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Easiest way to own a NSX

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what's the ownage count up to now? I've lost count after 87.

how's that expression go....."birds of a feather flock together"

but who is really surprised by this. the poker sites got transfered over from his name to her name. they're both in on it.

You can also learn that Nick bought his crib from DOLORES P MOORER in April 2006. His refi with Countrywide six months later is there, too. I guess the 10.1% APR (OUCH!!!!) on the original ARM was going to go up. The sweet thing is that Kim went with him to sign the papers. She even witnessed it! Kimberly M. Williford - right there in blank and white.

One thing I'm not sure about is if she is the same Kimberly M. Williford with a $343.72 tax lien for unpaid income taxes in 2000.

Just one other question, Kim. I can call you Kim, right? How's your DUI case going?
There seems to be some sort of a connection between www.ffdpokerforum.com and Sitko's sites.
Can the detectives here find out the connection?

ok dudes, Ive worked it out...ffdforum...free fifty dollars...Nick and Kim....
Site founder is member....FFD Poker ....and lists her name as Kimberley....
Now, I have seen a forum hacked before, I have no idea about that stuff....but, a mas spamming?

Hmmm indeed... looks like they got themselves another patsy...

Whois Record
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361


Administrative Contact:
Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361
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Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
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Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
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I came, I read, I conquered……I’m exhausted! Well worth the read though, every single post on all 43 pages in one day. I’ve been on holiday for a few weeks and I come back to our quite little corner of the world to find all hell had broken loose! I for one want to applaud Lud for not locking down the thread despite the advice of many. You got some big stones man, thanks for keeping it up!:cool:
Hmmm indeed... looks like they got themselves another patsy...

Whois Record
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361


Administrative Contact:
Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361
Technical Contact:
Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361

Registration Service Provider:
Ecommerce, Inc.,
UNLIMITED Storage Space, 3 TERRABYTES of Monthly Transfer & up-to 16
domains, starting at $3.95!


Registrar of Record: TUCOWS, INC.
Record last updated on 01-Jan-2008.
Record expires on 29-Jan-2009.
Record created on 29-Jan-2005.

Registrar Domain Name Help Center:

Domain servers in listed order:

Domain status: clientTransferProhibited

Can we get some info on this dude? :wink:
By now he's done put all his childrens names on these spam sites, hell since he already ruined his and "Ms. Kim: done herself in by associating herself in this ownage.

Personally, I would have kept my mouth shut and let him burn........
i really loved reading this thread over christmas and new years

i hate spammers, and i told so many people about this story

just flicking through it again today and noticed that his pic has been changed


from this...

to this


dated the 11th of jan.

he looks about 10 years older

maybe he can't smile because he is imagining the 850,000 viewers of this thread looking back at him

he doesn't look too happy. maybe he's even unwell, doubt he's sleeping very well, i'm kinda starting to feel sorry for the guy
Nick Sitko prior to NSXprime

Nick Sitko after beeing totaly own3d by NSXprime and the entire planet.. :eek:

Damn, that i scary shit.... :tongue:
Look who has a Ferrari for sale (sorry if repost).

Can't be sure it's him. If it's not we should suggest the owner change his alias.


The real Nick Sitko has never nor will never own a real Ferrari. Also, that nsxnick has been at Fchat since 2001 and has 800+ posts--probably not Nick Sitko.

But yes, someone should drop him a line and link this thread; I know a few of us are on Fchat. If there's one name you DO NOT want online right now it's nsxnick or any form of it. :eek:
"Whois Record
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361


Administrative Contact:
Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361
Technical Contact:
Wilson, Eric
1822 Plymouth Dr.
Plymouth, MI 48361

NOT a good address or ZIP code here, and I did not check out the Oakland County (MI) 248 A C number.

"Can't be sure it's him. If it's not we should suggest the owner change his alias"

Looks like Prime Member Nick's Ferrari. Not same but Sean a good suggestion!
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Omg lol. I was linked here from www.weebls-stuff.com.

Forum spammer outed as Paedophile

Submitted by Pilk Man on 3rd January 2008 a 7:01pm | 3 comments

This fella starts off by spamvertising his (illegal) gambling website on a forum and ends up having his name, address, car details and child-related criminal record outed for all to see.

I took one look at that and clicked the link. Now this is just hilarious. If I was this guy, I'd change my name right-quick.

Nick Sitko prior to NSXprime

Nick Sitko after beeing totaly own3d by NSXprime and the entire planet.. :eek:

Damn, that i scary shit.... :tongue:

i am finding it difficult to laugh at this thread since i saw the new pic. the man looks ruined. okay he deserved it for spamming his own forum, but hope it all dies down soon.

