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Honda should cancel production of any upcoming "supercar"

You asked...

liftshard said:
The problem is that we live in an unabashedly capitalist system, not a purely socialist one. Our government and system has let the MARKET decide on how we live, where, and how we transport ourselves.

Yes it has, because the market is directly controlled by demand, and demand is the one thing most directly in the hands of the public. This isn't a "problem" when viewing it from the perspective of a person who appreciates capitalism for what it provides- a virtually free market. A socialist government would restrict that. Your contempt for the free market is a socialist perspective.

You want a more direct example?

from another thread...

liftshard said:
NO freaking way. You are not capable of determining what is reasonable. That is a societal issue.

Thank you for playing- No reason to backtrack now- you have left a trail all over the board for us to follow if we wish.

Gee, Honda lost money on the NSX? Ya Think? Really? THAT WAS A WHOLE NEW FACT THAT NO ONE HERE KNEW. (insert sarcasm there)
I wonder why they are even considering building another car? Maybe it isn't about profits, but passion? Or maybe there is business sence in it that you aren't considering.

Apparently you have missed the whole concept of the "platform car"- a technological show piece? Something that gives the company definition amongst it's competitors- A product of the "Corporate Spirit" if you will.
Yes I am sure Honda crunches numbers when considering future product- in fact, I am sure all manufacturers do.

Why build a platform car if it loses money?
Why do companies spend millions per year on one off concept cars they will never build?


Hello- are you listening???

How much is payed in advertising per year?

The financial loss pays dividends for the business as a whole- Honda builds a "supercar" people talk about Honda as a supercar builder for 15yrs= 15yrs of "free" press, and other market exposure- Remember Gran Tourismo 1-2-3-and 4? It has kids all over the world dreaming of owning NSX's or possibly- a future production model car from Honda... This is just some, but not "all" that the NSX has provided for Honda

But your right, Honda should have played it safe-

Thank you for the single track perspective.

What is reasonable, and what is unreasonable for the individual...

This is subjective. I know millionaires that own an NSX rather than a Ferrari-not because they don't have the money, They could afford the Italian- and the maintainence but they are spending in a way that they consider to be more responsible.
In that case, the cheaper cost of entry, and maintainence NSX is more "reasonable"- but still a luxury and beyond common reason since a less expensive car could do the same job.

For the bulk of the nation- spending 90k on a car is a pipe dream- if you gave a median American household a check 90K the last thing they would rationally purchase would be a 90K vehicle unless it was going to be used to pay the ends- in that case though, it isn't a "luxury" is it? (No I can't imagine a case where an NSX would be used to pay the bills- but some utility vehicles and equipment cost in that range- think Farm equipment, tow trucks, Semi rigs- ect.)
Buying luxury as a whole isn't subject to reason, although reason may be applied to it. Luxury is subject to desire. Acting solely on desire could be considered to be acting without reason, but then that is all in how you set priorities- See my example of the Millionare NSX owner.

My point was that no one needs a luxury sports car. They want them, and Honda doesn't need to build a supercar, they want to. Reference any of my above mentioned possible reasons for this, or make one up on your own- doesn't matter- Honda has said they are going to build one- whatever the reason, that is the fact- obviously it will benefit them somehow.

liftshard said:
Followers...for...what...? What crusade or movement do you suppose I am leading here?

I wish I knew, but that answer lay only in the shallows of your mind...

liftshard said:
I spit REALITY. If you choose to call that pessimism because the future holds negative things, fine. Doesn't matter to me.

Seen the future have you?

Thank you for the freebie Miss Cleo, or are you Marty McFly?

I think you are a little more like Chicken Little.

The future is the future, and it is currently intangible- any belief that you can tell what will be is only that- Belief.

A little reading for you-

Feuerbach said:
Principles of the Philosophy of the Future

The only question then is: What really exists? is it alone that which is thought? That which is the object of thought and intellect? But we shall never in this way get beyond the idea in abstracts.

perhaps that will help you understand your "density" McFly. Your making odds for the future on your perception of reality- but your perception could be (and is IMO) obtuse.

