Going to have a son! Yeah, but I have a wandering car eye.... help!

19 January 2003
I don't know what it is... Every 4-5 years, I have a desire to replace my car. I have a stunning Formula Red NSX, tastefully mod'd (except the exhaust, that's not tasteful, it's just loud!), but yet, with my wife 5 months preggers with our second (my first son!!), I find that I'm interested in a 911 and so I check craigslist and eBay from time to time. I saw this one and i find that I'm strangely attracted to it.....


Love the wheels, the spoiler, the aerokit and the idea of a backseat. Heck, I even like that it's a C4, so I could get around in the winter.....

Thoughts? I know repairs cost more and I'm familiar with the RMS issue.....
Congrats on the baby.
I would not be shocked if alot of guys here have the same problem. Or should I say, passion for life. It's great to have kids and grow the family tree and all, but don't forget about yourself.
I say go for it. If money is not an issue...why the heck not.
I am always online searching for cars that I can not afford. Now, that's a major problem.

Good luck

I have the same "wandering" eye problem. I'm always looking for cars. Currently, I'm looking at s2000, lotus elise/exige, porsche 911 (996), and a porsche cayman.

The problem I have is I just purchased a house and I have alot of rooms to fill! DOH!

But then again, having a wandering eye is not a bad thing because that's how I found my NSX :biggrin:
My thought process with two kids and a love of driving is keep the nsx and buy a sport sedan like amg/bmw/lexus/ ect......You are kinda fooling yourself if you think the whole family+ stuff will fit comfortably in that carrera.
you NEED a daily driver. I have two kids now, but even with one, I wouldnt have even considered putting a baby seat in the back of a two-door car. Too much hassle for me or my wife.

Get a E63 wagon as a daily, and then get yourself the porsche for kicks.
If it's a matter of money:
I'm a fulltime single dad. My daughter just turned 3. Other than the cost of daycare (approx. $6k/year), it's not that bad. I just gave up going out to dinner at really fancy restuarants and going to certain events like concerts so often. Heck, even I'm considering a porsche myself, only a nice C2 cab.
It's not so much the $, because I could sell the NSX and get the 911 for the same dollar amount. I have a very fast 4 door daily driver too... It'd just be kind of fun to be able to haul both kids and my wife around from time to time in the weekend car... I keep going through this. Then I drive the NSX and think about how much fun I'm having... That said, that yellow 911 looks great to me.........
It's not so much the $, because I could sell the NSX and get the 911 for the same dollar amount. I have a very fast 4 door daily driver too... It'd just be kind of fun to be able to haul both kids and my wife around from time to time in the weekend car... I keep going through this. Then I drive the NSX and think about how much fun I'm having... That said, that yellow 911 looks great to me.........

You're considering a 911 for a weekend hauler for a wife and two kids?!?! I know the 911 has rear seats but I don't think they are even usable even for a baby.
6:30 am I am awaken from a sound sleep by a tap on my arm. My wife is smiling from ear to ear and she says "honey, I'm pregnant" I looked at her and said, I am still getting my Ferrari. :biggrin:

The baby is due in less than 5 weeks and I couldn't be happier. We are having a guest over and she is going to stay with us forever. I am really excited.

The Ferrari has been great too.

BTW, I am not trying to thread jack simply showing how great minds think a like.
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Actually, they're perfect for baby seats, but that's about it.

Only if your short and have the front seats all the way forward. I kept my 996/C2 for 4 months before I went back to the NSX. I wouldn't get it if your idea is for having a four seater. I only used the back seats to toss books and what not on them.. Just my thoughts..

Grats on the baby. :smile:
You already have a fast family car - the CTS-V. So I am guessing you are just itching to replace the NSX with something different. I can't blame you - I have thought about selling my NSX for the last year. But I guarantee - you will regret it.

Notice - I still have my NSX.:wink:
Waaaaat? Congrats to both michael and steve!

You again? Where have you been man!!!!! You didn't go and get shot again did you?:biggrin: Glad to see you back. I was just thinking about you and why I have not seen you post in a while.
Waaaaat? Congrats to both michael and steve!

Thanks! It's awesome. When are you coming back home??? How the heck are you???

You already have a fast family car - the CTS-V. So I am guessing you are just itching to replace the NSX with something different. I can't blame you - I have thought about selling my NSX for the last year. But I guarantee - you will regret it.

Notice - I still have my NSX.:wink:

You are totally right. These are wonderful "problems" to have! :)
It's not so much the $, because I could sell the NSX and get the 911 for the same dollar amount. I have a very fast 4 door daily driver too... It'd just be kind of fun to be able to haul both kids and my wife around from time to time in the weekend car... I keep going through this. Then I drive the NSX and think about how much fun I'm having... That said, that yellow 911 looks great to me.........

