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Easiest way to own a NSX

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Not to stray too far off topic (if that's even possible at this point), but the "Wenzel" thread that so many are comparing this one to, is also quite entertaining:


To give an idea what kind of tool that guy was, look at what he did to a 2-wheel drive truck:



How did he get in? :rolleyes:
You are right, I am a guest and it is not my intent to step on anyone’s toes. I think he is just another spammer.
I do feel, however, morality has nothing to do with religion. Why use a screen name that includes any religious reference? Who is the pastor to say what type of car people should drive based on their life style?

Agree, and yes this Pastor fellow has some pretty strange stuff on his website. Whatever. Not the point.

Here's my point, which echoes that of several other longtime NSX Prime members and a few unknowns.

For what, in the whole scheme of things, was a very minor and petty offense (falsely promoting his business, and being rude), this guy's life may be forever changed. He may go back to prison for a decade. His wife/kids might suffer immensely (although I personally don't think he has either). He'll probably have to change his name (but may not be able to...dunno). This garbage will interfere with every future job interview/application. He sure as heck won't be driving his "dream car" red NSX around S.C. anymore -- probably wouldn't last a day without getting vandalized. Probably have a really tough time selling it too, for a normal value, since just about every prospective buyer is on this site.

See what I'm getting at? There are very real consequences to this guy, long after the world has had its laugh over his stupidity. Oh yeah, even if this thread is locked now, it will still be viewed and commented on/about for months.

And don't even THINK about writing or insinuating that I have condoned his behavior, past or present. Those on Prime know I speak my mind and am always right. :wink: :biggrin:

This is the Admin's decision, obviously, but I usually expect more *class* and *integrity* from most of my fellow NSX owners. :frown:
Yeah, this donkey thing has finally worn me down.

I'm gonna go over to Deltron Zero's house and "hang out" with his gf so he can have something to watch, lol. This should keep me busy and outta prime for a few days till the donkey goes away.


Shit has definitely gotten crazy over the last few days and a wee bit overboard. I had my fun when things were discovered the first couple days.
Nick never did anything illegal in that sense to any of us.

This Nick thing has just gotten out of hand but he can end it just like Wenzel did--come clean and square up with the parties involved, in this case, the Prime community.

I can almost guarantee you if Nick came clean this thread would be locked. Are you listening Nick?

nick's not a thief? go to the online gaming site he posted. don't forget to take his advice by not playing with "scared money"

come clean? and incriminate himself (not that we already know). everything he's doing behind the scenes (ie. changing names behind the poker sites, deleting pics, etc.) is to distance himself from a possible prosecution. come clean? lol
Agree, and yes this Pastor fellow has some pretty strange stuff on his website. Whatever. Not the point.

Here's my point, which echoes that of several other longtime NSX Prime members and a few unknowns.

For what, in the whole scheme of things, was a very minor and petty offense (falsely promoting his business, and being rude), this guy's life may be forever changed. He may go back to prison for a decade. His wife/kids might suffer immensely (although I personally don't think he has either). He'll probably have to change his name (but may not be able to...dunno). This garbage will interfere with every future job interview/application. He sure as heck won't be driving his "dream car" red NSX around S.C. anymore -- probably wouldn't last a day without getting vandalized. Probably have a really tough time selling it too, for a normal value, since just about every prospective buyer is on this site.

See what I'm getting at? There are very real consequences to this guy, long after the world has had its laugh over his stupidity. Oh yeah, even if this thread is locked now, it will still be viewed and commented on/about for months.

And don't even THINK about writing or insinuating that I have condoned his behavior, past or present. Those on Prime know I speak my mind and am always right. :wink: :biggrin:

This is the Admin's decision, obviously, but I usually expect more *class* and *integrity* from most of my fellow NSX owners. :frown:

And who is to blame? Those who have exposed this guy, or the guy himself for having sex with an underage girl? When I was 21 I sure knew better than to go near anything that remotely looked like jailbait. In the end, if this clown hadn't committed a serious felony in this state and been convicted he wouldn't be suffering the consequences. He deserves what he gets.
I just want the last post before the thread is locked!
I just want the last post before the thread is locked!

Aw.c'mon.. This is like an old faithful dog on its last legs - the vet wants to put it to sleep but you want it to keep on going till it passes away on its own. Go on, let the pooch live a little bit longer..

BTW, anyone know a way of getting rich quick - I've always fancied an NSX :wink: :biggrin:
I just re-read the first few pages. It's like seeing Star Wars for the second time!

BTW - welcome to all the visitors to PRIME! We love our little forum of NSX obsessed members, stick around and enjoy the other content to! :biggrin:
I want the last post.
Lock it!!!
The Big F.
And who is to blame? Those who have exposed this guy, or the guy himself for having sex with an underage girl? When I was 21 I sure knew better than to go near anything that remotely looked like jailbait. In the end, if this clown hadn't committed a serious felony in this state and been convicted he wouldn't be suffering the consequences. He deserves what he gets.