Good luck with that.

aka: "dork" (real mature on your part BTW)
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H-carWizKid said:
You asked...

Yes it has, because the market is directly controlled by demand, and demand is the one thing most directly in the hands of the public. This isn't a "problem" when viewing it from the perspective of a person who appreciates capitalism for what it provides- a virtually free market. A socialist government would restrict that. Your contempt for the free market is a socialist perspective.

Besides taking quotes completely out of context, you fail to understand them, too. A double whammy. Our "free market" does not consider public demand, it considers gov't receipts as a result of "development" and cronyism, corruption, and backscratching.

Thank you for playing- No reason to backtrack now- you have left a trail all over the board for us to follow if we wish.

Oh, by ALL means, please do. I object to the government's "market system" where it is STATE sale to the highest bidder based upon corporate or business interest demand. If you really COULD read the "trail," you'd note that I favor populist socialism, not government socialism. But, that would require you to be considerably more astute than you've shown yourself capable of.

Gee, Honda lost money on the NSX? Ya Think? Really? THAT WAS A WHOLE NEW FACT THAT NO ONE HERE KNEW. (insert sarcasm there)
I wonder why they are even considering building another car? Maybe it isn't about profits, but passion? Or maybe there is business sence in it that you aren't considering.

Passion. Whoa. Boy, passion has such an IMPORTANT place in BUSINESS, don't it?

Apparently you have missed the whole concept of the "platform car"- a technological show piece? Something that gives the company definition amongst it's competitors- A product of the "Corporate Spirit" if you will.
Yes I am sure Honda crunches numbers when considering future product- in fact, I am sure all manufacturers do.

Yep, which is why GM actuaries determine that it'd be cheaper to pay lawsuits than replace defective parts. Except, that when discovered, it turns out a big OOPS.

Why build a platform car if it loses money?
Why do companies spend millions per year on one off concept cars they will never build?

Very good question.

Hello- are you listening???

Oh YEAH you're absolutely right! I see it now. Show cars at the Detroit Show are well-known by EVERYONE out there, you know, like the freaking 99 fkin percent of the population that doesn't know what an NSX IS?!?! As a PR move, the NSX was a FAILURE. A HUGE one.

The financial loss pays dividends for the business as a whole- Honda builds a "supercar" people talk about Honda as a supercar builder for 15yrs= 15yrs of "free" press, and other market exposure- Remember Gran Tourismo 1-2-3-and 4?

No...I am a bit too old to be still playing videogames.

It has kids all over the world dreaming of owning NSX's or possibly- a future production model car from Honda... This is just some, but not "all" that the NSX has provided for Honda

Oh, freaking please. Kids all over the world don't have PlayStations like some rich car writer's son. You are going to regurgitate Jeremy Clarkson's RAMBLINGS as some sort of proof? It can't GET any weaker than this. When lacking the numbers, go ahead and just try to BS your way thru it. It's at least entertaining.

But your right, Honda should have played it safe-

YOU'RE. Dammit, it's Y-O-U-apostrophe-R-E.

What is reasonable, and what is unreasonable for the individual...

Honda should take RISKS, not follow the crowd. Another "supercar" is a crowd following move, doofus. Honda should DEPART from the crowd and go in a different direction. Just another V10 making 400hp...wtf is that? That's BOLD? That's GROUNDBREAKING? That's NEW? It's NONE of those things.

The NSX was cool, but a TOTAL sales failure. It elevated neither Honda NOR Acura into a higher pricing or prestige echelon, no matter WHAT Clarkson's dumb @ss or yours says about freaking Gran Turismo 3. I mean, you're gonna cite a VIDEO GAME as evidence?!?! It's not even a REAL freaking car!

This is subjective. I know millionaires that own an NSX rather than a Ferrari-not because they don't have the money, They could afford the Italian- and the maintainence but they are spending in a way that they consider to be more responsible.

I seriously doubt you know any millionaires, much less ones who'd rather own car X over car Y.

