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bodyshop's practical joke

14 February 2003
south wales,UK
somebody at the bodyshop where i had my car re-sprayed thought it would be funny to write the word sexy on the bodywork of the car before spraying it :mad:
It's hard to see in photos but it is about 4" long on the rear passenger wing/fender.


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That really sucks, though it may not have been someone who works there. Remember, there are probabl people going to the shop everyday to check their car out and someone probably thought it was neat to write that while the paint was still wet. :mad:
did you have your car painted PHO-granite finish?
DocL said:
That really sucks, though it may not have been someone who works there. Remember, there are probabl people going to the shop everyday to check their car out and someone probably thought it was neat to write that while the paint was still wet. :mad:
when the car was sprayed it was done inside a booth.i have had an independent assessor to look at it and he confims that it is under the paint,so therefor done prior to spraying.the guy who owns the bodyshop is the most arrogant pig i have ever met in my life.i found lots of faults on the car when i picked it up/afterwards,but he tried to palm them all off as not his fault.i have since spoken to a few other people who have had problems with his work.
jaytip nsx said:
when the car was sprayed it was done inside a booth.i have had an independent assessor to look at it and he confims that it is under the paint,so therefor done prior to spraying.the guy who owns the bodyshop is the most arrogant pig i have ever met in my life.i found lots of faults on the car when i picked it up/afterwards,but he tried to palm them all off as not his fault.i have since spoken to a few other people who have had problems with his work.

Why even go there if others were unhappy with the shops work prior to dropping it off...
Why even go there if others were unhappy with the shops work prior to dropping it off...
I was not aware of any bad work prior to dropping my car off. it was after i had my car back i found out.in fact he was recommended to me by a guy who sprays in a different bodyshop.I can only assume he had an apprentice or something working on the car
jaytip nsx said:
I was not aware of any bad work prior to dropping my car off. it was after i had my car back i found out.in fact he was recommended to me by a guy who sprays in a different bodyshop.I can only assume he had an apprentice or something working on the car

I would go back and give him a serious beating- but not before my car being re-painting...
Oh it get's better.He took the job on as a cash in hand job(so he does not pay tax on it and i get it cheaper)so when the car was complete i did not get an invoice.a few weeks after having the car back i spot the writing and a few other things so i take the car back to him and tell him i'm not happy with the job done.I offered to pay for new paint and lacquer but he still rerefused unless i paid him for his labour costs as well,which there was no way i was going to do,so i said i would see him in court.
Now he has already been paid for the job(nov 03) and because i threaten him with court action he then goes and fills out an invoice for £2,300 more than we agreed, some two months after i had the car back off him.He then decides to take me to court for non-payment of invoice :eek:
Now i ask you even if/when i win in court would you trust a man with those sort of business ethics to work on your car again?
I am so sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience with the unprofessional, unethical crook. This is a hard to way to learn a lesson - I am truly sorry for you.
I would cut my losses and take the car to a reputable shop and have it painted correctly. Then I would be sure to spread the word about the jerk you dealt with to prevent others from going down the path you did. Good luck.
Like the Wolf would do "Go kick his ass!" :biggrin: Just kidding, how about a full refund and correct the paint problem, or call local tv news, for some "free advertising".....
pbassjo said:
You have to ask?

Good point.. I mean damn.. I still have the lil foamy thingy that you gave us at NSXPO.. :tongue:

when time comes.. it's all yours.. :biggrin:

If i come out of this a winner in court(which my solicitor is very confident of)then i am going to ask the local paper to run a story on it.Being that he is based in a fairly small community i am hoping that it will do his business a lot of harm.
Court date is june 2nd. I will let you all know what happened.
jaytip nsx said:
If i come out of this a winner in court(which my solicitor is very confident of)then i am going to ask the local paper to run a story on it.Being that he is based in a fairly small community i am hoping that it will do his business a lot of harm.
Court date is june 2nd. I will let you all know what happened.

You have my condolances for your bad luck so far but I wish you the best of good luck for the upcomming court case!

You can't let these people get away with these things and even better if he is put out of business so that others are not caught in the future in his unethical dealings. :mad:
jaytip nsx said:
If i come out of this a winner in court(which my solicitor is very confident of)then i am going to ask the local paper to run a story on it.Being that he is based in a fairly small community i am hoping that it will do his business a lot of harm.
Court date is june 2nd. I will let you all know what happened.

Best of luck in the case, Ivor. Name and shame anyway, since there could be others here who could use him (er, not me obviously, being X-less again :( )

ctrlaltdelboy said:
gutted to hear this sad tale mate

hope it goes your way, make sure you keep us posted

I looked but you don't appear to have posted this up on nsxcb?
Hi Dar,
No i didn't mention it on NSXCB,i don't want to become too predictable and double post on here and NSXCB(i already post my photos on both boards :redface: ) i will show you guys in person at one of the upcoming meets in the UK, Goodwood maybe.hopefully by then it will all be over in court and i will have some good news to share.
jaytip nsx said:
If i come out of this a winner in court(which my solicitor is very confident of)then i am going to ask the local paper to run a story on it.Being that he is based in a fairly small community i am hoping that it will do his business a lot of harm.
Court date is june 2nd. I will let you all know what happened.

