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cocky friend of mine

31 March 2005
i was out having a drink after work with a friend of mine. ive known this guy for a year,.. and one thing i noticed is that he's always talkin big and indirectly taking shots at me like he's doing bigger better things than me, yada yada..bla bla bla, like i care. i feel as if he is taking my kindness for a weakness. he would talk disrespectful then flip it like he was joking. but im like, OK. when the nights over it would be all good. i just assume he doesnt realize what he is doing/saying. but one thing i realized is that his attitude towards me was alot better when he didnt know i had an NSX. :biggrin: LOL he swears he's the greatest driver. (he said he would smoke my 91 in his 04 325ci BMW) :rolleyes: i didnt even say sh!t when he said that. And check it,... what kind of person would check the value of my cars? (sizing up my pockets) :confused: the reason for this post is to see if any of you ever dealt with a similar situation with a person, or maybe the NSX factor? how would you handle it? because im being pushed to put this person in his place, kick him off his high horse and what not. how would you guys go about in doing so.(wrecklessly, or gracefully how?) sorry for the long post.,, just venting, plus in still kinda buzzed. looking forward to your replys.
Simple... Don't respond in the way he is trying to get you to respond... Keep doing what your doing. Let him continue to make a fool of himself and wonder about what you are doing.

If he is measuring you up and feels that a car or any other material thing is the basis for completeness, than he is still growing up...

If the NSX factor means that, it's an mark of accomplishment, then wear it as such, a goal of yours that you have reached, nothing more nothing less.

He may just like you a lot and is engaging in healthy competition, in his mind, by ribbing you.. You would be the best judge of this, being that he is your friend...

NSX Factor as a status symbol? If this is what you mean, then I don't get it... It is elusive and can be expensive to own, but the costs of used ones are no more expensive than a lot of other cars out there... It's Exotic stance is what makes it look like a million bucks... I simply choose to roll with it gracefully and let people that don't know find out from someone other than me...
JAO YMMV, you did ask.
Hugh said:
I think he might have a crush on you. :eek:

:biggrin: LMAO... Because that was my first thought...
Keep in mind that I have kids and this boderlines a "sandbox story"...
simply case of "P_nis" envy..
you are able to buy a red blooded sports car and he has a practical ride.

To go deeper.. if you have a wife and kid and they endorse your NSX. You are blessed like most of us NSX owners. Some guys are surrounded by Pants wearing spouses that would make decisions on his personal car..

I think he is green with envy. He need to put you down to feel better about himself.. Which really suck for you..

I would slowly distant myself from this not so true friend.. Negetivity rubs off.. better to surround yourself with positive people and things.
when we were drinking, i was having a argument with my girl over the phone, had to end the night early,.. had to handle the relationship thing you know. he had the nerve to say i was p*ssy whooped. i was like "hell na" then he said the "reason" for my whoopness, was my lack of relationships. then i said "how would you know"? he said "cause i know, your actions tell me". in my mind i was like, who the hell do you think you are!? he doesn't know how many women i pulled in my days, the relationships i've been in. im a retired player, sh!t. i mean its one thing to bust my chops, but judging my character from what you see, then saying it in my face, then telling me im wrong, when i rebuttal his acusation is just plain anoying. :mad:
enesexdreamer said:
when we were drinking, i was having a argument with my girl over the phone, had to end the night early,.. had to handle the relationship thing you know. he had the nerve to say i was p*ssy whooped. i was like "hell na" then he said the "reason" for my whoopness, was my lack of relationships. then i said "how would you know"? he said "cause i know, your actions tell me". in my mind i was like, who the hell do you think you are!? he doesn't know how many women i pulled in my days, the relationships i've been in. im a retired player, sh!t. i mean its one thing to bust my chops, but judging my character from what you see, then saying it in my face, then telling me im wrong, when i rebuttal his acusation is just plain anoying. :mad:

Man, sounds like you guys were a lil DRUNK...
Also sounds like, you guys should get one of the ladies to be the Judge of the length.... C'mon man, I just saw a movie like this, Is it really that important to prove anything about your Bravado to this guy?

Be confident in your own masculinity and ignore this person.. If you can't, as said above, move on.. Get a new friend.. You guys shouldn't drink and friend....:smile:

Seriously, I hope you are not losing sleep over this. Wait I am responding to it... I must really be bored while I sat in the Jungles of South America.. wait I'm dreaming, I am actually sitting at a console trying to make a network sinch.
Sorry, just wanted to get even with you for making me read your post...:smile:

Bottom line, your friend's opinion is pretty much irrelevant, unless you feel it is true.
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How close of a friend is he? I wouldn't associate with people like that. Not that im better but i just would rather not deal with the BS.

