
24 July 2001
San Francisco, CA
I am caught in a decision of buying a supra or nsx. I kno some of you are ex supra owners and some of you are looking for one. please give your inputs on both cars. One thing i love about nsx's is its community. visiting nsxprime.com is much different then the supraforums.com where even the moderators are asses. Searching these forums under "Supras" makes me smile when reading some of the comments about supra onwners. My insurance quotes from my agent are about the same for both cars. Please dont say buy a nsx because you own one. Please help this dilema of mine.
I am a former 98 Supra TT owner (it was stolen) and a current 95 NSX-T owner. First, let me say that both cars are fantastic and you cannot go wrong either way. The vehicles have somewhat similar performance numbers give or take a few tenths of a second/MPH/g-forces. The bottom line is that they get to the same result but the experiences are quite different (not necessarily better or worse - just different). The NSX has the sound and feeling of a formula 1 race car where the Supra reminds me more of a jet fighter with the turbo whistle and after burner effect of the turbocharger. The engine placement contributes to the most significant difference in feel. Having the sound of the engine behind you and feeling the push through the back of your chest on hard acceleration is very different than the pull of a front engine/rear wheel drive car. The NSX has much better visibility than the Supra (or any exotic sports car for that matter). Breaking on the Supra feels a stronger and the steering on both cars are two of the best and both cars are wonderfully reliable and easily maintained. NSX's do go through tires faster so that will cost you more. I do not want to take up too much room here going through all the details so feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] for more. This topic has been covered in the Forum before so go ahead and do a search to get some other opinions. I would not completely agree with all comments listed but then again everyone has different perspectives based upon personal taste.

Have a great time making your decision!

'95 Green NSX-T
if you have some time before making a decision, I suggest you hold off till the Tokyo Auto show this fall. Very likely there will be a new, perhaps refreshed NSX with some horsepower/cosmetic improvements. The current model, except for minor engine upgrade and the T top is effectively a very dated model. It's still an attractive hi- performance and affordable model but not competitive if you plan to keep it for more than a few years. If you plan to buy used, then it is a good idea but buying new, I would hold off just to make sure you do not miss the best that is yet to come.
this fall. Very likely there will be a new, perhaps refreshed NSX

I wouldn't wager on that. Maybe at the shows next fall, not this fall though.

effectively a very dated model. It's still an attractive hi- performance and affordable model but not competitive

Let's see - the styling still turns heads everywhere, and you can count on the fingers of one hand the cars that are faster than the NSX. Doesn't seem dated or not competitive to me.

If you plan to buy used, then it is a good idea but buying new

I would assume he's thinking about buying a used one, since he's comparing it to a lower-priced car that was discontinued several years ago.

I would hold off just to make sure you do not miss the best that is yet to come.

There is one immutable fact of any field in which products are continually improving, whether it's cars, computers, etc: There is always going to be something better coming along if you want to sit back and wait for it. The problem with that is that you never get a chance to enjoy what's here, you're only spending your time not having what you want to enjoy. If you want a car now and can afford it now - be it a Supra or an NSX or whatever - then go for it now. And enjoy it. Life's too short.
Personal opinion, I bought my NSX for its looks, exclusivity, handling, reliability and the community. The more I researched about this car on NSXprime, the more I wanted it. I mean, it's not that rare(though rarer than corvette) to see Supra and there are 100gazillion 800HP supra....what's the fun in that? Sure, we all know Supra can be had and made fast a lot cheaper than NSX, but so can many other cars. try visiting www.nsxfiles.com for some fun stories about racing NSX.
I wouldn't wager on that. Maybe at the shows next fall, not this fall though.

I wouldn't count on that. Those damn birdies are getting awefully noisy, hehe.

-- Chris


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I bought my NSX for all the obvious reasons. One other reason I bought it (haven't heard it mentioned here) was the resale value. I beleive that the NSX will hold its value much longer than a supra will. Just my opinion.
You need to consider what your priorities are in an automobile when doing an apples to oranges comparison like Supra vs. NSX.

If you like fine things with fine workmanship - easy choice NSX. Pure power-to-weight ratio (after the readily available, requisite mods with aggregate price under new NSX) would argue for Viper, Z06 (400 HP next year, woo hoo!), Supra, RX7, whatever.

The NSX, in terms of quality/styling/performance is the Tiffany of cars, but unfortunately, the Acura brand doesn't quite carry the Tiffany cachet (as does Ferrari). So if you don't care about image but just enjoy the overall driving experience, go with the NSX. If you need to go really, really fast, buy an old NSX coupe, rework the engine and put in a big turbo.


95 Dinan M3 SC
95 BMW M3
Thank you for everybody's opinions. I haven't found any decent priced NSX's and found zero supra tt 6spd in my area for sale but a friend offered to sell me his supra. i test drove the car and I was not impressed. it was a 97 tt 6 spd. I expected a lot more from the car and the tranny had a light clunky sound between the shifts unless i shift very slow. the owner said all supras are like this and it is suppose to help you put it in gear. the car didn't feel very fast. The car just feels too sloppy for me. My old car was a '83 porsche 911 sc, so maybe i am just use to my old car. The blind spots on the supra are very hard to see and even if i turn my head, i find it still hard to see. I probably wasn't use to driving the car. i have never drove a NSX to compare it to the supra but wish i could. I compressioned tested the engine and the results were ok. I will most likely buy the supra if he accepts my offer. Good NSX's and Supras at decent prices are just too hard to find in my area.

[This message has been edited by NotTooFast (edited 01 August 2001).]
Originally posted by NotTooFast:
Thank you for everybody's opinions.<snip>i test drove the car and I was not impressed. <snip>I expected a lot more from the car and the tranny had a light clunky sound between the shifts <snip> the car didn't feel very fast. The car just feels too sloppy for me. <snip> The blind spots on the supra are very hard to see and even if i turn my head, i find it still hard to see.<snip> I will most likely buy the supra if he accepts my offer.

Let's see:
  • You were not impressed
  • You expected a lot more
  • The transmission was a disappointment
  • The car felt sloppy
  • You had large blind spots
  • You were not comfortable driving it
  • You're going to buy it anyway if the price is right

Yep, sounds like the perfect choice to me!

The NSX Model List Page
Originally posted by lemansnsx:
Let's see:
  • You were not impressed
  • You expected a lot more
  • The transmission was a disappointment
  • The car felt sloppy
  • You had large blind spots
  • You were not comfortable driving it
  • You're going to buy it anyway if the price is right

Yep, sounds like the perfect choice to me!

I agree and it also sounds like it was pushing it to own an NSX. Buying versus owning are two different things.