dealer auctions for a nsx?

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
A friend of my gf's says that he can go to dealer auctions and buy cars very cheap. yes even cheap can these auctions get on a 97 nsx? anybody been to any of these?
Dealer auction have car that other dealers have trouble selling for various reasons. Thay are popular as all the car are in one place and dealers do not have to travel to look at many cars. The car there are not of very good quality and as there weren't many NSX's manufactured I would think thay would be few and far between
I would be wary of one that did make it to auction. Probably some hidden story behind the car. Since they are pretty rare they normally don't last on car lots for very long.

I bought mine at auction about a month ago. I had to put a clutch in it but I knew it was going when I bought it. No problems. I was afraid I wouldn't like it as much as the type-r (looks aside). I do. They aren't a lot cheaper at auction. If you follow ebay close, you can find the same deal in a month or 2. It still isn't as fast as my Taurus tho. Can't have everything I guess.
Good luck.

Originally posted by madfast:
A friend of my gf's says that he can go to dealer auctions and buy cars very cheap. yes even cheap can these auctions get on a 97 nsx? anybody been to any of these?
Not necessarilary so. NSX's will regularly show up at auction right when they have come off-lease. Of course, this may not be the case with an early-model NSX, in which case, I might be wondering about the car's history.

Originally posted by 92NSX:
I would be wary of one that did make it to auction.
thats exactly right.The shear volume of cars coming off lease has created a profitable wholesale marketplace for dealers and wheeler-dealers, Manhiem is the most well known.nsx's coming off lease are treated no differently.
thanks guys! I'll go check it out never know what I'll find. and I have nothing to lose anywayz. take care and will keep u guys posted
Originally posted by madfast:
A friend of my gf's says that he can go to dealer auctions and buy cars very cheap. yes even cheap can these auctions get on a 97 nsx? anybody been to any of these?

You can get a 97 for about $10k.
Originally posted by ck:
You can get a 97 for about $10k.

10K? Can you elaborate? I could use another NSX (or 2). If its possible to pick up even salvage vehicles at this price, it seems like they could be flipped at a tidy profit, of at least 100% of your investment (20K).

What is the condition of these $10K NSXs? How much can you buy a "clean" one for at these auctions that do not have a salvage title?

[This message has been edited by hyuan (edited 01 July 2002).]
I'm gonna take a wild stab at this one. I believe ck is using a form of expression referred to as "sarcasm".

It is defined as a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language.

If a car goes through an auction, it does not mean that there is something wrong with the car. Cars can be off lease or it can be a car that someone traded in a Dealership A that Dealership A does not wish to retail. For example, if someone trades their NSX in for a Ford Excursion, the Ford dealership probably doesn't want to try and retail the NSX because 1) they don't have the right clientele, 2) they don't want to spend time and money advertising it and 3) their sales people probably know nothing about the car. So they send it to auction. It could be in perfect shape.

Flipside, cars at auctions generally go for true market prices. Dealers go to auctions to buy inventory to retail to customers. They know what cars are worth. High end dealers go to specific high end auctions where they sell NSXs, Porsches, MB, BMWs etc. They know their business. If a car isn't going for "market price", there is probably a reason for that. You can get a car cheaper at an auction than from a dealer but you're not comparing apples to apples. When you buy from a reputable dealer, you are getting the car (same as you would get from the auction) but you are also getting some peace of mind. That dealer you are buying the car from presumably had a buyer inspect the car for damage and maybe had a mechanic inspect the car for condition, possibly even spending some money to put the car in saleable shape. The dealership puts their name behind the sale so you are less likely to end up with junk.

If you go to an auction and don't know what you are doing, you could end up buying a POS. Remember the saying, if you can't figure out who the fool is, it's probably you.

A lot of people on this board are looking for an NSX and plan to keep it for years and years. Paying $2-$3k more to buy from a dealer doesn't seem like a bad deal spread over the next 5 years. If I bought a POS, I'd want to know that I can go back to the person that hold them accountable.

Just my two cents. I'd say buy from a trusted private party or a reputable dealer. Dealer auctions are for dealers.