For the bulk of the nation- spending 90k on a car is a pipe dream- if you gave a median American household a check 90K the last thing they would rationally purchase would be a 90K vehicle unless it was going to be used to pay the ends- in that case though, it isn't a "luxury" is it? (No I can't imagine a case where an NSX would be used to pay the bills- but some utility vehicles and equipment cost in that range- think Farm equipment, tow trucks, Semi rigs- ect.)
Buying luxury as a whole isn't subject to reason, although reason may be applied to it. Luxury is subject to desire. Acting solely on desire could be considered to be acting without reason, but then that is all in how you set priorities- See my example of the Millionare NSX owner.

Oh yes, the confused ramblings of some wacko on NSXPrime now constitute "proof." You obviously don't GET why people bought Ferraris and Porsches over NSXs, do you? I mean, you cite me a millionaire and he proves MY CASE, that Honda SHOULD NOT be selling a car that competes with Ferrari!

My point was that no one needs a luxury sports car. They want them, and Honda doesn't need to build a supercar, they want to.

Honda is a BUSINESS. A FOR-PROFIT business. What they or their management "want" is utterly irrelevant. All that matters is what they should DO. And, what they SHOULD do is to produce a showcase more in the vein of energy efficiency. Yes, buddy, whether you like it or not, $4/gal gas is coming and $5 after that, and, at some point, EVERYTHING I said will happen is going to happen. Honda can either get caught up by this mess or they can sail over it.

I wish I knew, but that answer lay only in the shallows of your mind...

Seen the future have you?

I have correctly predicted it many times. I have again done so for your edification on this thread. I called gas prices within 7 months and I did so several years ago. I KNOW why things happen. People like you can stammer around confused just wondering...and being "optimistic."

I think you are a little more like Chicken Little.

And, I think you are Chicken Stupid. Or maybe Chicken Insane. Cuz if your advice is for Honda to do the SAME thing which failed in the past but to expect different results, then you really IS crazy.

The future is the future, and it is currently intangible- any belief that you can tell what will be is only that- Belief.

Ah, the historical cry of small intellects. Smart people make predicting the future their business. In your mind, what Buffet did was just gamble and win, right?

perhaps that will help you understand your "density" McFly. Your making odds for the future on your perception of reality- but your perception could be (and is IMO) obtuse.

Good luck with that.

You really ARE an idiot, aren't you? Wow. You cite me some philosophy which you do not understand and claim that the future cannot be predicted? I got news for you buddy. Look it up. There are statisticians and analysts out there right now making prediction of the future their BUSINESS. I know that your faint powers of comprehension do not enable you to understand HOW this can be done, but even the paths of mighty hurricanes can be forecast. And, we can predict when that shiny, bright ball in the sky is going to be ridden through its full azimuth.

aka: "dork" (real mature on your part BTW)

Cry "HE'S A SOCIALIST!!!" again for me, w/ some crocodile tears, plz.
:rolleyes: Namecalling? Are you kidding me?

Is that really all you have?

Your hilarious. Your point- (if there was one) is muted by your sheer childish stupidity

Thanks for sharing.

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In Spain, 67% of gas price are taxes. Diesel are cheaper.

A new NSX costs 150.000 USD. Honda Spain told me that they sold about 30 NSX in 12 years in Spain. We have more Ferraris F50's than NSX.

A new Ferrari F360 costs 180.000 USD.
A new BMW M3 costs 80.000 USD.
A new Cadillac SRX 4.6 costs 80.000 USD
Your paying $3-$4 per gallon and complaning? Chesssh... We on the other side of the pond are currently paying equivalent ~ $8 a gallon and rising twice by the year!! So stop moaning like a bitch! If you don't like it dont buy it! Nobody is pointing a gun at your head! Go buy a 50cc moped or something and ride around in that! :tongue:

