I was carjacked

28 June 2004
I would like to say to everyone be careful out there with your NSX. This weekend I was rob by gunpoint by 2 individuals in the Hyattsville, MD area. I would give more details but I’m so hurt by the event I'm speechless.
Everyone just be careful.

First, sorry to hear about your experience but glad you're alive. When you get yourself back together please do give us details of the crime.
Always remember -- cars can be replaced. Lives can not. There are things in life worth fighting for, even worth dying for. Family. Country. Liberty. Not cars.

I'm glad you're OK, rogers. Take some time, pull yourself together. This too shall pass.
I totally agree but it’s so hard to come down stairs and look in my garage and my car isn’t there. I work so hard for everything I own. I remember nights when I would just wake up just to wipe my car down. Man I put so much time and money into that car. Well since I have some time let me tell you how the robbery went down. My buddy and I were on our way back to Laurel, Md from downtown dc and I notice I needed to put some gas in my car ASAP. I stop at the Citgo in Hyattsville to get some gas. Shortly after pumping the gas I park a little far off from the gas station to get something to snack on immediately when I got out the car two guys came up on us with 2 guns pointed at our heads and instructed us to knee down. Immediately I gave the guy everything I had jewelry "whatever". I didn't have any cash but he thought I had dope or money in my car so he took the car. After during some thinking the entire robbery was a setup b/c there were 2 other cars in the park lot basically blocking the street view. They had to put my car on a truck or something because the police came so quickly. Man I am pissed.
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That is a terrible and scary story. I can understand your upset and frustration but must say GLAD YOU! ARE OKAY. Insurance can! replace your car, but not replace your life. Best wishes as you heal and recover from this frightening incidence.
Holy Crap! Glad to hear you are ok. Sounds like you are handling the situation better than I would. I'd probably piss my pants if someone stuck a gun in my face.
White92 said:
Holy Crap! Glad to hear you are ok. Sounds like you are handling the situation better than I would. I'd probably piss my pants if someone stuck a gun in my face.

I was actually was more upset/mad than scare during the entire event. Stupid hah

Carjacking is something not common here.
I read your story with big eyes. I would prolly crap myself if i had a gun stuck up me face.
I hope the experience doesn't hurt you emotionaly to strong. Good luck, and i hope they find your car, and shoot them bastards.

I'm sure the carjackers were just "desperate" or something.

A lot of crap goes down in Hyattsville. It's just over the NE DC line in PG. I would not want to get out of the car there, seriously. Not at night.

Of course these guys were waiting at this Citgo to carjack somebody and they saw you drive up and they started creepin. Why did you leave the pump area? Surely, they'd have stolen your car at the pumps if given the chance, but while you pump, have your friend get the munchies.

If you are white and you're in NE and in a car like that, you stand out like a sore thumb. Good thing you're ok.
That sucks. Glad to hear you are ok. I go to Waldorf several times a year and I have heard to stay away from Hyattsville, MD.
Definitely glad to hear you are okay.

Call me naive but what exactly will these thieves be able to do with the car? The nsx is such a rare car that it just seems like it will be noticed rather quickly.. i wonder if those retards thought it was a corvette. :mad:
I can't imagine how scared and angry you still must be but I agree with everyone else here... thank God you're ok. A car, any car, can be replaced. Human life can not.

Hang in there. Let's hope insurance does right for you.
sjones said:
Definitely glad to hear you are okay.
Yep, that's the bottom line. I know at times ppl can feel that their car can't be replaced, but really, being able to walk home in one piece is a huge blessing. So Thank God you're alright.

Also, no offense to anyone who lives there, but you gotta really be careful in DC and areas of MD like Hyattsville. I've pulled up once or twice to a gas station in DC at 2 or 3 am (leaving school late), and I noticed two guys coming toward me, and a third riding around on a bike. W/o thinking twice, I got right back in, started the car, and got on the gas. I swear to God I would have run any of them over if they got in my way too. I've seen that crap go down before in DC. You REALLY gotta be looking over your shoulder 24/7, and even then at times it's just too much risk. In the future, avoid as much as possible having to stop for any reason in such areas, and definitely don't stay even longer to get snacks and what not.

Call me naive but what exactly will these thieves be able to do with the car? The nsx is such a rare car that it just seems like it will be noticed rather quickly.. i wonder if those retards thought it was a corvette. :mad:
The real/sad truth? They aren't going joy-riding. That thing is going into a chop-shop real near by, so ppl, I'd keep an eye out on Ebay etc for NSX parts for sale for cheap all of a sudden.

On that note, if you have anything rare that a lot of other NSX owners don't have on your car, definitely keep an eye out for those parts. That's your best hope in at least trying to catch the bastards.

Lastly, ppl, PLZ protect your investment. Get Lo-Jack or a GPS system w/ tracking so in the event something horrible like this happens, you can easily track your car down, and surprise the bastards (w/ the cops, of course). IMO, Lo-Jack is a MUST.
Well the important thing is you and your friend were not harmed. You can replace the car and I am sure the inusrance will haggle with you but as long as you have pictures, receipts and the like, you should come out OK.

The hard thing is going to be if they actually arrest the suspects and prosecute, then you will see how inefficient the system really is. As a victim/witness you will be jerked around I am willing to bet.

Again, sorry you were a victim in a potentially very deadly situation, but glad that no one was harmed. Some people are just animals and need to be caged.
sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident..
maybe next time you can get Lo-Jack, or
theres another tracking device that instantly tracks it, instead where Lo-Jack tracks in 24 hours..
Geez scary stuff. . .I'm glad you're alright though. I almost got car jacked while coming home from school. I was at a stop light and two guys jumped into my car (windows were down and they unlocked the doors and I have an integra so no, there weren't 3 people crammed into an nsx) They started to play it cool and asked me about my mods to my car and everything under my hood. I saw that the guy in my back seat had a knife and was waiting for the okay from his friend. Thinking quickly I devised a story about how someone broke into my car, stripped it, and how my uncle who is a police sergeant hunted them down and f*cked them up pretty badly. Meanwhile, I proceeded to drive into a busy school parking lot and kindly asked them to exit my car. I was pretty scared and they only had knives I can’t imagine a gun being pointed to my head. Thank God you’re alright and I hope you feel better soon.
Hey prime, I don't mean this to sound immature, but do any of you carry? you know what I mean. My question is not meant to be "you should of put a round in him"....but I know other states are easier to get a concealed weapons permit.

My buddy works down town L.A. here in california, he's a investment banker and sometimes leaves the office late night.....so he does carry, fearing his life, he told me he had a couple of crazy people banging on his windows, he drives a new 745 IL...so yeah it sticks out at night.
Alittleboost said:
Hey prime, I don't mean this to sound immature, but do any of you carry? you know what I mean. My question is not meant to be "you should of put a round in him"....but I know other states are easier to get a concealed weapons permit.

My buddy works down town L.A. here in california, he's a investment banker and sometimes leaves the office late night.....so he does carry, fearing his life, he told me he had a couple of crazy people banging on his windows, he drives a new 745 IL...so yeah it sticks out at night.

24/7. I carry a handgun with me at all times, regardless of what Im in. Houston is not the safest city in the world. Ive been in a few altercations where I did pull and point to defuse bad situations. Would I have pulled the trigger if challenged.... In a heartbeat. The area in Houston where I grew up was rough. There was gun fire nightly. Im trying to remember how many times Id walk past a crime scene with a coroner van on site while walking to school. You can be a victim at any time. I was shot twice before I was 18 and have three scars from being cut with homemade knives in school. We had metal detecters and K9 units walking the halls in my school so the thugs had to get creative.

Glad to hear your OK and escaped without harm. Go home and hug your wife/gf, kids, dog, whatever. Be well my friend!

Sorry to hear about your misfortune, I thought I had bad luck this weekend, at least I still have my car. I hope you get your car back and they catch those jerks(to use less colorful words)

As everyone says at least you are physically OK.

I echo the sentiments about guns. Move to VA, where we are civilized and you can civilize a mfer if he gets uppity w/ your strap.

I don't get out the car in NE, SE, or SW DC. No way. The biggest thing is to not linger anywhere where you're immobile. What happened at this station was probably that you were there for a minute or two and someone called his boy Shawan or whatever back in the cut who came down w/ his boy Rashawn and a couple burners.

I get spiderwebs near my outdoor lights for the same reason. Lots of bugs pass by. Gas stations are great places to carjack people. It could have just been your number that was up, but by lingering in a sh!thole ghetto like Hyattsville, or taking a route thru NE DC, you were baiting it a bit. I hope you have insurance and that they can take care of it.

There are all kinda ways that cars can get stole and end up somewhere else, either chopped up or re-VIN'd. For real, yo. These guys keep up on totalled or junkyard VINs that come their and they'll retag a car in no time. Their peeps at the DMV can hook a brother up, too.

But, they're all desperate, like in that Walmart, so it's excusible, I guess.