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Easiest way to own a NSX

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Could the Jesus freaks & Bible thumpers take it somewhere else? This thread is WAYYY off topic now.

My apologies... I tend to get wound up when self-righteous fanatics start flapping their flat-earth lips... they are almost as bad as NAMBLA supporters or Christian Scientists.... or Nick-nuts... :D
Could the Jesus freaks & Bible thumpers take it somewhere else? This thread is WAYYY off topic now.

I thought that this Thread was about our mutual friend Nick. That is why I've been guided here. We merely wish to help.
Calling us Freaks and Thumpers because of our belief is Religious persecution.

Now, I haven't called you out as a Homosexual or Retard because of the kind of Car you drive now have I? So don't judge my faith friend.
Personally I drive an American Automobile. It's the patriotic and righteous thing to do.

You're not Homosexual are ya??
My apologies... I tend to get wound up when self-righteous fanatics start flapping their flat-earth lips... they are almost as bad as NAMBLA supporters or Christian Scientists.... or Nick-nuts... :D

Friend, you can call us names, it won't change our view. We are not off topic, and we are not throwing insults at you.

We just feel Nick has been wronged, and has is his girlfriend and the two kids. All because of some girl who seduced him, and a few white lies.

We TOO get wound up when a group of people persecute a whole family for no real reason.

I post according to your T&C's, so there is no reason to call me names or order me off the forum. I am not posting 2000 threads about my religion, I simply give you my view of the situation, and hope that some of you will see the error of your ways.
Friend, you can call us names, it won't change our view. We are not off topic, and we are not throwing insults at you.

We just feel Nick has been wronged, and has is his girlfriend and the two kids. All because of some girl who seduced him, and a few white lies.

We TOO get wound up when a group of people persecute a whole family for no real reason.

I post according to your T&C's, so there is no reason to call me names or order me off the forum. I am not posting 2000 threads about my religion, I simply give you my view of the situation, and hope that some of you will see the error of your ways.

She was obviously a little Harlot.
I mean at that age she ought to be married with kids anyway.
I know I was.
She was obviously a little Harlot.
I mean at that age she ought to be married with kids anyway.
I know I was.

I see... so you figure that because you are pure and righteous (your view) you can ignore the law of Caeser: IE the laws of your country... hmmm VERY patriotic... I thank God that I am not living in your world... it's way too narrow and, frankly, primitive... I suppose that women should be subservient to the will of the man, too?
God created Eve from Adams' RIB not his toe or his tail bone... men and women are supposed to walk in harmony, side by side... and not have sex with those who the LAW decrees are under-age (jailbait)... in point of fact, the only thing I can agree with you on is that sex should not be indulged in outside wedlock... Still want to defend Nick?
I see... so you figure that because you are pure and righteous (your view) you can ignore the law of Caeser: IE the laws of your country... hmmm VERY patriotic...

Acts 5:29
We ought to obey God rather than men.

I suppose that women should be subservient to the will of the man, too?


Still want to defend Nick?

I do. Satan has many tricks up his sleeves.
I see... so you figure that because you are pure and righteous (your view) you can ignore the law of Caeser: IE the laws of your country... hmmm VERY patriotic... I thank God that I am not living in your world... it's way too narrow and, frankly, primitive... I suppose that women should be subservient to the will of the man, too?
God created Eve from Adams' RIB not his toe or his tail bone... men and women are supposed to walk in harmony, side by side... and not have sex with those who the LAW decrees are under-age (jailbait)... in point of fact, the only thing I can agree with you on is that sex should not be indulged in outside wedlock... Still want to defend Nick?

The United States of America is a federation where the age of consent laws are made predominantly at the state level.
In Pennsylvania (for instance) age of consent is 13.

I'm so glad you thank God for some things friend.
I thank God every day for not killing me in my sleep. I'm also Praying for Nick.

Under God, Women shall always be Subservient to Men.
Acts 5:29
We ought to obey God rather than men.