Its a pity we can't dig up dirt like this on all spammers, because i am sure a lot of them have crinimal records too
i am finding it difficult to laugh at this thread since i saw the new pic. the man looks ruined. okay he deserved it for spamming his own forum, but hope it all dies down soon.

Its a pity we can't dig up dirt like this on all spammers, because i am sure a lot of them have crinimal records too

But would Chris Hansen need to have a talk with a lot of them? Or just this one?
Re: Easiest way to own a Troll

just when I think I'm out... they drag me back in


Thanks for the best thread ever!
Greetings from www.hotrodders.com So far I am up to page 20.

Originally Posted by RSO 34
Every time I think I have been able to extricate myself from this thread I get pulled back in. After looking at an earlier post, I am amazed that I started to feel empathy toward "Kim" after she mentioned she has two of Nick's kids and then I read that she got busted a few months ago for DUI, hopefully while someone was watching her newborn.

What page did this part come in on?
Re: Regarding Nick Sitko

Let me identify myself. My name is Michael Storac. I am the webmaster and one of the managing directors of ...a "sex offenders' rights" organization...

But this is where the actions and statements of some of the forum members began to diverge from the righteous, to the abusive, to the criminal. Yes, criminal.

Someone posted information from the South Carolina Megan's Law website, either here in this thread or in other similar threads, which can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor, according to the South Carolina website.

First of all, I'm a new member and just want to say, "Wow! What a thread."

I love when e-lawyers get online and tell us how we're violating the law.

Well, Nick's information was gleaned from a WHOIS search of the domain he was spamming for. It was only later that his Registered Sex Offender status was discovered.

Dissemination of information concerning a person's RSO status is no more unlawful that letting people know that someone is delinquent in their property taxes or who holds the mortgage lien on a property. It's called "public information" for a reason. The use of this RSO information has been far from criminal, at least until page 33 anyway.

The only criminal act here was the person who ran the "NSX" tag through LEADS to get the licensing information. That information will be available to anyone running that plate for I believe 14 days after it has been run. Unless the person running that plate can say they saw that car or has other legitimate reason for running the tag, that is a criminal act in the state I hail from.

Furthermore, I wonder if Miss Kim's employer knows of her relationship with this RSO. I sincerely hope she's not dating someone who is or was at one time on her caseload if she does indeed work in the criminal justice system. Around here, that could be a felony (official misconduct).

Lastly, I find Miss Kim's bloviating about a civil suit comical.

You reap what you sow.

Your boyfriend/fiance/friend with benefits poor decision making, coupled with your own poor decision making, is causing you this drama. Apparently (*duh*) you should spend have spent more of your time in church, and less time fornicating with a registered sex offender, and you'd be a happier person right now.

BTW, around here, I don't think child sex offenders are permitted to be within x-many feet of non-related minors, much less living in the same house with them. Maybe things are different down there, I don't know.
YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! You should all repent and beg God for forgiveness!

I am not Nick, I have never met him, nor do I attend church with him, but know enough from what I have read in this virtual lynching. Instead of persecuting this upstanding young man you people need to learn some FACTS:

  • FACT: Statutory rape laws are the creations of secular governments, and have no basis in Biblical Law. There is nothing resembling an "Age of consent" in the Bible. Mary was either 15 years old or younger when the Holy Spirit impregnated her. Are you calling the Holy Spirit a pedophile? Before you do, let me remind you that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin:
  • Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness
    [*]FACT: It was the girl's stepfather who behaved immorally, not Nick. The Bible makes clear what a father is to do when his daughter loses her virginity:
    DEUTERONOMY 22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Yet instead, he used the law to persecute Nick. He is the one in the wrong, not Nick.
    [*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant. However Nick earns his money is honorable and noble. We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool.
    [*]FACT: If you repent of what you have done, even you, cruel online bullies, can have your sins washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Here is a prayer you can say right now:
"Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
You love us, and guide us,
and live right inside us,
Holy Spirit, please forgive me for my bullying, my persecuting, and my disobediences of your sacred Word. Amen."
YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! You should all repent and beg God for forgiveness!

I am not Nick, I have never met him, nor do I attend church with him, but know enough from what I have read in this virtual lynching. Instead of persecuting this upstanding young man you people need to learn some FACTS:

  • FACT: Statutory rape laws are the creations of secular governments, and have no basis in Biblical Law. There is nothing resembling an "Age of consent" in the Bible. Mary was either 15 years old or younger when the Holy Spirit impregnated her. Are you calling the Holy Spirit a pedophile? Before you do, let me remind you that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin:
  • Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness
    [*]FACT: It was the girl's stepfather who behaved immorally, not Nick. The Bible makes clear what a father is to do when his daughter loses her virginity:
    DEUTERONOMY 22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Yet instead, he used the law to persecute Nick. He is the one in the wrong, not Nick.
    [*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant. However Nick earns his money is honorable and noble. We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool.
    [*]FACT: If you repent of what you have done, even you, cruel online bullies, can have your sins washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Here is a prayer you can say right now:
"Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
You love us, and guide us,
and live right inside us,
Holy Spirit, please forgive me for my bullying, my persecuting, and my disobediences of your sacred Word. Amen."


