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Just got nailed doing 110mph in a 55mph

You will be fined heavily and no traffic school. Thats pretty much it. Worse case scenario maybe a suspended license.
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Get an traffic court attorney and good luck. We all make mistakes and no one is a Saint but be thankful no one was hurt including yourself.
Sorry but your lucky not to have DUI issues, legal representation would seem needed, consider your actions and move forward with remorse, you f@%ked big time, and lucky to be where you are IMO :eek:
When I was a fellow training at a trauma center, I saw more bystanders killed but drunk drivers than the drunks getting killed. What a sad world we live in.
Absolutely NO EXCUSE. I don't think we punish DUI offenders enough. The innocent lives lost do not return home to their love ones. Those dame DUI offenders get a lawyer, fine a few bucks, lose the liscense for a few months , and take the subway home. How many of them are repeat offenders? I'm glad I am not a lawyer defending them. I won't be able to sleep at night.

YOU MAKE ME MAD!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: REALLY MAD!!
Wheelman said:
Get an traffic court attorney and good luck. We all make mistakes and no one is a Saint but be thankful no one was hurt including yourself.

Agreed. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". I'm guilty of speeding, and so is everyone else. I'll be surprised if someone says they have never sped in their whole entire life.
nsxtra said:
Agreed. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". I'm guilty of speeding, and so is everyone else. I'll be surprised if someone says they have never sped in their whole entire life.
There is a BIG difference from speeding and DRINKING AND SPEEDING IMO
nsxtra said:
Agreed. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". I'm guilty of speeding, and so is everyone else. I'll be surprised if someone says they have never sped in their whole entire life.
I can remember some of the tragic stories of drunk drivers killing others on the road. If you want to hear them, I can tell you.
Make sure you know the difference between speeding with DUI and just plain speeding on a public road. Of course, they are both wrong. The different level of severity of the two is dramatic.
i think he needs boost so he can go 170MPH.... at which time the police officer's radar is not calibrated for that speed and he will get off due to technicallity :biggrin:
its happened before.

Im sure most of us have gone 110 and beyond, just never had the misforturn of getting clocked. No need to flog him while he is down. I would probably get a lawyer and DEFINITY get a Valentine ONE for your other mid night adventures.

Oh ya. Get some military style night vision goggles. When you turn off your head lights, the cops wont know when to turn on their radar. You'll be in stealth mode. Hook your brake lights also to a toggle switch so you can disconnect them on command so you dont give your self away <----- well thought out plan of attack.:biggrin:
dude, you're going to get crucified. sorry. (not really but in the 'glad i'm not you' sense of the word)

nchopp said:
And killing yourself, so those of us with family members you endanger with your foolish, reckless, and arrogant behavior don't have to try to find you and talk to you.


you're my hero of the day (feel special damnit)
nsxtra said:
Agreed. "He who is without sin, cast the first stone". I'm guilty of speeding, and so is everyone else. I'll be surprised if someone says they have never sped in their whole entire life.

God, if I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "He is without sin" mis-quoted...

And 110, in a 55, while under the influence, is not just speeding - as others have pointed out. If I was in charge of the justice system, not only would he be looking at quite the prison sentence, but a permanantly revoked driver's license. You don't deserve the PRIVILEGE of driving. Next time, take a fu*king bus.

OneRedNSX said:

you're my hero of the day (feel special damnit)

<nods> Thanks.
fannsx said:
I can remember some of the tragic stories of drunk drivers killing others on the road. If you want to hear them, I can tell you.
Make sure you know the difference between speeding with DUI and just plain speeding on a public road. Of course, they are both wrong. The different level of severity of the two is dramatic.

If the trooper did not detect DUI, and only wrote a ticket for speeding, the court will address speeding. I know the difference between DUI and speeding, Smoore wanted to know what to do about the speeding ticket.

nchopp said:
God, if I had a dollar for everytime I've heard "He is without sin" mis-quoted...

Alright wiseguy, how does it go then.

nchopp said:
And 110, in a 55, while under the influence, is not just speeding - as others have pointed out. If I was in charge of the justice system, not only would he be looking at quite the prison sentence...

I never made any reference that DUI and speeding are the same thing, hell I didn't refer to DUI at all.
As a matter of fact even if you were in charge of the justice system you couldn't do anything about the DUI, because the trooper only charged him with speeding.
The court can't all of a sudden say "Oh yeah, by the way, you were driving under the influence that night, even though we didn't do a breathalizer or make you walk the line, we are going to add it to the list of charges."
If you ask me the trooper should be arrested.
steveny said:
Nothing like kicking a guy when he's down.:rolleyes:
Sorry, he put himself in this place and I'm not kicking, only sorry he's here.
steveny said:
Nothing like kicking a guy when he's down.:rolleyes:

its one thing to trip up and fall on your face; in which case i'm sure we'd feel a shread of sympathy for him...

but when you throw yourself infront of a bus...

smoore said:
o.k. i'm lucky i didn't go to jail especially since i had a few drinks.
Please don't bother telling me i diserve what i get for my actions no one is saying i wasn't stupid.
Anyway 3 am on a lonely bridge FHP trooper clocked me on radar by myself (not racing anyone) at 110mph in a 55mph zone (another 1/4 mile it would have been 65mph) i was just glad i didn't get a DUI.

Anyway anyone have experiece like this? I now have a automatic court date set for Nov 27th and would like to know what i'm up against? My driving record isn't to bad but not to good either?
What realisticly can i expect to get? does anyone know without guessing to hard?:redface: :frown:
any help would be great......

p.s. anything good out of this is i was in my car by myself on a long lonely bridge by myself not racing anyone at 3am(i was the only one putting myself at risk except the trooper who was a ways away)

Quoted for evidence :biggrin: