My first kill...

92NSX said:
So this was a closed road just for you and this other car??? I'm sorry but I missed where you said that. If not, then it was a road that the public has access to also therefore it is a street race. Justify it any way you want to.
As for whether or not I have sped, well for one there are a few members here that can attest for the speed that I drive. And two, I'm not the one bragging about how fast I was going during my little race.
I'm just glad that you didn't hurt any innocent people while showing off the speed of your car.

I never said it was "closed"... I said "enclosed" (you may want to turn up your monitor a little bit :wink: ), meaning that there is no cross traffic. Also, in case you are not aware, in the state of California a freeway and a street are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things because a freeway does not meet the criteria to be a "street". Therefor you CANNOT "street race" on a freeway.

I'm not saying it's not dangerous to exceed the speed limit even on the freeway. But if my post would have merely said "I hit 100mph on the freeway today for the first time" would you still be posting on this thread with your holier than thou attitude? Although others can attest to your grandmother-like driving habits, I guarantee you have sped before. Even if it is only 5mph over the limit, it's still speeding, and it's a speed that YOU felt was safe, and YOU felt comfortable driving at. So why is it so different for ME to go a speed that I am comfortable with?
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92NSX said:
I did 75mph in my TL this past weekend.
92NSX said:
95 in my NSX
I know it is nothing to brag about.


Looks like you live in a glass house...
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lol the GT is a monster... both in HP and Weight also... but it would have schooled your nsx hands down :biggrin:

When you know the other car is beat, its not even worth the gas money to show superiority. :smile:
ShiftyBob said:
Therefor you CANNOT "street race" on a freeway.

I'm not saying it's not dangerous to exceed the speed limit even on the freeway. But if my post would have merely said "I hit 100mph on the freeway today for the first time" would you still be posting on this thread with your holier than thou attitude?

ShiftyBob, welcome to Prime. I'm sure you are a nice guy and we all love your car. And we all love and appreciate our own cars and their capabilities. It's just that here on Prime some of the "seasoned" members tend to treat street (freeway) racing with disdain. It's really not a "holier than thou" attitude, it's just a "kill stories on the roadway are not cool" attitude.

And there just may be another forum for "hey, look at my wife's implants" threads too, perhaps off topic.

just my 2 cents.
ShiftyBob said:

I wasn't driving the TL at the time.
I was at the track in the NSX.
Nice try.
As for your street racing deal. You are right, I don't know the laws in CA, never claimed to. HOWEVER, I, along with many others I'm sure, consider street racing, any racing that isn't done a track in controlled environment. If you want to split hairs about it to make yourself feel better then go right ahead.
ShiftyBob said:
Well, this IS a G rated forum so I can't post much. This was in Vegas about a month ago...


AH! :eek:

Dude, if that is the way she came out of the surgery, you have a SERIOUS case for medical malpractice! :biggrin:

Hey fellas- we know street racing is bad, lots of people posted as much. Can we move on, or do we need to continue the harping on this guy?

The more times you tell him what he did is wrong, the more times he is going to defend himself, and the cycle continues... It doesn't make for a very hospitable climate.

The point is made, and you have proven you have a valid point of view.

Lets all get on with what is more important now, because this isn't worth the effort required to continue.

ChopsJazz said:
ShiftyBob, welcome to Prime. I'm sure you are a nice guy and we all love your car. And we all love and appreciate our own cars and their capabilities. It's just that here on Prime some of the "seasoned" members tend to treat street (freeway) racing with disdain. It's really not a "holier than thou" attitude, it's just a "kill stories on the roadway are not cool" attitude.

And there just may be another forum for "hey, look at my wife's implants" threads too, perhaps off topic.

just my 2 cents.

Hey Chops,
don't worry, I'm not taking anything personally :biggrin: . All the issues you just mentioned have already been discussed, in this thread. I get that "kill stories" are not cool and not appreciated on this forum:smile: . I already realized my mistake and apologized for it, but some people won't accept that:rolleyes: . That topic was already dead IN THIS THREAD, so they had to find something else to bitch and moan about :rolleyes: . So here we are again, back on the same topic, with the same guys telling me how bad I am, and that I'm selfish and stupid.