I have no idea what kind of judicial system you guys have over there or WHY your "solicitor" would be so confident, but without a receipt for your payment how can you even stand a chance ?

If he is as disreputable as you portray him to be he'll simply play dumb and tell the court he has no idea who you even ARE !!!

And, if you DO get the local paper to run an article (which I doubt) both they AND you may be subject to libel unless you can PROVE he did what you claim he did.

Good luck to you
NSX-GUY said:
I have no idea what kind of judicial system you guys have over there or WHY your "solicitor" would be so confident, but without a receipt for your payment how can you even stand a chance ?

If he is as disreputable as you portray him to be he'll simply play dumb and tell the court he has no idea who you even ARE !!!

And, if you DO get the local paper to run an article (which I doubt) both they AND you may be subject to libel unless you can PROVE he did what you claim he did.

Good luck to you

Don't be so naive, there are any number of ways that he can show that he paid for the job via cash. Such as bank records showing the apporximate date and amount withdrawn at or about the same time as the work was completed. Witnesses that saw or know about him paying the guy in cash. Couple that with the fact that NO shop is going to let you get your car back without being paid in the first place and the fact that this all came about after he confronted the guy with the poor work.

I think he has a good case.. Hell if you can win a lawsuit against a restaurant here in the US for millions because you spilled your own cup of coffee on your leg.... Need I say more? :tongue:

Good luck with your court case... I hope you prevail.
NSX-GUY said:
I have no idea what kind of judicial system you guys have over there or WHY your "solicitor" would be so confident, but without a receipt for your payment how can you even stand a chance ?

If he is as disreputable as you portray him to be he'll simply play dumb and tell the court he has no idea who you even ARE !!!

And, if you DO get the local paper to run an article (which I doubt) both they AND you may be subject to libel unless you can PROVE he did what you claim he did.

Good luck to you
a bit of history.
He is taking me to court,i'm counter-claiming.
He has stated in writing for the court, 2 different times that the car was finished.end of october and end of december.Two full months apart,so he is obviously lying about one of them,therfor the judge knows he is dealing with a guy that is capable of lying.
He sent a letter to the judge(i also had a copy)stating that he had arranged for my car to be viewed by the manufacturer of the paint that was applied to my car,when in fact he has never contacted them.they have provided proof of this in writing to me,on company headed paper.
In his initial claim form he stated the car was completed in december and then i was invoiced.what he did not know was,i had had work done on my car in mid november and the garage that worked on my car would testify as to the colour on my car when he worked on it.my car was initially silver and then it eas re-sprayed to blue/purple.it was blue/purple when he worked on it.
and the gaps in his defence just go on and on and on.this is why my solicitor is confident.
regarding the local paper,if i lose in court then i cannot say anything,but if i win,then i have every right to do so.i think the paper would jump at the chance to expose a dodgy bodyshop that rips off it's customers.
Griffen said:
Don't be so naive, there are any number of ways that he can show that he paid for the job via cash. Such as bank records showing the apporximate date and amount withdrawn at or about the same time as the work was completed. Witnesses that saw or know about him paying the guy in cash. Couple that with the fact that NO shop is going to let you get your car back without being paid in the first place and the fact that this all came about after he confronted the guy with the poor work.

I think he has a good case.. Hell if you can win a lawsuit against a restaurant here in the US for millions because you spilled your own cup of coffee on your leg.... Need I say more? :tongue:

Good luck with your court case... I hope you prevail.

No, you NEED not say more (but you WOULD have to PROVE more !!!)

ME being naive ??? Bwahahahahahahahaha. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: YOU must be kidding.

Bank records only show that HE took out the cash and it was about the same time HE SAYS the work was done. Of course the shop wouldn't release the car without payment but first he'd have to PROVE the shop had the car in the first place. Sans witnesses he has NOTHING !!!

And in the "restaurant case" the WERE WITNESSES !!!!

(Keeping in mind this response was to YOUR response - he has since provided much more detail and the shop owner HAS shown some of his "cards" (so to speak) already. THAT makes all the difference :wink: )
DAYAM, that blows..thats sumthing the body shop should definetly take care of with no questions asked.
Griffen said:
Couple that with the fact that NO shop is going to let you get your car back without being paid in the first
Funny you should say that,because he is trying to claim that i gave him £1300 deposit and he left me take the car because i promised to return the next day with the remainder of the money.DOHH!!!
He made me sign a loan car agreement for a car that was worth about half what he claims i owe him,yet he just lets me take the car with the PROMISE that i would be back tomorrow and nothing agreed in writing,somehow i don't think so.
Remember,i don't know this guy,we were never friends,it was a business deal.I know i would never trust a total stranger with the promise they would return the following day if they owed me £2300.I would say"no problem,the car is safe,you can have it tomorrow when you return with the rest of the money"