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Just got nailed doing 110mph in a 55mph


smoore said:
o.k. i'm lucky i didn't go to jail especially since i had a few drinks.

p.s. anything good out of this is i was in my car by myself on a long lonely bridge by myself not racing anyone at 3am(i was the only one putting myself at risk except the trooper who was a ways away)

I don't drive drunk nor condone it what i was simply saying is with one drink at them speeds the cop could have just about done what he wanted to me that is

beckertb said:

I got dinged once for 175 in a 55--I even had the privilage of having a road block set up for me by Missouri's finest.

Glad to know I'm not the only one that had the cops waiting for them down the road! Someone called in and reported a car doing over 120 down the Interstate. I had 2 Georgia State Troopers waiting for me on the off ramp going down Interstate 59. It's my luck I gave up on topping my NSX out and slowed down:) They didn't have anything catching me doing 73 and a 70 and let me go. :wink:

I actually got over 150 a few times, but gave up after traffic got heavy...

Smoore what bridge were you on? I lived in Tampa for several years and did the same thing all the time minus the booze and a ticket!
deedubb said:
Im not kicking him or anyone. Simply stating my thoughts on the law. Also, FYI, my quote of his statement was made as a joke hence the :biggrin:

Apparently, you know my intentions better than I do :rolleyes:

And the punchline was....? A smiley doesn't make something funny, so the joke failed.

Why not delete that post then, since it takes away smoores opportunity to delete his account of the tale as he was wisely advised by Sig?

Your "quoted for evidence" is exactly that, and I fail to see the humor smilies or no. What exactly did you contribute there?

Boards are for reading
posting is for contributing

If you aren't doing either- maybe you should re-evaluate?

Now if you want to pull some quotes out- Jalnjr has it right. dissect the posts, pull out the duplicious statements and put them together so the OP can understand that we are not all convinced by his double-speak, and back-tracking.

For the OP (smoore)- Still- no lecture... just advice.

As I said before- one drink is too many, especially at the reported speeds. Thankfully no one was hurt, please don't do it again...

I'll even offer you up a deal- If we ever go out for drinks you stay out from behind the wheel, and I will stay away from the dance floor. Deal?

:D (see- THAT was a joke)

Good luck with the ticket- it's going to be a hard one to beat.

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H-carWizKid said:
And the punchline was....? A smiley doesn't make something funny, so the joke failed.

Why not delete that post then, since it takes away smoores opportunity to delete his account of the tale as he was advised to do by Sig?

Your "quoted for evidence" is exactly that, and I fail to see the humor smilies or no.


Whats the matter Philip? Did you get burned once with a DUI? You seem a bit touchy on the subject.

The joke failed with the failing of your sense of humor.
Fact is a lot of drunk drivers survive a crash. Smoore was simply playing it safe just in case he did crash. :wink: :biggrin:
Smoore, Maybe you can argue this point in court to try and get out of the ticket.

Your Honor, You see the conditions were optimal for me to reach high speeds. I had heard a lot of DUI driver do in fact survive a crash because their bodies are in a more relaxed state. Couple that with the fact I was in a high performance sports car, The road was empty and I just happen to be on a bridge. I figured what the hell, lets me see what this puppy will do. Then just stand there like..:biggrin:
deedubb said:
Whats the matter Philip? Did you get burned once with a DUI? You seem a bit touchy on the subject.

The joke failed with the failing of your sense of humor.

Actually- the joke failed when there failed to be an "actual" joke.

No I have never had a DUI. In fact- had you not failed to read for comprehension you would know I take public transportation when I drink- either a cab. or the "L".

I am sensitive to this because I have been on this board a LONG time, and I have finally become weary of watching the Prime community go into the toilet because a certain core group of posters want to play holier than thou with each and every post.

I want every thread that talks about a member making a mistake to stop being diverted into this kind of dog-pile holier than thou BS thread.

I want the guy who told smoore to kill himself for making this error to think about the implications of what he is saying.

I told the woman I am seeing about that, and she was horrified that I might associate with such callous people. You think she want's to meet these people at an NSXPO if that is the way they really think?

You need to think before you write, and you need to consider how what you say and do effects the wider perception. (and by "you" I mean anyone who is reading this- not just you DeeDub)

I have heard so many times, at meets, and NSXPO's, and on these boards owners getting pissed because the age of ownership is dropping, and they fear for the "image of the car". Do you think this kind of train-style criticism reflects any better than young Peazy gettin all the props for driftin his dope ass new ride?