Some members on here DO have a "holier than thou" attitude :redface: , and while it may not be towards racing, it's with many other subjects as you can see in the past few days topics. They made their posts, made their point, and just can't seem to let it go. I was done with this topic long ago, and had even switched gears into something else (granted, completely unrelated :wink: , but somebody asked, and it's my thread and the topic was dead). I would rather this whole thread just be deleted so this conversation can be over, but every timeI log on, it's continued. And I'm not just gonna let them throw their holier than thou attitude around and try and belittle me with what THEY think is right.

I understand I'm new on this board :redface: . I'm not on here to try and make things hard for anybody, or to make enemies or be a bully. Like I said, I don't take anything personally, nor do expect anything I say to be misconstrued as a personal attack. Yes, he Holier Than Thou attitude comment earlier was directed at 92NSX because that's the attitude he is taking with this discussion, yet in a mere few seconds I was able to find posts from him not only admitting to excessively speeding, but nearly 100mph which in all reality is exactly what I did.

There have been a few threads in the last 24 hours MOCKING other peoples threads, and some posted by "seasoned" members :mad: . I make a few VERY valid points, and point out that they're beig hypocrites, and point out their "holier than thou' attitude" and my posts get deleted! Yet their useless threads mocking other members threads remain on the board :confused: ? If nobody else posts in this thread about how "stupid" or "immature" my actions were, then this thread will die, because there will no longer be anything to discuss...
92NSX said:
I wasn't driving the TL at the time.
I was at the track in the NSX.
Nice try.
As for your street racing deal. You are right, I don't know the laws in CA, never claimed to. HOWEVER, I, along with many others I'm sure, consider street racing, any racing that isn't done a track in controlled environment. If you want to split hairs about it to make yourself feel better then go right ahead.

Well you might wanna look before you post then:biggrin: . because the topic of that thread according to the person who started it was this...

"Speeding and reckless driving are no no's, but i'm guessing we've all been on that deserted stretch of straight highway and felt the urge to floor it (and given in) for a top speed run."

If you can't see the difference between racing some ricer from stoplight to stoplight, or through the hills of a community :mad: ; and opening up on a long straightaway on a FREEWAY, then it's a good thing you keep it on the track :rolleyes: .
Bobolinski said:
Robert, I must say it pleases me greatly to see you enjoying your car so much.

I KNEW I recognized those wheels !!! :smile:

Got seller's remorse yet Dan ??? :wink:
Shifty my friend, ya gotta know when to cut your losses. :rolleyes:

Yer shoveling sh.t against the tide, ya know ? :redface: :tongue:
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92NSX said:
I concur. Totally gotten off topic.
Yes , terrible. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Here goes:
ShiftyBob, remember this. The NSX was not made to pose in. Almost all NSX owners said don’t use it to impress chicks on a first date, (over on the other thread). So what’s the NSX for then? :confused: :eek: :biggrin:

It was made to go very fast. On the street. It is a street car. Not a track car (no roll bars etc, no special class especially for the NSX etc.):rolleyes:
This car is defiantly a STREET car. A fast street car that, by definition, goes fast on the street. It even has a licence plate light as standard. Few racing cars have that.:tongue: :tongue:

And what’s more, the esteemed Honda engineers (our heroes :biggrin: , well mine anyway) made it to go very fast around corners too! :tongue: :biggrin: :smile:
Corners like streets have. This is what Honda made the NSX for. And they made it faster than a lot of other street cars. So you could win a race, on the street, against the other street cars. And it handles beautifully in a 4 wheel drift, on the street! They did this for us! Yuppee!:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Also, they made the handling and brakes pretty darn good, so as a consequence, very few of us have ever killed anybody with it.
Unlike all the SUV owners.
If a kid runs out in front of us while we are street racing, there is a very good chance we will be able to avoid him. Honda made it this way.
The kid doesn’t have chance with the SUVs (and possibly Bentleys) compared to our street NSXes!