I do. Satan has many tricks up his sleeves.

In Pennsylvania (for instance) age of consent is 13.

I'm so glad you thank God for some things friend.
I thank God every day for not killing me in my sleep. I'm also Praying for Nick.

Under God, Women shall always be Subservient to Men.

And, LO, the jawbones of asses strike again... keep your primitive beliefs in which you never have to accept responsibility for anything you do... It is all either the work of God or Satan according to you... don't bother actually lifting your heads and actually USING the brains that God gave you... next thing you will be telling me is that the world was formed 6000 years ago and that the sun orbits it.... enjoy your fantasy if it keeps you warm at night... I can see your clockwork mind rejecting rationality as a bad job.

Yes please Lud... Move us...
If you want to talk religion, come to MY web site... the link is in my profile.
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Under God, Women shall always be Subservient to Men.

I guess you follow the book of Homer (Simpson, that is):

Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such and such.
Would you that he were Crucified on a Cross just like Jesus?

Centurion: You know the penalty laid down by Roman law for harboring a known criminal?
Matthias: No.
Centurion: Crucifixion!
Matthias: Oh.
Centurion: Nasty, eh?
Matthias: Could be worse.
Centurion: What you mean "Could be worse"?
Matthias: Well, you could be stabbed.
Centurion: Stabbed? Takes a second. Crucifixion lasts hours. It's a slow, horrible death.
Matthias: Well, at least it gets you out in the open air.
please Ludd.. move the last 30 or so messages here. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=98964 :mad:

And dudes.... If you want to talk about religion, start your own tread... somewhere else..

We are not here to talk about religion. We have better places for that.

We do however want to talk about our friend Nick, from our viewpoint.

Do you just want to move us because we disagree with you?
In Pennsylvania (for instance) age of consent is 13.

That is only where the elder person is less than 4 years older (example: 13/17). Dear old Nick was 21 and the girl was younger than 15 which is statutory rape even in Pennsylvania.

Sorry Nick. I hope your buddy didn't cause your hormones to rage by the thought of relocating.
We are not here to talk about religion. We have better places for that.

We do however want to talk about our friend Nick, from our viewpoint.

Do you just want to move us because we disagree with you?

OK then... talk about your friend Nick... WITHOUT THE PREACHING PLEASE.... now I've said it nicely

You wish to defend a convicted sex offender (not a predator) who is also guilty of spamming this forum (and at least 20 others that I know of) and, worse still, LYING about his freehold ownership of the NSX in question?
I may not own one but at least I OWN outright the Honda I do have.
Being a christian is a false religion ? on what basis ?

once again a catholic has shows is ignorant ways towards another following. I guess everyone is use to that by now since they show no respect for others.

in other words, go fuck youself as you have no right to bear that judgement onto others.

lets get back onto topic as this thread has gone way down now.
lets get back onto topic as this thread has gone way down now.

Fine, lets do just that... look what I found...
From 2005 but it just shows that he was spamming back then too.

Whois Record
100 Kensington Blvd. Apt. 1102
Bluffton, SC 29910


Administrative Contact:
Sitko, Nicholas
100 Kensington Blvd. Apt. 1102
Bluffton, SC 29910
843-706-4993 Fax: 000-000-0000

Technical Contact:
Manager, Domain
2800 28th Street Suite 205
Santa Monica, California 90405
+1.8885114678 Fax: +1.3103141610

Registration Service Provider:
888 511 4678
602-307-5438 (fax)
YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! You should all repent and beg God for forgiveness!

