Chicago Area - Battle of the Imports Sept 17th

15 November 2001
Chicago, IL, USA
Attention Midwest NSXers -

A fellow PRIME member VALENZUL alerted me to this...

IDRA Battle of the Imports
at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, IL, September 17-18

Car Show, Drag Race, Import Fest, Bikinis...
(what else is needed, besides NSXs!)

The weather is great here in Chicago lately, but it won't last. Lets try and have a big turnout for this before winter sets in and we have to put the toys away. Maybe have our own NSX area in the car show? It sounds like the Midwest troops have already been rallied at the CGI event, and this is the next weekend, so maybe we can pull it together?

Having just attended the Formula D event in Chicago (didn't bring my car - Damn!), this is a perfect opportunity to have some representation at an import event and have a lot of fun.

I know there are a lot of Supercharged NSXs running around Chicago here. Maybe we could have a head-to-head with the St. Louis Turbo crowd?



- Frank
I will most likely go on Sunday, since Car show is on Sunday. It's $40 dollars, I'll try to get a discount for all who is going, but no promises. Frank give me a call soon. I'll I'm you my cell.

I'm trying to get the discount and the designated area, but would need confirmed numbers by Wed. people!

It would really be cool to have the 2 SCd NSXs and the CF bodied one there. Last year I had won the best Exotic... but was the only one showing :biggrin:
Beat out all the Supras whateva BIG mods they had... :cool:

Place opens at 9am.
Car Show Roll in is at 12pm.

We should plan on meeting before hand like 10am?
Should be at Rte 66 at 11am.

Plan on bringing Food and water, ice, the works... cause food lines were terrible before. There will be lots of people!
We should plan on having ppl bring an SUV or something to bring this stuff. Frank you bring the Quiznos cold cuts:biggrin: . I'll bring the pop and juice... Someone bring the grill and steak and chips... :tongue:

I have not received a word from organizer if we get a discount on pricing.
$have $40 ready. Passengers I think $20 each. :eek: BOTI rapes you!!! but it is fun.

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Dammit! thats the weekend i gotta go to Vegas :cool:

I really wanted to go this year too :mad:
OK Spoke to the event coordinators.

Won't be able to get discount on the group since Rte 66 collects the money directly, not BOTI staff. So it will be $40 for the CARSHOW and then $20 for others for general admission.

NOW... we actually will be able to get an area reserved for us. I quoted 8 cars coming.

Roll in is at 12pm.... BUT, he said that they open at 9am. He said, we might want to get there at 10:30am-11am so that we miss the crowd. Last year, took us like 30min just to get to our spot!

Frank O. let me know what else we should set up for and talk about.
Count me in . Frank I PM'ed you. Are we going to meet at the track at 10:30? Let me know

Cool! this is Dennis's previous car right?

This will be a nice turn out indeed. Just need the SC ones to come out...

RutRX7 said:
Count me in . Frank I PM'ed you. Are we going to meet at the track at 10:30? Let me know

Thanks to fellow PRIME member Sean Williams we have a designated meeting area suggestion that is close to the track. We can all convoy to the track from there.

Bob Evans Restaurant
1776 McDonough St.
Joliet, IL 815-725-0160

Bob Evans is one block north of the Larkin Ave. exit on I-80.
Directions/Map can be located here:

I think we should all plan on meeting there around 10:00. Figure on a half hour window for everyone to show up and then head to the track at 10:30?

PM me or Val if you have any questions.

If mother nature plays along this is going to be killer. Val, any word on getting the tent? I should be able to bring a cooler with drinks (limited by space in the NSX, of course) and some subs and salads from the Quiznos. We could probably use another person to bring a cooler full of drinks. I don't know if people are interested in grilling?

- Frank

PS: Bob Kenney where are you?
Hi Frank,
I am still around, just very busy with a pending job change. Pam and I are discussing going on Sunday. [I am selling her on the idea but have not closed the deal as yet] I will let you know on Saturday for sure but seems likely we will be joining the group. Hope to see you all on Sunday.
Totally fun event. Weather was great, although it was a little "wet" around Val's car.

Thanks again to Val for coordinating with the organizers and getting our own special NSX area. We had a good mix of colors: Silver, Orange, Black, Red and Carbon Fiber.

And speaking of Carbon Fiber, congrats to NSX6 on the trophy win for Best Exotic, even beating out the F360. And congrats to Val for following up his Best Exotic win from last year with the runner-up trophy this year.

RutRX7 - good meeting you and your son. Hopefully we'll see the Orange NSX around a lot in the future.

Bob Kenney - always great having you on board. It occured to me that you might hold the title for highest HP NSX in Chicago? This winter, phase 2?...

John D'A. - Let's see that new toy on the dragstrip. 12s?

The next time you see my car it will be "JDM Certified!!!!!"

- Frank
Frank, Some people just can't handle the "jdm certified" "rotational" power!!! :eek: :biggrin: I'm still kind of speechless, and Brian, I swear it happened! :tongue: Yet, another story to go down for this year at the Battle of the Imports event in Sept. What happens next year?! Seems like it just keeps getting better each year!

Frank Oles said:
Totally fun event. Weather was great, although it was a little "wet" around Val's car.

Thanks again to Val for coordinating with the organizers and getting our own special NSX area. We had a good mix of colors: Silver, Orange, Black, Red and Carbon Fiber.

- Frank
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Thanks Everybody For A Good Show, Here Are Some Pics From Sundays Main Event.


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An Finally The Most Important Cars In The Show!


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Rob....Pictures :eek: of your rotors are sick!!! :biggrin:
Good thing Ahad :rolleyes: did not come or you would have had some stiff competition.
I had a great time meeting everbody, can't wait to get together with the cars again. Val I think it was the RSR exhaust on the car that did the woman in.
Congrats to those who won! Wish I could have been there. I was in the presence of other NSX's however. I attended NOPI Nationals in Atlanta for business and saw many nice NSXs there!

The cars were looking great guys, sorry I missed it. Someone I know went Sunday and saw you guys there. He was impressed at the large turnout of NSXs. Great job!
Val congrats on your win, as always your car looks more and more beautiful everytime I see it!! Makes me really want to buy one real bad....but must be patient.
Congrats Val! :biggrin: Silver NSX's REPRESENT!!! :biggrin:

Sorry i couldnt attend with you guys. I would have loved to be there. But i was in Vegas that weekend :cool:

I'll definitely make the next meet if there is one before the weather gets too bad.