Your talking like Honda robbed you or something. Who gives a shit if they lost or made money. They produce they best cars in the world for us and we are enjoying them! I ain't complaining! :biggrin: So come out your cave and face reality :tongue:
Honda should absolutely bring out the next generation NSX and to be a true supercar (which it will), it will have a V10 powerplant. Most of us who are interested, have no intention of driving the car 20,000 miles a year and it will be a second car to be enjoyed on special occasions. The cost of fuel hardly enters in the equation compared with depreciation, lost opportunity cost on the funds used to purchase, blah blah blah.....
So if I hear you correctly, Honda should not build a Supercar, they should pull out of F1, Cart, Indy, and all other forms of racing, they should drop every ounce of sponsorship they provide(Billions by the way)(with no direct return) and just put cars in the show room to sell. Maybe they don't need the showroom either or those signs in front or any of it, people should just KNOW what, how, when, and what model to buy.
No need for any PR at all, right?Wasted Money? No profit in it?

I am sorry but you do not make any sense, if any business followed your advice we would never have anything new.
Shouldn't spend money on R+D or testing or shows cars to get public opinion/ interest.

You have made a lot of very um, un-insightful statements.
To say video games have no impact, says to me that you live in a white room somewhere and never come out. Good God man, have you seen the sales figures on the stupid video Pets. Or on GT1, 2, 3 etc, I would say there are maybe just a few more people buying these then the few millionaires' sons as you put it. Obviously you don't think girls play them either.
I know very few people or families who don't have them.
Before you make a smart a## comment I do know some people that are less fortunate and I do what I can to help them, Like give them games, clothes etc.
I feel sorry for you, as you must live in a world without dreams or fantasies,
A rigid world where everything goes as planned and everyday is the same.
Good luck, I hope all works out for you.

Edgemts said:
So if I hear you correctly, Honda should not build a Supercar, they should pull out of F1, Cart, Indy, and all other forms of racing, they should drop every ounce of sponsorship they provide(Billions by the way)(with no direct return) and just put cars in the show room to sell. Maybe they don't need the showroom either or those signs in front or any of it, people should just KNOW what, how, when, and what model to buy.
No need for any PR at all, right?Wasted Money? No profit in it?

What was Honda's RETURN ON INVESTMENT for the NSX? They lost a ton of money, by all accounts. They had FUN producing a car they basically didn't change for 15 years because they couldn't justify sinking additional development cost into it. Fun. That's about it.

Racing is different. Honda's racing programs actually HAVE led to improvements in series vehicles. There was no profit in the NSX, you are correct.

I am sorry but you do not make any sense, if any business followed your advice we would never have anything new.

Are you drunk? Business is about RETURN on investment. Not throwing money down holes. If every model Honda made had the sales "success" of the NSX, they'd be OUT of business.

Shouldn't spend money on R+D or testing or shows cars to get public opinion/ interest.

If I hear this again, I'm gonna puke. The NSX was NOT A SHOW CAR. It was a series production car. With its own factory, staff, etc. A much LARGER endeavor than a simple "show car."

To say video games have no impact, says to me that you live in a white room somewhere and never come out. Good God man, have you seen the sales figures on the stupid video Pets. Or on GT1, 2, 3 etc, I would say there are maybe just a few more people buying these then the few millionaires' sons as you put it.

Dude...what are you on? Cuz, this nonsense is crazy. Video game cars do NOT drive REAL car sales. The DEMOGRAPHIC playing these games is LESS likely to be able to afford the high-end cars that win in them. And the demographic that would buy a new NSX supercar is NOT going to be motivated by how well it does on GTA version 10 or whatever. Their kids might think it's cool on account of that, but SERIOUSLY, now. When have kids' opinions ever been given any credence whatsoever?

Obviously you don't think girls play them either.
I know very few people or families who don't have them.
Before you make a smart a## comment I do know some people that are less fortunate and I do what I can to help them, Like give them games, clothes etc.

Huh? At what point did this thread involve someone questioning your charity?? You are all over the map here. Focus on what it is you wish to say and then say it.

I feel sorry for you, as you must live in a world without dreams or fantasies,
A rigid world where everything goes as planned and everyday is the same.
Good luck, I hope all works out for you.

