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I've let everyone down...JH4NA1157NT000018

25 March 2007
Knoxville, TN / Montgomery, AL

This was supposed to be my victory thread about purchasing my first Acura NSX, but I have some disturbing news to relay to all of you.

I purchased a pristine 1992 Acura NSX yesterday around 1PM from Brian ( SOURCENSX ) at Source 1 Automotive in Goshen, OH just outside Cincinnati.
The car he had prepared for me was IMMACULATE and I highly recommend Brian for anyone thinking of purchasing an NSX from him in the future.

I drove the 4.5 hours home and ate with the family. Later that night I decided to go out and have coffee with some friends, and afterwards I stopped by another friend's house to show him the car.

We were out on a leisurely drive ( near dusk ) and I turned onto a back road that I knew well. I was travelling about 45mph when I came upon a cresting turn.
As I was halfway through the turn, the car hit a wet spot in the road and suddenly understeered off into the grass, and the resulting loss of traction brought the rear end around. I slid in the grass for about 50ft before striking a tree with the right rear wheel well, and spinning 360 degrees to a stop.

The THP trooper said that there was nothing I could have really done looking at the scene and that he would make the report as sweet as possible knowing the specifics of the crash.

My passenger and I are both alright, but my emotional psyche is taking a beating because I consider myself a very safe and careful driver.

I thank everyone for their encouragement to fuel my ambition for getting an NSX ( TitaniumVTEC, Aero, SOURCENSX, HeySkippy to name a few ) and I can truly say with a bittersweet irony that those 10 hours yesterday were some of the best of my life so far. The following 19 hours have been brutal.

The company who both financed and insured the vehicle, USAA, is sending a claims adjuster. USAA looks at market price values of sold and available vehicles to get an appropriate estimate of the value of the car before it was wrecked.

I believe in my mind that the car is going to be a total loss by nature of where the impact occurred.

I can only hope that those of you in this forum can look past my age and inexperience and treat me once again as a peer and fellow enthusiast. :frown:
I guess I can say congrats on finally getting an NSX, and unfortunately condolences on wrecking your NSX. You're not the first, and you won't be the last to have a crash in one. Fortunately neither you nor your passenger were hurt.

You are lucky that you have USAA. Let's hope all you need is a new fender some little parts here and there.
What a turn of events:eek: From a high of highs to the lowest in 10 hours.We all feel for you,but before you write off the car let a pro inspect it as I'm sure will happen.read through some of the prior wrecked threads as you may learn some things about dealing with insurance co. and adjusters.Don't let your age or the fact that you are a new owner deter you from many more happy years with the car.Remember you still own it.
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I can't believe this.
I know from talking to you recently how excited you were to finally being able to get your car.
Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think.
Did you have bald tires?

The tires had excellent tread. Slight camber wear in the rear, but the fronts were perfect. It completely locked up when I hit the wet as I was halfway through the turn. Needless to say, I will not even think about going down back roads at night in that car.

Thank you all for the kind words.

I have a potential offer brewing which might seriously turn this situation around, so keep your fingers crossed.
WOW! I so vividly remember that feeling when I first bought my NSX and I can't imagine having it turned around by totalling the car so soon after.:eek:

I'm sure you've beat yourself up over it enough, just be happy you and your friend were unharmed. Just think about all the guilt Nick Hogan would be feeling if he had a conscious:rolleyes:

Hope it all works out for you with your insurance, I've been a USAA customer for 20 years and they've never done me wrong. Best of luck.
sorry about what happened.
everything that happens usually has a purpose ; hope things work out for you!
i cannot tell you how sorry i am that this happened. glad everyone is ok and i must tell you that i really admire the way your are handeling this. it takes a very mature person to go through this sequence of events and admit to everyone the mistakes that have been made.

again very sorry and with your attitude all will work out for the better
I got a huge rock chip on my hood within 10 min of my house after a 14 hour drive home and I thought my day was ruined. Good luck with everything. Every day is a gift. Make the best of the rest and move on. Also - don't take this the wrong way but go to a well organized and run high performance driving school and build up and learn the NSX in a safe and controlled environment. You will thank me later and will learn the NSX can be the most rewarding driver or a handful at the limit depending on your experience.