I am not Nick, I have never met him, nor do I attend church with him, but know enough from what I have read in this virtual lynching. Instead of persecuting this upstanding young man you people need to learn some FACTS:

  • FACT: Statutory rape laws are the creations of secular governments, and have no basis in Biblical Law. There is nothing resembling an "Age of consent" in the Bible. Mary was either 15 years old or younger when the Holy Spirit impregnated her. Are you calling the Holy Spirit a pedophile? Before you do, let me remind you that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin:
  • Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness
    [*]FACT: It was the girl's stepfather who behaved immorally, not Nick. The Bible makes clear what a father is to do when his daughter loses her virginity:
    DEUTERONOMY 22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Yet instead, he used the law to persecute Nick. He is the one in the wrong, not Nick.
    [*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant. However Nick earns his money is honorable and noble. We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool.
    [*]FACT: If you repent of what you have done, even you, cruel online bullies, can have your sins washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Here is a prayer you can say right now:
"Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
You love us, and guide us,
and live right inside us,
Holy Spirit, please forgive me for my bullying, my persecuting, and my disobediences of your sacred Word. Amen."

If I say the prayer at the end does that mean I can go to heaven? Problem is the heaven I envision there would not be people like you there so how does that all get worked out, I am assuming you are going to get in and all?
YOU PEOPLE SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES! You should all repent and beg God for forgiveness!

I am not Nick, I have never met him, nor do I attend church with him, but know enough from what I have read in this virtual lynching. Instead of persecuting this upstanding young man you people need to learn some FACTS:

  • FACT: Statutory rape laws are the creations of secular governments, and have no basis in Biblical Law. There is nothing resembling an "Age of consent" in the Bible. Mary was either 15 years old or younger when the Holy Spirit impregnated her. Are you calling the Holy Spirit a pedophile? Before you do, let me remind you that blaspheming the Holy Spirit is the one unforgivable sin:
  • Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness
    [*]FACT: It was the girl's stepfather who behaved immorally, not Nick. The Bible makes clear what a father is to do when his daughter loses her virginity:
    DEUTERONOMY 22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Yet instead, he used the law to persecute Nick. He is the one in the wrong, not Nick.
    [*]FACT: Accusations of spamming, scams and so on are irrelevant. However Nick earns his money is honorable and noble. We live in a free country with free markets and if you think Nick is "evil" for how he earns money, maybe you should move to North Korea, Cuba, Sweden, Laos, or some similar socialist cesspool.
    [*]FACT: If you repent of what you have done, even you, cruel online bullies, can have your sins washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Here is a prayer you can say right now:
"Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
Holy Spirit, I appreciate you.
You love us, and guide us,
and live right inside us,
Holy Spirit, please forgive me for my bullying, my persecuting, and my disobediences of your sacred Word. Amen."


The only FACT I see is that you Bertus, have had a few too many sips at the alter. You're only supose to go up ONCE per sitting, and stay away from the Sunday School while you're there.
I found this thread from a forum where I live.
Surely this man is guilty of some things, for example deceiving. As a Christian myself I find that deplorable! for example
1": And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

"2": If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep, or in fellowship, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his neighbour;

"3": Or have found that which was lost, and lieth concerning it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning therein:

"4": Then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the lost thing which he found,

Now, this makes me sad, but Jesus isn't the only way it can make things right.

"5": Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely; he shall even restore it in the principal, and shall add the fifth part more thereto, and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass offering.

"6": And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD, a ram without blemish out of the flock, with thy estimation, for a trespass offering, unto the priest:

"7": And the priest shall make an atonement for him before the LORD: and it shall be forgiven him for any thing of all that he hath done in trespassing therein.

Certainly to pray to Jesus and repent would be the easiest.
We all know what has happened and it is very sad. But now we should concentrate on how to improve things. The best way forward is through God.
OK then... talk about your friend Nick... WITHOUT THE PREACHING PLEASE.... now I've said it nicely

I have since stopped "preaching" and have ignored insults like "fuck youself" <sic> and "Pedophile" - which is slander BTW.

For people who claim to be tolerant freethinkers, there is a lot of anger and bad manners on here.

Could you ask the other users to stop talking religion as well? That way we can move on to the topic at hand: Nick.


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