Ok, Polyanna, will do. I live in the REAL world. Where investments must generate returns or they are deemed failures and business go bankrupt and people get laid off. You know that world?

Fantasies have NO place in business decisionmaking. I am sure there are a variety of fantasies out there I could "invest" my hard-earned money on. Why don't YOU?

Honda is a company with some of the highest and best technology in a variety of marketspaces. I would like to see them bring something VISIONARY to the market instead of the same old cookie cutter BS that DIDN'T work last time. The NSX was a great car at its inception; it rocked the world. But, it didn't sell. Either Honda addresses the issues which made the NSX a sales FAILURE or they will lose money on the future incarnation of the product.

I see no other handmade all-aluminum cars in their lineup. There hasn't been much bleed-down on the NSX program to other models. The C block isn't in any other car and VTEC was in Honda's stable far prior to the NSX. The NSX doesn't even have stability control. Go down the list and find me where the NSX bled through to other Honda products. Sorry, but the NSX was an attempt at Honda to SELL A CAR in a pricing space that the market rejected.

That is the bottom line. I do not wish to see a repeat of that because it's going to leave all of you "dreamers" and "fantasizers" COMPLAINING about the lack of follow-up, redesign, and improvement AGAIN while serious-minded people like me are having to rain on your parades.

Honda should produce a forward-thinking hybrid. Steer by wire. Drive by wire. Freakin Asimo as an autopilot w/ a hondajet back there. A quasiturbine plant. Not just ANOTHER V10 making 500hp. Who is going to want that? How is THAT a quantum leap? At 4.0L, sure...I can do the specific output math, but EVERYONE and their mom is gonna say "oh, it has no torque, the Z06 makes 480 lbft, blablabla." "You have to rev it to get the power," which is total CRAP. If I have to hear THAT one more time, I might puke TWICE. Engines w/ wide rev bands produce pretty much the same torque across their entire bands. There is no freaking sudden upswelling of torque when the needle twists up to the right. Perhaps these idiot writers mean that they don't have copious "off idle" torque. Either way, they're gonna dog any small-displacement powerplant from Honda. You hear it every time the s2000 is reviewed. The torque curve can be goddamned FLAT from 3-9000 RPM and they're still bitching about how you have to "rev it real high to get the power." I don't want to have to endure this crap again.

I.e., THIS time, I want to see a company whose products I LIKE produce a technological showcase which DOES have some relevance to the rest of their product line. The upcoming fuel "crunch" is going to have a suppressive effect on ALL premium niche merchandise. The reason is because energy costs will propagate through the production of EVERY single product, even including how much it costs to microwave Big Macs and heat the coffee to 190 degrees so that it can burn drive-through customers' genitalia.

In THAT type of business climate, TRUE high-end companies like Porsche risk bankruptcy. Forget anyone spending Porsche money on a Honda; they already don't wanna do that. 15 years of NSX sales have proven this beyond any shadow of a doubt. So, if Honda is going to make an INVESTMENT, then let it be one that produces a RETURN this time.
liftshard said:
Fantasies have NO place in business decisionmaking.


The good times are back...

High end cars are fantasies- owning them for the greatest percentage of the populace is a fantasy- the fantasy has value.

I wonder how much $$$ Ferrari makes on licensing it's name to products that people who can't afford a Ferrari will buy.

Ferrari is getting a return on their fantastic image. They build a product to dream about.

Lots of folks can't buy an NSX- but when the new Si rolls out they might buy in to the little brother if it can be associated with a supercar.

Honda sales people used to use the pitch "technology lifted from the NSX" to sell everything from the CRX to the Insight- the platform has value.

In the future the same will be said about tech lifted from the new car- whatever powers it, it will be ground breaking in some way- few will be able to buy it, many will dream of owning it, and marketing will objectify it as it's technology trickles down to the lowest vehicle in the product line.
Just like what happened with the NSX.