It doesn't- it is just another side of immaturity, and if you are sincerely worried about the "image of the car", then you should be equally concerned when your ownership community starts to take this type of a dive.

But you aren't worried- after all you sold yours...

deedubb said:
You think that it's a problem that the law is set that way?? :confused:

I think its a wonderful law and should be even more strictly enforced.

So you're a teetotaler then ?

I assume you're also in favor of bringing back prohibition too, right ? :rolleyes:

So how DOES 1 drink get you a DUI ??? :rolleyes:
i see i'm not getting much help from MOST people on here
thanks to those who have helped though
as for the others.....well you know what you can do......unreal:confused: :frown: :frown:
steveny said:
Fact is a lot of drunk drivers survive a crash. Smoore was simply playing it safe just in case he did crash. :wink: :biggrin:
Smoore, Maybe you can argue this point in court to try and get out of the ticket.

Your Honor, You see the conditions were optimal for me to reach high speeds. I had heard a lot of DUI driver do in fact survive a crash because their bodies are in a more relaxed state. Couple that with the fact I was in a high performance sports car, The road was empty and I just happen to be on a bridge. I figured what the hell, lets me see what this puppy will do. Then just stand there like..:biggrin:

Now THAT is a joke! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
smoore said:
i see i'm not getting much help from MOST people on here
thanks to those who have helped though
as for the others.....well you know what you can do......unreal:confused: :frown: :frown:

Well, you know there isn't much help anyone here can provide. You already know - get a lawyer. Hope for the best. That's all you can do. The lawyer will tell you what your upside and downside is in FL, much better than any of us yahoos.

We all do stupid things. Learn from it. Move on.

(And if you end up in the slammer, please post the hot chic's digits from your avatar! :biggrin: j/k:wink: )
H-carWizKid said:
Actually- the joke failed when there failed to be an "actual" joke.

No I have never had a DUI. In fact- had you not failed to read for comprehension you would know I take public transportation when I drink- either a cab. or the "L".

I'll make sure to "dig" up some more information next time or consult my e-Stalkers annon. group for pointers.

I am sensitive to this because I have been on this board a LONG time, and I have finally become weary of watching the Prime community go into the toilet because a certain core group of posters want to play holier than thou with each and every post.

Who is playing holier than thou? Pointing out stupidity isn't saying that someone is better than another person. If he didnt want these kind of replies, he should have not posted this online for the world to see.

I want every thread that talks about a member making a mistake to stop being diverted into this kind of dog-pile holier than thou BS thread.

Maybe you should be in charge of this movement. You could be the savior of the internet as we know it, hell i would pitch in for a cape for you too. This will always happen and nothing will change that as long as the internet is in existence

I want to see the guy who told this kid to kill himself for making this error to think about the implications of what he is saying.

I told the woman I am seeing about that, and she was horrified that I might associate with such callous people. You think she want's to meet these people at an NSXPO if that is the way they really think?

Then don't bring her along. If neither of you can accept diversity and the fact that not everyone is as square as some other individuals, then stay home.

You need to think before you write, and you need to consider how what you say and do effects the wider perception.

I thought the same of you, but then again, we're all entitled to our opinions.

I have heard so many times, at meets, and NSXPO's, and on these boards owners getting pissed because the age of ownership is dropping, and they fear for the "image of the car". Do you think this kind of train-style criticism reflects any better than young Peazy gettin all the props for driftin his dope ass new ride?

It doesn't- it is just another side of immaturity, and if you are sincerely worried about the "image of the car", then you should be equally concerned when your ownership community starts to take this type of a dive.

But you aren't worried- after all you sold yours...

I'm here for a reason. Just because I sold my car doesn't mean im not an enthusiast or will never be an owner again. I just accept that some people view things differently than others and and try to take thing light heartedly...that is until someone like you gets offended.


Get off your high horse.
NSX-GUY said:
So you're a teetotaler then ?

I assume you're also in favor of bringing back prohibition too, right ? :rolleyes:

So how DOES 1 drink get you a DUI ??? :rolleyes:

In most cases you can be cited if the officer determines that you were "impaired" no matter what the tell tale breathalizer says, if it gives you a read at all you can be cited- writing the citation is at the officers discetion, he doesn't have to "make it stick" to write the ticket, but you would have to get the attorney to fight it off for you.