Reminds me of the movie "Cable Guy" or worse yet "Fatal Attraction" haha
I have a colleague like that too. Other colleagues notice him too. Me being a cool guy just let it go. Just like you whenever we go for a drink with the others he will make some remark sarcastically thinking I wouldn't notice. My other colleague ask why I didn't get at him back. I just say if that makes him happy then its okay so long as he didn't say anything else behind my back. As far as I know most people don't like him anyway. :smile: I just hope when his contract finished he will be sent back.

Inferiority complex
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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In the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis, an inferiority complex is a feeling that one is inferior to others in some way. It is often unconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme antisocial behaviour. Early work was pioneered by Alfred Adler, who used the example of Napoleon complexes to illustrate his theory.

Some sociologists have proposed that an inferiority complex can also exist at a wider level, affecting entire cultures. This theory, which is controversial, is known as cultural cringe.

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Your buddy is insecure and trying to be the alpha male. He is a joke. He probably spends most of his income on the BMW to make him feel bigger about himself.
There is supposed to be a section in the book "The Game" that tells you how to disarm the alpha male in these situations, maybe check that out.
enesexdreamer said:
(he said he would smoke my 91 in his 04 325ci BMW)

325? :eek: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What a poser! He can't spring for an M3? What the hell is he bragging about. :mad: The lady who cleans my house drives a 325, and hers is a freaking 05. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Yeah deffinate esteem issues. Some people make themselves feel better about themselves by putting others down. What he needs is someone just like him to tell him that they will dust his bimmer in thier fiat. A good butt kicking might be good for him too.
I agree with Donwon. People like that go through their whole life thinking high and mighty. Subtle hints won't get through his thick head. So you have to confront him and say "whats up with this childish attitude?". He needs to be put in his place and who better to do it than a friend. Its better than getting nailed by his boss. Consider it a favor to him. :wink:

Freaking loser.
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It doesn't sound like a friend to me. Why bother hanging around a guy like that?
enesexdreamer said:
one thing i noticed is that he's always talkin big and indirectly taking shots at me like he's doing bigger better things than me. he would talk disrespectful.

enesexdreamer said:
how would you handle it?

I've done you a favor and isolated what you're really saying, whether you want to see it or not. Remember, you're asked for an opinion, so you can't counter with any reasons because you've asked for input, there is no rebuttal.

If I had such a 'friend,' the next time I see him, I would say, "Don't talk to me anymore" and simply walk away. No need to explain myself, period.
steveny said:
The lady who cleans my house drives a 325, and hers is a freaking 05. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

The lady who cleans mine, drives a rx330 :confused:

am i paying her too much??

I had a friend like that too. He used to say some crazy things to his gf who is best friends with mine.

"does it bother you that all your friends think im hot" :eek:

"i wanna be a firefighter because i look like one" :eek:

Dont even waste your time with the guy. When he says something dumb just look at him and shrug your shoulders.
reminds me of highschool....

i knew people exactly like this....i wouldn't call them friend, but i think they considered me as one...lol

they do this, like many other ppl have mentioned because they feel like they lack, and in order to compensate, they emulate such cocky personalities.

to counter cockiness, hit back with cockiness(x10).

be so cocky, that your 'friend' will not be able to say any further, nor anythign after.

this works.
What I notice as you get older and wiser is you have a better sense of self-perception. Obviously this guy isn't quite there yet and he thinks the world revolves around him. He doesn't know what kind of an image he's projecting of himself. I think the best thing to do is just let him do his own growing up and maybe one day he will reflect back and see how stupid he was acting.

I don't think there's anything wrong with having friends like this, I have several. Situations like you were in always seem to happen to me when we're drinking. :) It's just a bit embarassing sometimes to hang out with people who are clueless about how people really perceive them.

One common thread these friends of mine have is that they are usually what you'd classify as haters. If someone has or does anything better, they try to diss it. So the NSX could play into the equation. They also seem to have better taste and do everything better than anyone else, or so they think.

Everyone has a personality faux paus and it's up to you how much you will put up with before you dismiss all those other qualities that actually make them a friend. People like him can actually constitute a good friend most of the time. But I'd say you're taking the high road right now by not going off on him. :)
Your buddy has small penis syndrome. You need to not sit back so much, that is part of the reason why he is so mouthy with you. Punks like him only need someone to push back a little and not back down when they push back again. My mom is 5' even and is a serious ball buster, when I was in 7th grade she explained that it is a confidence game and trust me she is correct. If you are confident and stand tall to your buddy you can make him embarassed he ever gave you any sh!t.
This so called friend need a reality check.

There are nicer people out there, he does not deserve to be your friend.