One truth is clear- through all the posts of this thread- from attempts at reason, to accusations of inebriation, to name calling-

You are in the wrong place to suggest Honda terminate the V-10

The negative reaction within this thread to the idea of terminating a new supercar should be proof enough for you.
The damn thing doesn't even exist yet, and people are taking offense like you slapped their mamma.

Honda fans want to see Honda get on top- in F1, at Indy, on Track day, in the press, at bench races in a forum near you, and parked by the Valet at out at the club.

Fans of performance cars aren't reviewing the company profit margins unless they are arguing with bean counters.

Fans don't want budgeted, and basically souless appliences to drive day to day-

That isn't a car for a fan

We want impractical two seaters with heavily biased power to weight ratios, and big fat tires that stick to the pavement. We want leather, and loud exhausts. Give us sub 4 second times to 60 and enough G's around the corner to strain our neck muscles as much as we strain or facial muscles stretching that grin out just a little bit further. Give us a pride fighter- a marvel, something that will twist heads the way the first NSX's did.

The majority of members here at NSX Prime are Honda fans

Honda fans seem to want to know a V-10 car exists

We won't be reasoned with- go ahead and re-read the thread if you don't believe.

A new highline platform car has value beyond bottom line thinking.

Fantasy has a place at Honda- that is why their corporate moto is

The Power of Dreams...

Lift- I realize we just won't agree. I am comfortable with that and have been throughout the measured silence of this thread-

Good luck with your on-going flame wars- I am out- I think my point is made.

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um.... so.... why does anyone care whether or not honda produces another supercar.... i dont see how building such a product would adversely affect any of us? (speaking to those who seem to have a supreme hate for the thought of them building another one) if they do great, if not too bad.... lol some of u guys make it sound like the next NSX will hatch a Leviathan that will announce the world's end.... lol wootif.... :biggrin:

also i think that for alot of real high end products... the effective cost doesnt really factor in... i think that even if gas goes up to $100/gallon, you will still have people (albeit alot less than now) driving their Lambo's and Maybach's JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN :biggrin:

Negative comments and criticism is all I hear. YOU are the reason places like this are becoming more troubling to frequent. Go find a hole so the rest of us can exchange about our vehicles in peace.........PLEASE!!!! No one wants people like you here on Prime. It prevents us from enjoying the vehicle we love.

Take off......HOSER!!


  • th-Mckenzies2.jpg
    3.8 KB · Views: 486
Liftshard...dude, again...you need to settle down. And truthfully, I feel sorry for your family and co-workers. Relax man!!! I am always amazed that every forum has one (or more) people like you; people who probably spend more time bitching in forums than enjoying their car(s). And generally, people who hide behind the curtain of an online forum would never "talk" the way they do if face-to-face with the same people. Here is just what the doctor ordered...


  • CA22Z73D.jpg
    1.7 KB · Views: 661
wow looks like a lot of research is going into this, like a college argument paper. Some people have to much free time ... hey liftshard can you help me write my dissertation .=D cut me a deal yeah ... what do ya say ... =D
H-carWizKid said:
The negative reaction within this thread to the idea of terminating a new supercar should be proof enough for you.
The damn thing doesn't even exist yet, and people are taking offense like you slapped their mamma.

I know. But, that is why I posted it. I want people to think for a change instead of mouth breathing.

We won't be reasoned with- go ahead and re-read the thread if you don't believe.

I am still going to try. Eventually, when all is said and done, people will begrudgingly accede to my will and accept the point.
I just read the original post on this thread and feel liftshard has made some very good points. Here's my thoughts.
I think the never ending hp climb and desire to make sub 5 or 4sec. 0-60 cars impractical on the public roads.
For me, I would prefer a NSX replacement to be a high performance hybrid or a high performance alternate fuel vehicle.It makes more sense because if the technology was new and expensive it would trickle down to other models as time and technology continues to develop. A hybrid or alternate fuel vehicle that performed as well or better than the NSX, 911 or C5 would be of interest to me. I would buy, not to save gas or gas money but having the advanced technology just for it's own sake, especially in a performance package, is appealing.