I have had mine for 11 years and still have a lot to learn about handling in the rain. Fortunately my errors have been on the track where there were no walls or trees in my way.

I have seen way better drivers then me have accidents so never drive over your limits (or even near them on the street).

Good luck and sorry about the mishap. Thank goodness it wasn't a tragedy.
Damn Jared!!!

I've been waiting for your new car post all day but was not expecting this. I thought about you a few times today, wondering what you were doing with your pride and joy. I'm truly sorry for your accident. I hope the insurance company does you right and you are able to get back into another one real soon.

I am glad to hear you both were ok.

Sorry to hear of this. But just DAMN...if these cars were (are) so unpredictable it seems to me that every one would be wrecked by now! By all accounts it sounds as if you were driving prudently and this, just out of nowhere happens?? I mean how can that be?? I have had mine out in all types of weather and probably taken wet turns faster than I should have and nothing remotely like this has ever happened....not even breaking loose and having to reign it in. Is there any more light you could shed on this to perhaps help some others prevent the same sort of tragedy?
I dont want to beat you up or be an a$$ since a few people here are a bit irritated with me lately, but...I live in Wa. state and it rains here 364 days a year and I am curious, was your traction control on? I have never once seen the TCS light up on the dash in a curve going 45 MPH. I feel for you and your mishap. I only wonder if you realize how fast you were going. Sometimes 60 can feel like 45 in the NSX and so on....The first time I ever saw an NSX I was 19, and im 35 now. I cannot imagine how I would drive that car at 20 yrs old. I may have had a similar incident, which is not to say its your fault. Sometimes $hit happens and if you ask me I'd know because It happens to me frequently. My advice would have been to tow the car, pay for the repairs out of pocket and never say a thing to USAA (I use them myself) What good is a salvage title? You cant register it if thats the route they choose, and now you will be stuck paying for something un-driveable. So sorry, but it is hard to believe you lost control on a puddle going 45. I dont want to seem like an a$$ but sorry dude. Are you telling the truth? If in fact $hit did happen out of nowhere...then so sorry, but I guess you live and you learn. I drive mine the speed limit and thats the bottom line. I dont know if I could live with myself If I wrecked the car. So I take every precaution necessary to avoid that. You are clearly mature enough to admit that you are young and what-not....I feel bad but I wonder if there is something your leaving out of your story. I might get flammed for this, for calling you on it, by other primers, but I will gaurente I am not the only one raising an eyebrow.
Glad you are safe and sound. As horrible as this sounds you are lucky to be uninjured and at least you can look forward to having this car repaired and/or find another replacement.

Everyone should understand accidents happen and regardless of when and how it happened let it pass...
I dont want to beat you up or be an a$$ since a few people here are a bit irritated with me lately, but...I live in Wa. state and it rains here 364 days a year and I am curious, was your traction control on? I have never once seen the TCS light up on the dash in a curve going 45 MPH. I feel for you and your mishap. I only wonder if you realize how fast you were going. Sometimes 60 can feel like 45 in the NSX and so on....The first time I ever saw an NSX I was 19, and im 35 now. I cannot imagine how I would drive that car at 20 yrs old. I may have had a similar incident, which is not to say its your fault. Sometimes $hit happens and if you ask me I'd know because It happens to me frequently. My advice would have been to tow the car, pay for the repairs out of pocket and never say a thing to USAA (I use them myself) What good is a salvage title? You cant register it if thats the route they choose, and now you will be stuck paying for something un-driveable. So sorry, but it is hard to believe you lost control on a puddle going 45. I dont want to seem like an a$$ but sorry dude. Are you telling the truth? If in fact $hit did happen out of nowhere...then so sorry, but I guess you live and you learn. I drive mine the speed limit and thats the bottom line. I dont know if I could live with myself If I wrecked the car. So I take every precaution necessary to avoid that. You are clearly mature enough to admit that you are young and what-not....I feel bad but I wonder if there is something your leaving out of your story. I might get flammed for this, for calling you on it, by other primers, but I will gaurente I am not the only one raising an eyebrow.