It only took 43 pages and over 900,000 views, but the religious zealot has FINALLY arrived.

Um yeah Jesus, why do bad things happen to good people? And can you make a rock so big that even you can't carry it? And where do puppies and kittens go when they die? And Jesus, if you know everything we are going to do in our lifetime is there such thing as free will? Who bore Cain and Able's children? Did they do it with their mom and does that mean we are all imbred? If amputate my leg, will it be waiting for me up in heaven? Oh and you say not to worship any idol or gods, but isn't that vanity, one of the seven deadly sins? And if you are all powerful, why did you need to rest on the 7th day? Does that mean Lance Armstrong can beat you because that guy never seems to rest. Why do you say to forgive and to not commit murder, when you wiped out all those people during Noah's flood. Also, isn't that wrath, another deadly sin?

I'm just asking, that's all.
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I wonder who "Kim" is in his registered email address for freefiftydollars.com - [email protected] I wonder also if "Kim" knows that Nick has a predilection for 15 year olds. She has the same last name and is listed as a "relative" but Nicky says he is single. His myspace page said he relocated from Michigan but we know that he was convicted in Virginia. He can't possibly still be living with mommy with all the money he makes, could he?

Cities of Residences



Greetings from MyG37.com where Nick the Sicko's situation has been posted.

Wow - you guys really took care of this guy and looks like he is paying for his facade.

One thing I want to add guys. I have Ownage #xxx. Earlier in the thread he made fun of one of the NSX Prime members for being from Commerce, MI - saying that it was ghetto. He was quick to name of 3 more well off (higher per capita income) towns: "you should move to west bloomfield or troy. Maybe even farmington hills." (taken from quoting on page 2 of the thread) ...Just the way he named those towns off is obvious that this is the same Nick Sitco that has been confirmed to have moved from Michigan (and in effect the same pedophile) because I too am from Metro Detroit in Michigan (Sterling Heights) and typically it's only us from around here that would know ALL THREE of those well-off towns. So the fact that he named off THREE NICHE WELL OFF Michigan towns so quickly rather than just saying something typical like "You're near Detroit, Detroit is ghetto" Only a transplant THAT LIVED IN Michigan would have named tose towns off.

Just adding to the evidence. Though Im sure by this point it is already very solid and conclusive.

GOOD JOB GUYS AND NSX's are sweet. I just got a 2008 G37 6MT a few months ago and I am loving it. By the way someone should make Wikipedia entry on Nick Sitco and make it legit. There's plenty to mention - his poker sites, his car(s), his move from MI to SC, his pedophilic arrest record and of course his claim to infamy online!!!!
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[*]FACT: Statutory rape laws are the creations of secular governments, and have no basis in Biblical Law. There is nothing resembling an "Age of consent" in the Bible.

[*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant. However Nick earns his money is honorable and noble. We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool...We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool.

Hey, zealot. Listen up.

It wasn't statutory rape. It was underage sex.

Free market laws are also the creations of secular governments. You support those laws but not age of consent laws? See how far the bible gets you in court.

You call countries with less crime and better health care systems than we have cesspools? Have you ever been to any of those countries you named off? (North Korea not included) No, you haven't you ignoramus. Nice copy and paste job too.

[*]FACT: It was the girl's stepfather who behaved immorally, not Nick.

Now you claim you're God? Because unless you are Nick or close to him only God could know that. How do you know this is "[*]FACT"?? You don't and an impartial 3rd party wouldn't assume that either. So therefore I do not believe this:

I am not Nick, I have never met him, nor do I attend church with him...

Actually, the last part I believe because I know Nick does not go to church. But I think you are Nick or are associated with him.

[*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant.

Not on this forum, dude. It's very relevant and the bible means nothing here. And it's not an accusation. He did spam. He was tried, convicted and executed. Let me put it in a way you'll understand: Nick = Jesus; NSXPrime = Romans. Methinks you'd have a very different point of view if someone stole from you or scammed you my friend.

[*]FACT: If you repent of what you have done, even you, cruel online bullies, can have your sins washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

Well, I don't see that on my agenda so it looks like I'll see you in Hell.
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