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Crazy stuff that happens thread

12 March 2001
SO.....The other night I was at a new 3 unit we bought. I was with a contractor that is going to seperate the heats. I was in the basement the contractor was 3/4 the way down the stairs and my wife was 1/2 way up the stairs. I am asking my wife why she hasn't turned on the light yet and she says she is still looking for the switch. After about 3 minutes she finds the switch and turns the light on. Right next to my foot is this.....

I was in chest-deep water once and turned around to look for my friend and about 3-5 feet away was a good 8 foot bull shark just cruising by. I shat enough bricks over the next few days that I built myself a beautiful shed in the backyard!

I hate things with sharp teeth.
Is that a snake?
What kind of snake is that? What did you do with it? I hope you charged it rent for living there.
It's either a snake or a nematode.
Seriously, relax. It is (was) non poisonous.
Is that a snake?

It is a snake. I screamed like a little girl and ran.

I had the same thing happen at the Florida house last winter. There was a baby alligator under the push mower in the garage. That scared the crap out of me. Then my buddy with screw with me every time he would come over he would hide some toy dinosaur around the house.
Jumping into a swimming pool in Florida reminds me of my childhood fear of Jaws the movie da da da da. :biggrin:
Similar incident happened to me last summer. We live on the lake and keep our jetski right outside of our fence, and I was switching out the battery. I fell into the water (due to some jackass boat that was flying by about 5 feet from shore) and realized my phone was in my pocket. Got on shore, took out the phone, trying to get it to turn on, and I look below to my feet and there's a 5 foot snake 6 inches from my toes. I haul ass and trip, with my phone flying back into the water.
Similar incident happened to me last summer. We live on the lake and keep our jetski right outside of our fence, and I was switching out the battery. I fell into the water (due to some jackass boat that was flying by about 5 feet from shore) and realized my phone was in my pocket. Got on shore, took out the phone, trying to get it to turn on, and I look below to my feet and there's a 5 foot snake 6 inches from my toes. I haul ass and trip, with my phone flying back into the water.

LOL. Those friggen snakes scare the crap out of me.

I have lost 3 phone in the last year due to dropping them in the water. Last summer I finished a call put the phone in my pocket and jumped in my pool. I swam around for a good 1/2 hour before I realized what I had done.

I keep a back up phone for this reason. I just picked up a new razr V9 which IMO is an excellent phone.
When I was 15 I was hiking along the Escalante river in Utah with a group in a survival camp. We decided to try and fortify our rations with some fish out of the river, so I fashioned a spear out of a cottonwood branch, and split the end so that it made a three pronged fork. I then went wading into the river looking for fish. After standing still for a very long time, I finally saw a decent sized catfish passing in front of me. I managed to stick it with the spear, and then held it to the bottom while it thrashed around and I could reach down and grab it. Once I had the fish in hand I backed up onto the bank while heralding my triumph to my fellow campers. Once safely on the bank I heard something that sounded like a person walking through the tall grass- I looked down and saw a nice sized rattler about 3 feet to my left. I jumped about 10 feet, and damned near pissed my pants! I had never seen a rattle snake, nor did I really want to see one that was so pissed off. So I am standing there babbling, and one of our guides takes my trident off me walks up to the snake and jams it right through the body just behind it's head.

He then looks over at me and says (just like Crocodile Dundee) "Snakes is good eatin".

I can tell you- they taste like chicken. I prefer chicken.

When I was 15 I was hiking along the Escalante river in Utah with a group in a survival camp. We decided to try and fortify our rations with some fish out of the river, so I fashioned a spear out of a cottonwood branch, and split the end so that it made a three pronged fork. I then went wading into the river looking for fish. After standing still for a very long time, I finally saw a decent sized catfish passing in front of me. I managed to stick it with the spear, and then held it to the bottom while it thrashed around and I could reach down and grab it. Once I had the fish in hand I backed up onto the bank while heralding my triumph to my fellow campers. Once safely on the bank I heard something that sounded like a person walking through the tall grass- I looked down and saw a nice sized rattler about 3 feet to my left. I jumped about 10 feet, and damned near pissed my pants! I had never seen a rattle snake, nor did I really want to see one that was so pissed off. So I am standing there babbling, and one of our guides takes my trident off me walks up to the snake and jams it right through the body just behind it's head.

