• ***Text Box Error UPDATE*** Folks- we were able to fix the underlying issue with the missing text box on the forum. Everything should be back to normal. - Honcho

NSX Technical and Service Information Index

8 June 2011
Bucks, UK

Hi, all. This is Kaz from NSX Club of Britain.

I have been supporting many UK owners for several years now and over the course, wrote many posts on NSXCB site.

Over the years, several owners found it difficult to use the ‘search’ feature on the forum because it doesn’t allow the usage of too common or too short wording such as ‘abs’, ‘eps’, ‘o2’ etc.
Quite often, it’s easier to just use your favourite search engine (google, yahoo, bing, etc) and enter the search word(s) with site domain name.

Based on the requests from many owners, I have created the ‘Index’ for some of the common subjects covered in my posts on NSXCB site.

NSX Technical and Service Information Index

NSX Technical and Service Information Index 02

Inside the ‘NSX Technical and Service Information Index’ thread, you will find 'NSX Health Check Service thread back up without IMG files’.

If you extract the zip file, it will load nearly 570 posts in a single page on your web browser so you can use ‘Ctrl + F’ to search for the specific text.

Image files have been removed to speed up the loading of posts.

Once you have found the info, please make a note on the post number that you can find at the right top corner of each posts and then you can visit my original thread ‘NSX Health Check Service’ at 'Sticky' section of NSXCB Technical Forum to see all of the image files.

You may also find extra info through my Blog on NSXCB site.

My Blog on NSXCB site

These days, I’m focusing more on Blog than the Forum section on NSXCB site.

If you open one of the Blog entry, you will find Blog categories at the right side bar that will help in navigating through the blog.

You can also use tag search.

On Prime, you already have ‘NSX Wiki’ so my posts may not be of much use but if you are interested, please take a look at them.

Some of the information are very old and may not cover the latest ones or over the years, my view has changed and may not reflect my latest opinions but hope some of you will find them helpful.

Thank you.


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Kaz’s blog and posts should be required reading for everyone interested in preserving the long-term health of their NSX, in my opinion. His knowledge about the car and how it should be cared for is astounding. To quote a portion of his “about me” at the NSXCB, “ex-Honda R&D engineer with F1, Indy/CART background”. And thankfully for us, Kaz is sharing his knowledge and insights in English.
Hi Kaz,

As a person that also has performed well over 100 of these services, I can only say one thing: "My Compliments":)

Best Regards,
Once again Kaz manages to dazzle with fabulous information.
For those of you new to Kazs' in depth responses and information you might take the time to go to NSX C B and spend some time at his refresh threads and blogs.
You WILL learn much.

Also, Kaz was on the original design team at Honda with ALL the original idea men/engineers (of which he was one) for the NSX from inception through several production evolutions.
He has been helping me and many others over the years with the best information along with perforning above the level of prefection, hands on NSX maintenance for the lucky ones in the UK.
He IS the man !!
Thanks as always Kaz.

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It is a tiny little NSX world we live in. People like Kas make owning this car more than just a driving experience. It is the experience of Kas and others like Larry B. that help keep cars on the road. In most cases better support than Honda themselves! These types of guys are the future for support of our cars.

THANK YOU for your dedication and especially your personal experience and your willingness to share and document this valuable background.
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Thank you for the kind messages, everyone.

It’s nice to know that I am helping at least some of the owners in the world even if I haven’t met with them yet.

As mentioned by other members many times, Prime is fortunate to have the precious information from Larry B, BrianK, etc and then there are many Acura dealers and vendors providing the OEM/aftermarket parts at very competitive price that it is a great support for those doing DIY on their NSX.

I wish the parts price were similar to US here in the UK…… supply and demand, I guess.

As US and Japan have the most registered number of NSX but with quite big difference in driving conditions, it would be nice if we can share the wide variety of information through Prime and NSXCB site.

My main focus will be the blog and forum on NSXCB site but I’ll try to post on here to support some of the owners as well.

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