And what’s even more, many of our friends on this site want even MORE power so it can street race against other street cars, on the street, like street Corvettes and street Ferraris and stuff, other very fast street cars, made to go even faster than the NSX on the street. :biggrin: :biggrin: :eek: :eek: :smile:

Very few of us want less power. Well, there seems to be a few, above. Only a few, though.:rolleyes:

A Volkswagen bus is not made for street racing and many of our fellow posters apparently think they have bought a VW bus.:smile: :rolleyes:

But we didn’t buy a bus. We bought a fast street car called the NSX!:biggrin: :smile: :biggrin:

Flame suit on for expressing the truth with sarcasm to our fellow VW bus owners…:redface: but please contact the fast street car Honda engineers and Ferrari engineers etc and ask them to make only slow street cars in the future if you get emotional about my post. It’s not my fault the NSX doesn’t have a big cup holder if that’s all you want!:wink: :rolleyes:

plane ticket to Argentina in hand…
Earth to Shifty Bob . . .

Shifty - check out the description of "street" below. See how it matches your whining about the difference between steet and highway? Now stop your childish posturing.

There is a halo of romanticism that surrounds the idea of testing your car against others. You think you're a budding Senna or Schumacher, bravely driving at the limit, with spectators yelling their support. You are wrong.

I am not a prude, nor a moralist, but I think there is a difference between using acceleration judiciously for spurts of excitement and racing someone else on public roads. In the first instance, you are focused and in control; in the latter instance you become distracted by the fervor of competition.

Street Racers Get Prison Time for Deaths

The Atlanta Journal Constitution
Published on: 11/02/06

The price of a street race "rush": two lives and now prison sentences for the two teenage racers.

"What a waste," Gwinnett Superior Court Judge Richard Winegarden said Thursday as he sentenced Wendy Jennings and Susan Osley, both now 20, for their roles in the deadly game three years ago.

Winegarden ruled that Jennings should spend five years in prison and an additional 10 years on probation, and that Osley should spend four years in prison and 11 more on probation.

Late on the afternoon of March 7, 2003, Osley and Jennings were among a group of teenagers hanging out at a Norcross pharmacy parking lot. Jennings, then a 16-year-old Norcross High School student, challenged Osley, then 17, of Atlanta, to a race in their BMWs, according to court testimony.

The two teens turned Peachtree Parkway, <b>a four-lane divided highway, </b>into their illegal racetrack. They reached speeds above 80 mph, and then Jennings lost control. Her car crossed the median, started flipping, and smashed into a Honda Accord, killing its driver, 61-year-old Julia Burns, of Duluth.

The other victim was Jacob Miller, 17, Jennings' boyfriend and a passenger in her car.

After the young women pleaded guilty Thursday to charges of vehicular homicide, both told the judge they accepted responsibility for their actions, though neither displayed any outward emotions.

When Winegarden asked Osley why she would do such a thing, she answered, "I guess I thought it would be fun."

Pressed further, she added, "I guess to get a rush."

Winegarden refused to call the tragedy an accident. "This was not a split-second decision. Both defendants had time to think," he said. Instead, the judge termed the crash a "senseless killing."

"The only purpose was to see who could drive the fastest," he said.

Jason Berman, Burns' son, said his mother was a single mom who worked hard to raise his sister and himself, and that she did not deserve her fate. He said his mother was not there to see the birth of one of his children.

"Four days before the accident I told mom I was going to have a baby," Berman said. "I never talked to her again."
Re: Earth to Shifty Bob . . .

Soichiro said:
There is a halo of romanticism that surrounds the idea of testing your car against others. You think you're a budding Senna or Schumacher, bravely driving at the limit, with spectators yelling their support. You are wrong.

True, true.
You have to be aware of this and take it into consideration when you street race.

Soichiro said:
… but I think there is a difference between using acceleration judiciously for spurts of excitement and racing someone else on public roads. In the first instance, you are focused and in control; in the latter instance you become distracted by the fervor of competition.
Possibly, possibly.
Soichiro is obviously speaking from his extensive experience at street racing. :smile: So he has a good point.
We all know what happens when you try to show off. The chance of eating it goes way way way way up.:eek:
But it seems like ShiftyBob just had a spurt of acceleration. Seems safer than many other people driving at even normal speeds these days.:mad:

And in my experience there is a lot more to think about whilst inside a pack of racers on the track banging door handles all trying to get through turn 1 first than a straight drag race on a big open street with a Bentley.
Straight drag race against a Bentley=easy to come out without ending up in the weeds.

And knowing the car is important before you street race. You need to know the limits, when the rear is going out, what the car will do on certain types of bumps, how hard you can brake and what the car will do when you brake on an uneven surface.
A parking lot or weekend at the track is a good place to find this out. The only place, actually.

Also you have to see a clear road ahead, then there is a chance it is actually clear. Maybe not.
You have to take a lot into consideration.
But the NSX will help you a lot (with good brakes and handling for example)

THEN when you have thought about all of this and practiced it, you can use the car for what it was made for.
Street race!
I’m sure all that is what ShiftyBob did. Right ShiftyBob? Did anybody actually ask him before condemning him?
Again, I say this with humour and a smile!:smile:

edit: SpeedyBob edited to ShiftyBob, sorry for the typo...
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Re: Earth to Shifty Bob . . .

Soichiro said:
Shifty - check out the description of "street" below. See how it matches your whining about the difference between steet and highway? Now stop your childish posturing.

Well, I was hoping not to make this personal (as I had mentioned before), but YOU, my friend, have done just that. I don't need some "seasoned" internet toughguy to try and point out things that have obviously already been discussed. Furthermore, I don't need some wannabe Andretti to tell me the differences between track and street racing. I have spent my fair share of time on the track, so unless you know what your talking about, keep it to yourself.

There are many differences between the highways in GA and the FREEWAYS in CA! The definition of "street" varies from state to state. That's why we have different laws in different states. If they were all the same, we would have One set of laws, by one government, for all states, but we don't, do we? Like I said before, I am not here to make enemies, but your doing that by calling me a "whiner" and calling me "childish". I don't know you nor do I pretend to, so I expect the same respect that I have given.

Again, the little article you posted is completely different than whatI did...

1. The Highways in GA are different than the FREEWAYS in CA
2. GA Highways have cross traffic (I know cause I've driven there), CA FREEWAYS do not.
3. SHE was 16! A 16yo does not know how to handle a car in emergencies.
4. How old were these BMW's? Were they well maintained (I highly doubt it at 16)
5. Nobody just "loses control" of a vehicle, there is more to the story.
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Re: Earth to Shifty Bob . . .

Soichiro said:
Shifty - check out the description of "street" below. See how it matches your whining about the difference between steet and highway? Now stop your childish posturing.

Inflammatory/ Pronunciation Key -[in-flam-uh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] –adjective

1. tending to arouse anger, hostility, passion, etc.: inflammatory speeches.

ShiftyBob said:
Well, I was hoping not to make this personal (as I had mentioned before), but YOU, my friend, have done just that.


Now what? :frown:

92NSX said:
Do you know how close it is in color/shade to the Kinetic Blue of the new TL Type-S?

Sorry, no.

I looked at that blue on the Acura website and it looks significantly darker than the NSX LBB. Hard to tell off websites though.
NSX-GUY said:
Sorry, no.

I looked at that blue on the Acura website and it looks significantly darker than the NSX LBB. Hard to tell off websites though.

I got a brochure from Acura and it has a small sample and it does look darker but you are right, it is hard to tell.
I know of a person locally that has one exactly like I want but I haven't gotten the chance to see it in person yet.:frown:
92NSX said:
Little of topic here. Seriously Shifty, I LOVE the color of your car. Do you have any other pics of it?

Since there are no smilies in your post I can't tell the tone in which that is meant to be taken. But I can't help but think that you are being sincere and not facetious :biggrin: . I think we have beat a dead horse long enough, and we can just agree to disagree... :cool:


We do agree to disagree. *extends hand*
Yes, I am serious about loving the color of your car. Like I stated in post above I was hoping that the new TL would be close in color to it but I feel like it is going to be a lot darker.
My favorite colors of the NSX are Rio Yellow and LBB.