Just being a passenger can get you cited for public intox under the same guideline- if the officer determines you are impaired- you get the ticket.

I know this information because I tended bar to get through college, and studied the applicable laws as due dilligence to my risk as a provider. Not from "experience" as DeeDub implied.

NSX-GUY said:
So you're a teetotaler then ?

I assume you're also in favor of bringing back prohibition too, right ? :rolleyes:

So how DOES 1 drink get you a DUI ??? :rolleyes:

I never said 1 drink gets you a DUI. :rolleyes: Please re-read the thread.
Get a lawyer and pay him some money that is the best you can do at this point.

Worry is a dividend paid to disaster before it is due.

Two people I know

Case one, guy 38 y/o has seven DWI's never spent a day in jail, His dad in VP for NCR. Pay...charges go away

Case two, Guy 39 y/o has 3 DWI's just got out of prison after a three year stay. He is a cook. NO pay... you go away.

The color of justice is GREEN
deedubb said:
Get off your high horse.

Get off yours.

I'll wage one battle to save many.

BTW- I am the one advocating tolerance here flip-flopper. Go back, and re-read when your head clears.

It's been fun- gotta go get a drink now- cab is here. I'll gladly take this PM with you if you like.
H-carWizKid said:
I know this information because I tended bar to get through college, and studied the applicable laws as due dilligence to my risk as a provider. Not from "experience" as DeeDub implied.


You are unbelieveable. I never stated nor implied that I had "experience" about anything in this thread. I simply stated that I favored the DUI laws. Sheesh!
deedubb said:
I never said 1 drink gets you a DUI. :rolleyes: Please re-read the thread.

Maybe YOU should re-read YOUR post and while you're at it perhaps it is YOU that should get off his high horse and not "H" ?!?!?! :rolleyes:

You quoted smoore as saying "problem is in this country 1 drink can get you a DUI" and YOU replied "You think that it's a problem that the law is set that way?? :confused: I think its a wonderful law and should be even more strictly enforced."

Now I weren't never very goodish wit English but that sounds like yer sayin 1 drink shud get ya a DUI !!! :rolleyes::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
H-carWizKid said:
In most cases you can be cited if the officer determines that you were "impaired" no matter what the tell tale breathalizer says, if it gives you a read at all you can be cited- writing the citation is at the officers discetion, he doesn't have to "make it stick" to write the ticket, but you would have to get the attorney to fight it off for you.

Just being a passenger can get you cited for public intox under the same guideline- if the officer determines you are impaired- you get the ticket.

I know this information because I tended bar to get through college, and studied the applicable laws as due dilligence to my risk as a provider. Not from "experience" as DeeDub implied.


Makes me glad (for a change) I live where I do.

Here (I believe) the breathalizer rules ! (Thanks goodness) :rolleyes:
NSX-GUY said:
You quoted smoore as saying "problem is in this country 1 drink can get you a DUI" and YOU replied "You think that it's a problem that the law is set that way?? :confused: I think its a wonderful law and should be even more strictly enforced."

Now I weren't never very goodish wit English but that sounds like yer sayin 1 drink shud get ya a DUI !!! :rolleyes::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I see where it may have confused you. I was meaning that i think its good that the laws are strict for DUI's. I didn't intend it to sound as literally 1 drink. Although, 1 drink to some might be a beer, 1 drink to another might mean 1 glass of vodka on the rocks. These will affect people differently based upon their weight, tolerance and other factors. My mistake
deedubb said:
You are unbelieveable. I never stated nor implied that I had "experience" about anything in this thread. I simply stated that I favored the DUI laws. Sheesh!

My friend, you have officially jumped the shark... I stated that you had implied that I had experience with DUI- which you did- in the post copied below.

deedubb said:
Whats the matter Philip? Did you get burned once with a DUI? You seem a bit touchy on the subject.

Nah- this isn't an implication is it? :rolleyes:

Now either YOU start reading the things I am writing, or at least stop forgeting the things that you wrote or cease with the argument!

My point was that too many people "contributed" to this thread to say THE EXACT SAME THING and they all did it with negative conotations, and intentions.

DeeDub- you were the last guy on an already well populated pile-on of criticism, and that is something I would like to see go away from our community.

I don't need to clear the entire internet as you proposed, just PRIME. We are better than that here. I just wish more people would show it. I don't need a cape. I need you folks to show some class.