He then looks over at me and says (just like Crocodile Dundee) "Snakes is good eatin".

I can tell you- they taste like chicken. I prefer chicken.


Whew, I thought a bear was going take your fish or something. :biggrin:
It is a snake. I screamed like a little girl and ran.

That made my morning, tho it does remind me of my childhood.
I lived in South America before coming to the States.
French Guiana, 95% Rain Forest. Wildlife beyond
what you can see. Exotic snakes from all shapes and sizes.
Don't swim in rivers infested with anacondas,
tho it's always hard to tell, till too late.
The only good snake is a dead snake.:wink:

I used to whack 'em all. Now I try to exercise restraint and only whack the biters.:smile:
I live out in the sticks. Last night, on the 1-mile drive through my neighborhood, I counted 4 copperheads on the road. This is the same road I jog on at midnight.:eek:
When I was a teenager my father and I regularly went hunting in south texas/on the mexican border. There are tons of rattlesnakes down there and the guys on the lease would generally kill any relatively close to camp for obvious reasons.

Anytime the old men would get really wasted by the camp fire that night, my father and my friend's father would warn us that there would probably be dead rattle snakes placed around the camp come morning.

The old guys would position them around the out house and places where you'd have to go through a gate. The best part was it would still give them mild heart attacks the next day year after year of doing this.
When I was a teenager my father and I regularly went hunting in south texas/on the mexican border. There are tons of rattlesnakes down.......

......and that is as far as I got before a spider just dropped down on me from the skylight just above my desk. It landed on my stomach and I screamed. DAMN!!!!!
Indiana: There's a big snake in the plane, Jock.

Jock: Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie.

Indiana: I hate snakes, Jock. I hate 'em.

Jock: C'mon, show a little backbone, will ya?
Last year in Thailand. We were spending a few days on of the southern islands (on the beach, huts, etc). Monkeys everywhere (I'm not a monkey fan). Went for an early morning walk up a hill (alone). Came up to the big poppa monkey (about 10 ft away) halfway up the hill. I wanted him to move off of the narrow path, so I raised my arms up, stomped my feet and took a step toward him.....

W/out blinking, he showed his teeth, jumped up and scampered toward me, then ran after me...like he was going to kill me. He chased me down the hill...I ran like my life depended on it and never looked back.

I guess it was payback for the small monkey I chased off of the porch of my hut when we got to there a couple of days earlier.
Last year in Thailand. We were spending a few days on of the southern islands (on the beach, huts, etc). Monkeys everywhere (I'm not a monkey fan). Went for an early morning walk up a hill (alone). Came up to the big poppa monkey (about 10 ft away) halfway up the hill. I wanted him to move off of the narrow path, so I raised my arms up, stomped my feet and took a step toward him.....

W/out blinking, he showed his teeth, jumped up and scampered toward me, then ran after me...like he was going to kill me. He chased me down the hill...I ran like my life depended on it and never looked back.

I guess it was payback for the small monkey I chased off of the porch of my hut when we got to there a couple of days earlier.

The small monkey probably sent a text message to the big monkey. :biggrin:
Last year in Thailand. We were spending a few days on of the southern islands (on the beach, huts, etc). Monkeys everywhere (I'm not a monkey fan). Went for an early morning walk up a hill (alone). Came up to the big poppa monkey (about 10 ft away) halfway up the hill. I wanted him to move off of the narrow path, so I raised my arms up, stomped my feet and took a step toward him.....
Have had mixed reviews with our genetic predecessors.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 1999
Was hanging with a work friend who lived somewhere in the rain forest preserve (literally looking up at the Cristo Redentor statue on Corcovado - very cool). Wildilfe was cool and tame (feeding/playing with family of monkeys, toucans, etc).

Man 3, Monkey 0

Agra, India 2006
Was playing with a family of monkeys at the "Taj prototype" (Itimad-ub-Daulah's Tomb - check it), and got too close to a mom & child monkey. Wondering "where's Dad?". Dad comes up from behind me and latches onto my leg, trying to take me down... took all of my sumo-honed balance to keep upright, and was able to shake him off...

Man 4, Monkey 1