I can't, nor will I, comment on this guy's case. I'm not a lawyer. I'm not a judge. I wasn't on the jury. I don't know either plaintiff/victim or defendant.

And, in all likelihood, neither were any of the 500,000 viewers of this thread.

Don't overestimate your importance or role here -- this is an automotive web forum. NSX Prime is not a secondary means of convicting and sentencing people, even though it apparently has the power (but, IMHO, not the right) to do so.
Wow I am finally to the end...

This thread delivers!!!

I got to you guys from a World of Warcraft site, but wished I owned an NSX!!! ...maybe one of you guys are single, in Cali, and looking for a hawt girl to ride along with you...hehe and I am over 15 I swear! HAHA


I think it would be interesting to hear from the 15 y/o girls side of the story though...wonder what she would say...that is what really matters, how it affected her life. Plus anything that "Kim" is told, is coming from Nick and we all know he is a liar.

Keep up the good work, and the pics are making me giggle out loud in my office and people are looking at me funny...it's SO worth it though!!

I will definately be donating some cash once I get paid next week!!! :)
Regarding Nick Sitko

Let me identify myself. My name is Michael Storac. I am the webmaster and one of the managing directors of SO Clear Media Productions, Inc., a non-profit organization located in Clackamas, Oregon. It is a site that advocates the rationalization of laws with regard to registered sex offenders. While many people would call such an organization such as ourselves as a "sex offenders' rights" organization, in reality we call to task many of unintended consequences of such laws. The example that has perpetuated itself through this forum is EXACTLY the unintended consequences that have resulted in 4 people being terrorized-not an exaggeration-in their home and neighborhood due to the zeal of several people. Let that sink in for a few moments.

Of course, I'm talking about Nick Sitko.

First, let me address his actions. They were WRONG. Period. He should have been banned immediately. In fact, if he had done the same in any of my 63 forums that I host (unrelated to SO CLEAR), he not only would have been banned, his ISP would have been notified. But that is my policy, and written in no uncertain terms in my TOS agreement.

But I'm not excusing his behavior, nor the lack of the administrators for not banning him because of said behavior. In fact, I agree to a certain amount of "forum justice" myself, including identification of his name and even of his criminal past.

Nick did make several mistakes in trying to "justify" his actions. I don't without a doubt suspect that escalation in part because he was trying to make light of his exposure. But this is where the actions and statements of some of the forum members began to diverge from the righteous, to the abusive, to the criminal. Yes, criminal.

Once Nick was outed, that should have been it. Frankly, the board should have instantly nipped the thread in the bud and permanently banned Sitko, according to TOS of your site. But they didn't.

What happened, is an escalation of exposing Sitko's past. Someone posted information from the South Carolina Megan's Law website, either here in this thread or in other similar threads, which can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, according to the South Carolina website. Others took to creating Wikipedia pages. Still others created a fake BBC documentary. There was bragging...BRAGGING!...that over 60 other threads were celebrating the "outing" of a sex offender because he broke forum rules.

And as such is to happen, there were real world consequences.

You see, Nick Sitko has a family. He has a fiancee and two children. And the harassment was limited NOT JUST to Nick Sitko, but to the rest of his family as well. Including a 6 month baby.

I talked to his fiancee. Indeed, her name is Kim Williford. You, along with billions of other people around the world, know her address. She is fighting mad, as she should be. But it is not her I speak of now...it is her older child.

Nursing a 6 month old baby is hard enough, but trying to explain to a toddler why a bunch of people are driving by the house, yelling bad things, is a terrible burden to deal with. Having to deal with a father who is suddenly scared and sullen. Having to deal with the phone ringing with people hanging up all the time. Have any of YOU ever dealt with this type of terror? Have you?

"But he's a sex offender...he DESERVES every bit of agony, of terror that he has given his victim!"

Really. Tell that to his toddler, happy as a lark around Christmas, who is suddenly afraid and anxious, cries at all hours, and is scared. Not just scared...scared out of his WITS.

Would ANY of you want that for any of YOUR children?

Would any of you want that for ANY child, no matter who they belong to?

Big men. Drive expensive cars and are responsible for the terror of a five year old child. Hmmph.

Frankly, I don't know what Nick and Kim have in mind from a legal standpoint. They have the IMMEDIATE concern of dealing with their children, and in fact their immediate circumstances from an employment standpoint.

I will be very clear: What Nick did when this thread started was inexcusable. But NOT criminal. I want to emphasize that point.

