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BIG FOOT body found!!

man who died wearing a suit lol. In one episode of CSI LV, a guy was murdered then buried while he was wearing an alien costume.


It's not a species of ape, it's a man with seriously nasty birth defects......... wild guess
man who died wearing a suit lol. In one episode of CSI LV, a guy was murdered then buried while he was wearing an alien costume.


It's not a species of ape, it's a man with seriously nasty birth defects......... wild guess

I don't know... they said they found it surrounded by other individuals... unless there is a family with seriously nasty birth defects running around in the woods I don't know think that is the case lol. I guess we'll have to wait and see for the results.
same old thing...

from http://digg.com/odd_stuff/Proof_or_Hoax_Bigfoot_Claimed_to_be_Found_in_Georgia?t=17799469#c17799469:

Total hoax. Two of the guys (idiots) involved have been caught faking a Bigfoot corpse before and the one they have pictured of now is nothing more than a costume with pig guts hanging out. This is nothing new for them.

You can see the first hoax (if you can even call it that?) here:

And the admission here:

And here's the costume they are using in the current hoax:
I think I've seen him in the park a few times across the street from my place. Could have also been my ex-wife.:wink:
same old thing...

Thanks for that link about the costumes. Think I might purchase one, put it on and just go sit in the park.:biggrin:
I heard about this and then found the article online... read the first paragraph of the article.... found that the two are from Georgia... and clicked away... Losers!
Those idiots also have a 2005 NSX for sale with just 1,500 miles on it for only $5,500. Quick.....jump on that deal! (It is for real; for real.)
I'm with Ojas.. Alaska maybe.. Georgia.. I don't think so.

"At that time we contacted Mr. Biscardi who gave us permission to begin an expedited melting process. We set up a salamander heater to heat the freezer. Within one hour we were able to see the partially exposed head, as I was now able to touch it, I was able to feel that it seemed mostly firm, but unusually hollow in one small section. This was yet another ominous sign. Within the next hour of thaw, a break appeared up near the feet area. As the team and I began examining this area near the feet, I observed the foot which looked unnatural, reached in and confirmed it was a rubber foot."
Haha. I have to admit I was curious about this story. But not surprised about the ending and the guys being scammer. EPIC FAIL. Specially the cop. He had a job and possible future. He's basically out on leave due to the gun shot wound. But when his boss saw this thing play out to be a scam. He was canned. He even referred to the guy as "ex-officer". Hopefully his share of the supposed $50K they got was worth it. :rolleyes:
That idiot deserved to be fired. What a complete bunch of losers. They should all be living in a trailer park somewhere. (not that there is anything wrong with trailer parks:wink:)