I'm talkin' bout.

SuperCharge for World Peace,