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DSLR recommendations

27 October 2004
Can I get some feedbacks or recommendation for a entry level DSLR for beginner?

These two are the ones I am considering at the moment, will consider all others recommendations as well.
Pentax K200D
Sony Alpha 200

Nothing fancy or expensive, just want a entry level SLR to learn on. I only take pics of cars and people. What kind of lens are best for taking pics of cars and people or objects within 30 feet of range?

Never used a DSLR, but love taking pics as you can tell:smile:, maybe if I nailed all my Summer courses and rack up the numbers, I may have free time to take photography course as elective during the Fall quarter.
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I'm a Canon guy so take a look at the Digital Rebel with their basic lens as a starter camera. The Nikon is also a good piece of equipment. If you aren't really going to be doing work like RSO, then a point and shoot camera may be best for you. Also remember, the megapixels of a camera don't mean a thing unless you intend to print large pictures. So if someone tries to sell you an xx.x megapixel camera because they say it takes better pictures, walk away.
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have the Sony, which some people kinda qustioned, most said we should have got the canon.

after just ONE photo workshop, the instructors and everyone else changed thier monds, GREAT camera. lots of lens choices....

For a beginner, I would highly recommend the Canon EOS system. They offer the most complete system to grow into, the cameras and software are easier to understand than many other brands, and there is little risk of them leaving the market.

I teach photo classes for beginners, and see a wide variety of the students' cameras. Many of Canon's competitors in the market are building cameras featuring poor ergonomics, cheap materials, and useless bells and whistles. (Why does that sound like an NSX/Corvette comparison?)

I've also experienced, painfully, a camera system I heavily invested in basically leave the market. Canon is a large optical/electronics company whose camera line leads their entire range of products. They will NOT let it rest on its laurels or disappear from view.

Look at the Canon Rebel XS or XSi. VERY good image quality from a simple-to-use camera that many professionals even use as an inexpensive backup camera. To start, get one of the kits that come with a lens. Then TAKE PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES to get the most out of it. The goal is to forget what equipment you're using and concentrate on making good pictures with content and composition.

Happy shooting,
Thanks for the recommendations. Almost pulled the trigger today during window shopping, no patience and was really excited. I hope to pick up something by Wednesday.

Do you guys have any sample pics of a car taken with the DSLRs mentioned in recommendation?

Canon Rebel XS
Canon Rebel XSi
Nikon D40
Sony dscr1
Pentax K200D
Sony Alpha 200
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Do you guys have any sample pics of a car taken with the DSLRs mentioned in recommendation?

I've got thousands of pics from my last 7 months with the D40 online. Many of them (most of them actually) are just snapshots because I'm not a pro photographer, but here are some of my galleries. Full res versions are available via the drop-down box.






One of my favs that's not in any of the links above.

And here is the full resolution version.
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Thanks for the recommendations. Almost pulled the trigger today during window shopping, no patience and was really excited. I hope to pick up something by Wednesday.

Do you guys have any sample pics of a car taken with the DSLRs mentioned in recommendation?

Canon Rebel XS
Canon Rebel XSi
Nikon D40
Sony dscr1
Pentax K200D
Sony Alpha 200

thats not a fair question as PS can make any photo look good....the question should be if you have an un-editied photos from one of these cameras
thats not a fair question as PS can make any photo look good....the question should be if you have an un-editied photos from one of these cameras

And more importantly, unless the same person is shooting each camera of the same subject and the same lighting conditions with identical settings you will gain no knowledge from a simple comparison of mulitiple persons submitting samples of their photos.
Another vote for the D40. We got one in Jan when our twin daughters were born and it's been a great camera, still learning all the things it can do. As a beginner camera it seems to fit the bill.
There are some good deals on the D80. That was my first DSLR and I feel it was a perfect model for me as a beginner. I was deciding between the Nikon D80 and the Canon Rebel XTi.
Oh, and I have a D40 also, and have had a great experience with it. Does everything you need it to, is very intuitive to use, and is very comfortable in the hand. I've had it for about a year now, and here are some of my pics I've taken:














Most of those were with the kit lens, though I have a second lens and flash now. The flash has helped a lot, as the on-board flash is largely inadequate.

Now I'm thinking about moving on to a more advanced camera. Don't know if I'll sell the D40 or hang on to it for wife and/or kids to use & learn on.
I just picked up a 5D... it's very nice :smile:

I have been shooting a 5D for about a year and love it (just like I loved my 7 prior Canon SLR bodies) but would not recommend that the OP spend his money on one. A digital Rebel is a great starter DSLR for a "beginner" and will be able to handle the "growth and maturity" of a beginning photographer before a new body will be needed. That is, unless, the user is like me who needs to upgrade every 14 months since that is my average time to get 150,000 shots on the shutter.
And to answer directly the OP's question, my recommendation based upon his stated desires and lack of experience would be the following:

Canon XTi (aka Canon 400D)

Canon 28-135 IS lens - the IS stands for Image Stabilization which will reduce, if not eliminate, blurred photos caused by camera shake

***Please note the that Canon DSLR body above has a 1.6 factor which means that the foregoing lens would be the functional equivalent of a 45-216mm lens. Not much on the wide angle lens but a decent telephoto option. For frame of reference, a "standard" photo is 50mm with anything less being on the ever increasing wider angles and anything greater being zoomed in.

And then don't forget the usual accessories including a skylight filter to protect your lens, a CF card and an extra rechargeable battery.
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like many others, i read alot deciding between the Canon Rebel XT and the Nikon d40 before i took the plunge and got the nikon about a year ago. i have loved it since and have learned a lot about photography in general, even if i still look like a tourist all the time. i have pictures posted on prime so you can look at some of those, but most have been brushed through with ps so they're not exactly true representations of what the camera does/can do.

i was playing around with a friend's canon 5d the other day with a few different lenses and :eek:...
Thanks guys.

I have narrow down the selection to:

Nikon D40 $429 at Circuit City
Canon Rebel XSI $ 850 at Circuit City
Canon Rebel XT $629

I am leaning towards the XSI, but will it really make that much difference in terms of picture quality between these 3? I have tried to read as much reviews as possible, but it only made the choice even tougher:redface:.
Thanks guys.

I have narrow down the selection to:

Nikon D40 $429 at Circuit City
Canon Rebel XSI $ 850 at Circuit City
Canon Rebel XT $629

I am leaning towards the XSI, but will it really make that much difference in terms of picture quality between these 3? I have tried to read as much reviews as possible, but it only made the choice even tougher:redface:.

You will get a better price on the XSi at B&H for $740. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/542177-REG/Canon_2756B001_EOS_Rebel_XSi_a_k_a_.html

Also, check what is included with the D40 at Circuit City and compare with B&H: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/con...karound.jsp&A=search&Q=*&bhs=t&Go.x=10&Go.y=6

The XTi price is also lower at B&H - $570: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/457506-REG/Canon_1236B002_EOS_Digital_Rebel_XTi.html

The only thing that will improve your "picture quality" aside from good glass is good composition. Always remember that it's not the arrow, it's the indian.
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Buy the Canon only because if you are ever at an ALMS event and Bob is there you get to use his "L" lens. The only problem is that he barter's with you and you have to let him hang halfway out your window so he can take pictures. I tried to dump him out on one of lefthander's at Sebring, but he had his kung-fu grip on pretty tight. :biggrin: