It's official:June 22, 08 NSX-STOCK!

hopefully I'll be there!! I have a wedding to attend saturday night, and it's about a 2hr drive so I'm hoping I'll be able to be up 6am sunday to make it!
Alright guys, T-Shirts are made, directions printed and everything is already for tommorow. Very Important...This even is NOT Rain or shine, Rain date is tentatively set for July 13. PLEASE check the weather before anything. My cell is 732-672-0194, feel free to call. I'll be up at 7am. Im expecting a few more people to just show up, so this should be fun.

2 things, to remember. First lunch is on you. We've made arrangements with Edgar's; so lunch will be a set menu, and pricing and payment will be smooth and easy. Second, Gas up before coming to the dealership. We will be trying to leave Bridgewater Acura by 9:45 am, so lets try to be here by 9am-ish.

1. Yours Truly
2. The Hawk
3. Patricio
4. NA1MT
5. Climberao
6. Jalnjr
7. Omeganorm
8. TonyD
9. Drifter
10. Acura NSX Pilot
11. Chuck Morgan
12. LarryB
13. Wasenda
14. jh nsx
15. KingKongNSX
16. ftuhy
17. cmc140
18. I1O101I
20. Jebzter
21. Pooh
22. Tytus
23. Garys 1991 NSX
24. Winreboot
25. nsxot1c
26. Paul M
27. SpeedJunkie

Accuweather is predicting Thunderstorms at 4 AM, 11AM, 1PM and 5PM at this time. Odds are it will rain tomorrow. Unless there will be a dramatic revision overnight I will bail. I can't make the 13th of July as we have prior commitmants. I will be at Kid days at Watkins Glen though, hope you can make that. If not I'll see you perhaps at one of the drives later in the summer or fall.

Thanks for putting on the event though, I hope to make it next time.

This event is 100% on, if it rains.:biggrin: We can always just invade a dinner for a nice brunch and meet:wink:

For anyone wishing to join up Peter Mills and I just made a plan to meet in the parking area of the Sheraton Croosroads at the corner of 287 South and the Thruway, about 10 minutes West of the TZB.

We have met there before, meeting time 7:45am. Please post if you want us to wait for you:).

1. Yours Truly
2. The Hawk
3. Patricio
4. NA1MT
5. Climberao
6. Jalnjr
7. Omeganorm
8. TonyD
9. Drifter
10. Acura NSX Pilot
11. Chuck Morgan
12. LarryB
13. Wasenda
14. jh nsx
15. KingKongNSX
16. ftuhy
17. cmc140
18. I1O101I
20. Jebzter
21. Pooh
22. Tytus
23. Garys 1991 NSX
24. Winreboot
25. nsxot1c
26. Paul M
27. SpeedJunkie
28. Peter Mills

Anyone else coming?:wink:
i'll see you all there...but of course you all know my nsx-less problem:biggrin: ... or maybe it's a jealousy problem...:eek:

For anyone wishing to join up Peter Mills and I just made a plan to meet in the parking area of the Sheraton Croosroads at the corner of 287 South and the Thruway, about 10 minutes West of the TZB.

We have met there before, meeting time 7:45am. Please post if you want us to wait for you:).


Andrea will bring me to Sheraton to meet you and Peter so see you tomorrow morning at 7:45am.

Andrea will bring me to Sheraton to meet you and Peter so see you tomorrow morning at 7:45am.


and your antenna is sitting in my living room, cant have a cruise without beats:biggrin:
Im sorry I found out I had a previous engagement and I cannot attend. Simon my apolgies since I was suppose to give you a ride there glad Andrea was able to take you up there.
Storms look to me moving to the North, no storms around 4AM as predicted and maybe with luck we'll miss 'em all together. Mike since you decided to hold the event rain or shine now, I'll be there. I feel lucky today..................see you there and am glad not to miss this event.

see you all at around 8:30!:wink:
Thanks Mike for another NSX Stock day - you must have some good connections to keep the forecast rains away from us!!!

I onlt took a handful of photos, but there were many other cameras present...








Thanks Mike to arrange this event.
I have a lot of fun since this morning, cruise, lunch, auto show.
I got home right on time before the rain start.
It's always nice to see another member today specially Larry Bastanza and Peter Mills from NSXCA.
Looking forward to join another event with NSXCA Northeast Region.
thanks a lot mike for arranging the event.

thank you everyone for making me feel welcome in the nsxprime community.

thanks to simon for letting me ride along down to the shore and back to bridgewater. it was great meeting everyone and this only makes me more resolute to get an nsx as soon as i can.

apparently, when we were down by the shore, there were some serious storms in the area, with significant amounts of rain and even hail...we got lucky and the day was pretty amazing.

i took around 200 pictures or so for the day, but these are the favorite ones of the day lightly edited. enjoy!





















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Sorry I had to miss another meet:frown: .But Mike you have me perplexed once again, pants,or shorts? :confused: :tongue: . No waite my wife says that you may start a new trend of capri's for guys:biggrin:
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Mike, thank you for another wonderful NSX-STOCK.

Larry, thank you for fixing my antenna...andrea is very happy.:)

Great shots! I really enjoyed your pictures...there are some interesting angles.
It sure was a good run, and the weather cooperate too.
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