The escalation has resulted in many crimes being committed, however. Yes, crimes. I have had a bit of experience in law myself, and several people have opined that just because they pulled the public court record from the court, not from the registry, they are well within their rights to post it on a forum. However, they fail to realize that it was the REGISTRY that triggered the action to obtain the records, and the MANNER in which the court record were disseminated was the result of an illegal posting of the registry information in the first place. Tread lightly with that argument; it's been successfully prosecuted in similar circumstances.

As I said before the sheer volume and intensity of interest has predictably triggered the harassment of Nick and Kim. The fact that people here are celebrating the fact that someone's been outed, that it has made this forum the most popular car forum in history, is frankly beyond the pale in my book. Yes, deal harshly with someone who spams you. But don't use the excuse that "Nick kept showing up and lying, again and again, so we are justified in doing what we did." Fine.

I will state this: Nick will never show his face around this forum again. I have talked to his fiancee about the inadvisability of using forum signatures for affiliate marketing; I'm sure their lawyer will advise him more succinctly. The fact that he did what he did is, again, inexcusable, but not criminally illegal. The threats his family have received IS criminally illegal. And the threats would not have occurred without the escalation that was, in fact, encouraged.

But keep in mind, the real victim of Nick's stupidity, and many members depravity: his child. For God's sake, let's cut the cord NOW, and go back to talking about cars. Leave his family alone by stopping the perpetuation of this terroristic nonsense.

I do not plan on replying within this thread, as I believe in more transparent communication. I can be reached at [email protected], and the organization is on the web at http://www.soclear.org. NOTE: This is not a promotion, but an identification of who I am, including our business address and phone number, for the purpose of transparency. I will respond to any reasonable email, no matter your position on sex offender issues and Internet law.
Let's not forget that Nick Sitko voluntarily plead guilty in his case. The law recognized and accepted his ADMISSION OF GUILT. And they didn't accept much extenuating circumstance because they required him ro register as a sex offender. That's the same thing they do to baby rapists. I don't care if it was some plea....or whatever. If you're stupid enough to mistake a 15 year old for a 25 year old....then you're stupid enough to go to prison for it.

I think he got off light. While he's certainly not a "baby rapist"...Law is law....21 vs. 15 is statitory rape, people. Hence the saying "15 will get you 20"...:D

Nick's a tool....a liar....cheat....dirt bag....idiot....moron....and everything else. He deserves what's coming to him. And as far as his supposed "fiance" and "2 kids"....if they are fact, then perhaps Kim should have thought about it before shacking up with a pedophile.

And I don't want to hear, "He's not a bad person".....because if he wasn't, then he wouldn't have plead guilty and be convicted of statutory rape....and he wouldn't be a registered sex offender.

Jesus....I feel like playing cards now....AHAHAHA

Oh yeah...BTW....PastorJosh....or whatever the fuck your alias is...."good Christian cars"...."bad Christian cars"? That's they gheyest thing I've ever heard. I hear an alter boy calling your name from behind the crucified Jesus....go back there...grease up....and have a nice big holy grail of SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Lets some this thread up...Since I read it all and most people don't have the time....

1. Nick posts a msg. about how he wins his car with 1 link so others can attempt and possibly repeat, which is not spam btw.
2. Nick denies being Nick. But that doesn't really make sense, you see, I think Nick only posted 1 msg. to start this thread, all of the others don't seem like real posts.
3. Forum members bash Nick and make him out to be a pedo which he is not.
4. Nick is harrassed, on and on and on...

It appears that the admins here are behind this entire thing to get traffic to the site by spamming this very own thread onto hundreds of sites, because thats the real only reason there is this many views on this pathetic thread.

This is supposed to be a car forum, Nick posted alot of messages on these boards with 0 references to any site(s), if you even understand what the word spam is, its not posting 1 link that is relevant to the discussion, spam is what NSX prime is doing when they are moving in and out of forums posting up the msg. to come visit this pathetic little site to see Nick get owned, I'm willing to bet you money he does his own ownjob.

Oh, and if anyone wants to know...Gambling online is not illegal, in fact, all that has been done so far is limiting how one can make a deposit and actually play, there is hundreds of operators of gambling sites, Nick is not one of them he just has a marketing site, which has skilled games (which are legal).

If anyone gets owned here it will be NSXPRIME. Nick didn't do anything wrong, they are just trying to make it seem like he did, can't you see?
Close this thread as it is attracting the wrong element to NSX PRIME. It is starting to look like NSX Nick owns NSX PRIME. I heard he sent this thread to his attorney who works on contingency.(Just kiddin.)Anyway enough is enough.
Checking in from Kafe-Clo where many MINI owners hang out to talk.
Nick, dude, I'd drop out of the game at this point or do you think the odds are in your favor?

Sitkowned math...

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