If you would like to continue sparring I welcome it, but lets take it private. This thread has outlived it's purpose already. There is little sense continuing this in public.

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H-carWizKid said:
My point was that too many people "contributed" to this thread to say THE EXACT SAME THING and they all did it with negative conotations, and intentions.

DeeDub- you were the last guy on an already well populated pile-on of criticism, and that is something I would like to see go away from our community.

I don't need to clear the entire internet as you proposed, just PRIME. We are better than that here. I just wish more people would show it. I don't need a cape. I need you folks to show some class.

just out of cureosity since you seem to be on some sort of self-appointed crusade...

did you ever think that nobody that posted the 'negative connotations' in their responses cared if you liked it or not? if negative replys in a post dedicated to such a stupid act that it SHOULD be outwardly condemned bother you maybe you should have just reported the THREAD and the FIRST POST as something you had a problem with... but you didn't which makes me wonder if you just wanted to start a different argument...

I don't know about you, but I would prefer the 'community' that was intellingent enough to NOT show ANY side of complaciency or sympathy to such an action. Nothing really personal against the thread-starter but it was really f*n stupid and if 1 person says it or 650 people say it, I am much happier to see people condeming this type of behavior instead of trying to be accepting or p.c. about it.

funny how you talk about 'class'... you read the first post right?

'nuff said
OneRedNSX said:
just out of cureosity since you seem to be on some sort of self-appointed crusade...

did you ever think that nobody that posted the 'negative connotations' in their responses cared if you liked it or not? if negative replys in a post dedicated to such a stupid act that it SHOULD be outwardly condemned bother you maybe you should have just reported the THREAD and the FIRST POST as something you had a problem with... but you didn't which makes me wonder if you just wanted to start a different argument...

I don't know about you, but I would prefer the 'community' that was intellingent enough to NOT show ANY side of complaciency or sympathy to such an action. Nothing really personal against the thread-starter but it was really f*n stupid and if 1 person says it or 650 people say it, I am much happier to see people condeming this type of behavior instead of trying to be accepting or p.c. about it.

funny how you talk about 'class'... you read the first post right?

'nuff said

Oh.. shut up.. go crawl from the hole you came out of!!!!
Amazing the number Dumb a$$'s that have barely been on this site for a year!!!Yet they still want to be such hard a$$'s...
hehe, many of you guys give him a hard time (I'm talking about the speeding. The drinking I don't like either).

But I have a question for you that condemn his actions: he was speeding, over the speed limit. What if he was driving at a legal speed? 110 mph legally. Like some of us do many times.
Would you still condemn what he did?
So are you condemning the speed or the illegal act?

If it is the illegal act, don't you ever break the law?
If it's the speed, would you refuse to drive fast if you were over here where you could do it legally?

Just a question. I’m not trying to stir things up.:smile:

Bearing in mind the roads and freeways here are narrower, more twisty, more slippy, etc. and the minimum speed limit is practically your maximum speed limit on many freeways: minimum freeway speed 80kph (= 50mph)
I know he wasn’t on a freeway, but apparently the road was quiet and big.
710 said:
hehe, many of you guys give him a hard time (I'm talking about the speeding. The drinking I don't like either).

But I have a question for you that condemn his actions: he was speeding, over the speed limit. What if he was driving at a legal speed? 110 mph legally. Like some of us do many times.
Would you still condemn what he did?
So are you condemning the speed or the illegal act?

If it is the illegal act, don't you ever break the law?
If it's the speed, would you refuse to drive fast if you were over here where you could do it legally?

Just a question. I’m not trying to stir things up.:smile:

Bearing in mind the roads and freeways here are narrower, more twisty, more slippy, etc. and the minimum speed limit is practically your maximum speed limit on many freeways: minimum freeway speed 80kph (= 50mph)
I know he wasn’t on a freeway, but apparently the road was quiet and big.

I agree. I'm no saint and I am not going to tell someone else to clean up their backyard while there is also a mess in mine. Frankly I think people who condem other peoples actions either live a pretty boring life or are trying to point attention in a direction away from themselves.
Ok this is fucked up. If it was a newbie posting this, all hell would come down on him. In other words it will turn into a witch hunt regardless of who is right or wrong. No one will defend the newbie...but since OP has a long history at prime, some feel the need to defend him.