That kind of crazy though process when the family grows is how I ended up with a BMW 3 series convertible and you got my old NSX:biggrin:
Sold the BMW, bought another NSX, had another kid, sold the NSX for a sporty two door (CLK 500), had another kid. Finally got off that crazy wheel and decided to get another NSX and still have it but found my eyes starting to wander lately as well. Every time I keep coming back ot the NSX.
I don't know what it is... Every 4-5 years, I have a desire to replace my car. I have a stunning Formula Red NSX, tastefully mod'd (except the exhaust, that's not tasteful, it's just loud!), but yet, with my wife 5 months preggers with our second (my first son!!), I find that I'm interested in a 911 and so I check craigslist and eBay from time to time. I saw this one and i find that I'm strangely attracted to it.....


Love the wheels, the spoiler, the aerokit and the idea of a backseat. Heck, I even like that it's a C4, so I could get around in the winter.....

Thoughts? I know repairs cost more and I'm familiar with the RMS issue.....

First of all, congratulations!!!

Secondly, I would personally stay away from getting that car if your plan is to take your two kids for a ride.

My father-in-law has the exact same car that you are looking at, C4 with the aerokit. We tried to take my daughter for a ride in the back seat once, but not without a drama. It was almost impossible to put the baby seat. The front seat does not tilt forward fully and the entrance to the backseat is not large. More importantly, we felt that it was not safe for her - not enough head clearance both on top and front.

I have seen 996 owners doing this, but I would never feel comfortable taking my daughter in the backseat of 996.

My 2 cents.
Oh, I been hanging in there. We are gonna try to move back to MD in Aug or so. Lots of stuff up in the air. I have just recently been able to jump on prime. (3 kids now) For some reason the computer that I usually use, wont let me open prime. I thought it was down for the longest time! lol

I think all of us go through this if we own an NSX and then are expecting a child. I was five minutes from completing a sale, then called it off when my wife pulled me aside and said, "we could just get a used minivan and take the kid around it that; just keep it if you want." We ended up buying a lightly used Odyssey that has served us well... they're relatively inexpensive private sale and we don't worry when the kid throws things around in it and has lots of space for stroller, playpen, etc...it is a van afterall. In three years we've put over 65k miles on it without major problems... might be more bulletproof than my NSX. J/K, of course.

, "we could just get a used minivan and take the kid around it that; just keep it if you want." We ended up buying a lightly used Odyssey that has served us well... they're relatively inexpensive private sale and we don't worry when the kid throws things around in it and has lots of space for stroller, playpen, etc...it is a van afterall. In three years we've put over 65k miles on it without major problems... might be more bulletproof than my NSX. J/K, of course.
We are in the final stages of adoption and the wife told me the exact same thing. Except I'm trading in our TL for an Odyssey.
If you don't mind, what year model did you get?
My observations (Two kids, now 9 and 6) and a sports car guy through and through!

Porsche - and I've been there and bought the T-Shirt a few times
1) Rear facing child seat - 1st year of a kid's life - will not go in, period! Porsche does not have one that turns off the front airbag and it won't fit in the rear.
2) When kid is 1.5 - 3yrs old its hard for you to reach to strap them into the car seat - the Porsche/Recarro one does fit and deactivates the airbag with a magnet switchy thing.
3) As kids get bigger its still tricks since legroom is negligible

The Porsche Story, aka why I got an M5, which translated into A6 4.2 since you get almost all the power but you get it year round (snows here)

Now, reality, you and your wife will go out with the little bumble of joy, but you CAN take your wife's car everytime - thats mostly what we do!!!

Right now I have a sedan for me for the winter, a Sport Sedan for my wife, a MiniVan for the Nanny, and of course NSX and racecar (most important)

My wife rides Motorcycles, and what you're comtemplating sounds like her tying to figure out how to get a child seat on her Harley - ain't gonna happen, and if she buys a Goldwing as a solution it still ain't gonna happen - its just not logical.

My advice - keep the NSX, drive your wife's car with the kids, and worst comes to worst get a beater sedan or better yet an 03 Oddessy you can use for carpooling

Seriously, one kid and the guy's gonna sell his NSX? Even Dave has two kids and Claire let him keep the NSX and they drive a Oddessy when they go out as a family - and he's Super-Duper Whipped!!! :D
Thank God, a post from Red I agree with almost in its entirety!:eek:
Thank God, a post from Red I agree with almost in its entirety!:eek:

Well, thats because its only 11:30 on a Saturday morning - not enough beer in me to hate on your government yet!:tongue:

Gimme until 11:45!:cool: :wink: :biggrin:
Minor edit to statement above:
The Canadian Government mandated that I clearly state that Beer is a Social Drink, when I'm alone or just with a few people we smoke pot!