Sorry Sarge I'll be the first to flame you! Give the kid a break.

I'm sure he feels like crap and didn't want to post this at all. If he says he was in control then lost it then let it be. Accidents happen and for all you know there was Oil in the road or whatever. The best post so far was from someone telling him that although its unforunate to maybe get some track time with an instructor if he fixes his current NSX or purchases another.

We don't need Prime members lecturing him as I'm sure his father and pure guilt are doing a fine job!
Man that really sucks. Even if you were doing something stupid it is still horrible. At least you had insurance, it could've been much worse.
Glad you're safe & sound...A car can be replaced!

Could've been worse (ie. the 18 y.o. that gets killed by a DUI a day after graduating from HS).
cheer up brotha. if it makes you feel less guilty, i recently had a mishap with the nsx also. i'm also young if that really matters at all. accidents happens, if they were in essence always avoidable then why must we need insurance? when i had my accident...after we stopped spinning, i looked to my friend to see if he was ok, then i said to myself, why did i not drive the m3 or the beater today but like i said, if one knew it was coming, it would've been different.

no worries dood, you and your friend came out fine. these are material things, you can always get it back, not like other things in life.
You didn't let us down or yourself down. Accidents happen, and they are called accidents for a reason. That's what insurance is for. The most important thing is that you and your passenger are uninjured.
I dont want to beat you up or be an a$$ since a few people here are a bit irritated with me lately, but...I live in Wa. state and it rains here 364 days a year and I am curious, was your traction control on? I have never once seen the TCS light up on the dash in a curve going 45 MPH. I feel for you and your mishap. I only wonder if you realize how fast you were going. Sometimes 60 can feel like 45 in the NSX and so on....The first time I ever saw an NSX I was 19, and im 35 now. I cannot imagine how I would drive that car at 20 yrs old. I may have had a similar incident, which is not to say its your fault. Sometimes $hit happens and if you ask me I'd know because It happens to me frequently. My advice would have been to tow the car, pay for the repairs out of pocket and never say a thing to USAA (I use them myself) What good is a salvage title? You cant register it if thats the route they choose, and now you will be stuck paying for something un-driveable. So sorry, but it is hard to believe you lost control on a puddle going 45. I dont want to seem like an a$$ but sorry dude. Are you telling the truth? If in fact $hit did happen out of nowhere...then so sorry, but I guess you live and you learn. I drive mine the speed limit and thats the bottom line. I dont know if I could live with myself If I wrecked the car. So I take every precaution necessary to avoid that. You are clearly mature enough to admit that you are young and what-not....I feel bad but I wonder if there is something your leaving out of your story. I might get flammed for this, for calling you on it, by other primers, but I will gaurente I am not the only one raising an eyebrow.

TCS should ( if I remember correctly ) only engage in on throttle conditions. I had lifted and was leisurely taking the turn when the car's front end broke loose. If you like, you can google maps the turn and see what I hit.

What's more, a slightly damp road is more dangerous than a saturated road.

The speed I can verify via RPM, but there's really no point in trying to explain my innocence or guilt thereof. It happened.

My dad actually took it the easiest as my mom liked the car more than I did!

I would enjoy doing an HPDE, but performance was not my primary reason for getting this car.

USAA this morning said they would cover the car as they cover all member's new cars for 30 days after purchase.
Sorry to hear that, all i can say as "an advise" is for you to not jump to a NSX yet, get a S2k (or maybe a 350Z or a Z4) .. you'll be putting 210-215 @ the wheels (on the S2000 case) + make sure you get an Ap1 (00-03) which comes with no TC, so you can get used with RWD and no TC and with enough power to have all the fun in the world, after a while you'll be naturally graduated for the nsx ... sometimes experience makes --all-- difference ... remember safety first!