All heads would turn and they'd be looking at Honda and such a incredible accomplishment.
My .02 cents.
Just as an aside...SUV sales have plummeted. Ford's sales, even WITH the "employee discount" are off 20% from the same time last year.

Mark my words, they will not be able to sell vehicles at ALL without discounts. The domestics are in their death throes right now, it appears. I see no way out for them. They can sell cars only if they make no money on them and they're way cheaper. But, that isn't even working anymore. The market is sloshing to the economy cars now. The sales inventories on Civics are like 9 days worth...SUVs are up around 80. Unfortunatey, the domestics have not cultivated an image of having good small cars; that's the exclusive purview of the Japanese. So, even IF the domestics were making small cars, nobody would buy them anyway. Nobody already buys Big 3 "cars," really only trucks.

Deep doodoo for them.
IMHO there is always room for improvement of the supercars. I bought my NSX as an economy car after selling a 2000 Ford Lightning pickup truck. The NSX gets twice the mileage the truck did, and I can live with 24 mpg (mixed).
The problem in this area is that the American car makers are always missing the boat - always a year or two behind what they should be doing, while the Japanese mfg's are more in tune with what the public needs and wants. While there will always be isolated pockets of people like us with a car like the NSX, the overall target should be improved mpg AND more power. For GM to build anything that gets less mpg than the Corvette is the best example I can think of to show how out of step they are. I know TONS of people who have crappy 15mpg trucks that should be capable of getting at least the same mileage as the NSX, and their performance is not that good either.
Building a model like the NSX puts a test car on the road for future models, and I can see a bit of NSX in every new Honda made today. I believe that is why they are taking the NSX out of the lineup. Accords with similar tail lights and wings on the back are obvious copies of NSX styling, and that has taken away from our vehicles uniqueness. They need a new supercar to rekindle the spirit.

liftshard said:
Just as an aside...SUV sales have plummeted. Ford's sales, even WITH the "employee discount" are off 20% from the same time last year.

Mark my words, they will not be able to sell vehicles at ALL without discounts. The domestics are in their death throes right now, it appears. I see no way out for them. They can sell cars only if they make no money on them and they're way cheaper. But, that isn't even working anymore. The market is sloshing to the economy cars now. The sales inventories on Civics are like 9 days worth...SUVs are up around 80. Unfortunatey, the domestics have not cultivated an image of having good small cars; that's the exclusive purview of the Japanese. So, even IF the domestics were making small cars, nobody would buy them anyway. Nobody already buys Big 3 "cars," really only trucks.

Deep doodoo for them.

What is the point?

I mean, I am all for banning the production of anything that can't get 20mpg and taxing the crap out of anything that is still around that gets below 15mpg until all the excursions and hummers of the world (yea, you don't need one and its a burdeon for the rest of the world) are long gone. (unless of course it is a 'work' vehicle, registered to a business with a legitimate need for it)...

but do you honestly think HONDA will build a car that woln't get better gas milage than most of the other cars on the planet? If this were a Dodge board, I could see the concern. Why don't you go onto the SRT forums and talk shit about the vipers... then hit up the chevy forums for the ZO6 and then go trash all the ferrari / lambo boards... but why preach to the choir when we all drive one of the most efficient 'supercars' ever to be produced?

I higly doubt it.
OneRedNSX said:
What is the point?

For some attentions maybe?
Because he’s got nothing else better to do and want to be noticed?

Probably trying to get Green Party Candidate elected...lol

Dude, doesn't really matter what lifshard think, it's going to happen, a new NSX is on its way. Demand for it or not, they're going to built it. By the way, NSX is not a failure story, for those people who don't remember the early 90's, there was a waiting list for that car. 18000 sold world wide is far more than any single model Ferrari, EVER!!! Just because Honda decided to keep a "perfectly designed" car in production for 15 years doesn't means it's a failure story, after all, how much room is need to hand built a car? I love the see them built another master piece that will last another 15 years production cycle.
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